Chapter 178
There was a sudden knock on the door, and the three master and servant were shocked.

"Is Miss Gu Wu there? The old lady is from the Duke Protector's Mansion. Our old lady has invited Miss Gu. Please give her a favor."

Too bad, I really want to kill people.

Gu Fuyun raised his heart.

So Gu Fuyun said to Nanny Lu: "The name of Duke Huguo's Mansion, the little girl has heard of it a little in her boudoir, and she has long wanted to admire the old lady's demeanor. It's just that I have an appointment with Master Hongya right now, so I can't break my promise , I also ask Madam Haihan to say a few good words in front of the old lady for me. When I have time someday, I will kowtow to the old lady."

After Nanny Lu left, Gu Fuyun hurried to play chess with Master Hongya.

Grandmaster Hongya does not doubt that he is there, anyway his chess skills are only worthy of playing against a stinky chess piece like Gu Fuyun.

Gu Fuyun was in a mess because of something on her mind. Master Hongya thought she was feeling uncomfortable about giving Chu Rui acupuncture last night, so she didn't ask any more questions, and accompanied her to get confused very tolerantly.

It wasn't until Mrs. Chu came to ask Master Hongya to say goodbye that Gu Fuyun seemed to have come back to life.

"It turns out that the fifth girl is also there." Mrs. Chu came to ask Master Hongya to say goodbye and thank him. Seeing that Gu Fuyun was indeed here, she was relieved of the uneasiness that he refused to come to see her.

The little girl really kept her word.

Gu Fuyun's mind was full of pictures of old doctor Li who had died abnormally.This time when I saw Mrs. Chu, I felt that this kind-looking old woman was a wolf grandmother in human skin.And Chu Rui, who was following the old woman, was an evil ghost who would raise a knife to her at any time.

Facing Mrs. Chu's question, Gu Fuyun blessed Fushen very respectfully and politely: "Old lady is well."

Mrs. Chu said: "I really want to thank Fifth Miss for what happened last night. Dalang, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and thank Fifth Miss."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Old lady, I'm just joking, I'm a boudoir girl, I've never done anything, what is Chu Shizi thanking me for?"

Mrs. Chu thought she was being polite, so she smiled and said, "Fifth Miss does not leave a name for her good deeds. Thanks to Fifth Miss for helping her last night, otherwise..."

Gu Fuyun said with a straight face: "Did the old lady make a mistake? I didn't do anything last night."

"Fifth Miss..." Mrs. Chu was stunned, and when she saw Gu Fuyun's clear expression, she understood.The little girls don't care about their thanks, and don't even mention them.What a smart little girl.He doesn't regard himself as Dalang's savior and repay him with kindness, and he doesn't feel resentful because he saved Dalang in the past but was rewarded with revenge and divorced.

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "The old lady probably remembered wrongly, the little girl just gave the old lady a plate of snacks last night, the old lady and the son thought it was good, so they came to ask me for some more, it was just a little effort How can I deserve the old lady's special thanks? Isn't it?"

"Well, Fifth Miss is right." Since the little girl didn't want to mention what happened last night, Mrs. Chu no longer forced herself to talk about snacks.

"If the old lady likes it, next time I have a chance, I will make some for the old lady to try."

"That's very good, thank you very much." Mrs. Chu, who had prepared a lot of things to say, couldn't say anything at this time, and could only chat with Gu Fuyun for a few words before turning to the main topic Now, bid farewell to Master Hongya and thank you.

"Dalang's matter is thanks to Master..."

Master Hongya calmly said: "Madam, you are being polite, but it is just a few plates of snacks, I cannot afford to thank you personally."

"..." Mrs. Chu was stunned again, and immediately thought that Master Hongya is a high-spirited monk.Gu Wu's treatment of his grandson last night really hurt the girl's reputation, the best way is to rot in the stomach and pretend not to know.

Thinking about it this way, Mrs. Chu talked about dim sum in a polite manner.

Looking at the grandmother and Master Hongya who opened their eyes and talked nonsense, Chu Rui was suddenly heartbroken.

Looking at Gu Fuyun Tingtingyu standing on the side, looking like a bystander as if nothing had happened, Chu Rui is more than just heartbroken, it's just a word of "sorrow".

After chatting with Grandmaster Hongya for a few words, Mrs. Chu bid farewell, and Grandmaster Hongya saw him off in person.

When Master Hongya came back, Gu Fuyun couldn't wait to ask: "Gone?"


The dark clouds that weighed on his heart were suddenly removed, Gu Fuyun's sun was shining brightly, his whole body was full of energy, and he waved his little hand: "Master, let's continue."


Chu Rui helped Mrs. Chu go down the mountain. The morning sun shone through the thick leaves, and the dignified expressions of the grandparents and grandchildren were frozen like statues under the mottled light and shadow.

There was a turn ahead, but Chu Rui supported the old lady and continued to walk straight forward. If the old lady hadn't stopped, Chu Rui would have rolled down the mountain with his grandmother.

Chu Rui came back to his senses, looked at the hillside that was only half a step away, and broke out in a cold sweat.

"What are you thinking? The road is hard to walk." Mrs. Chu complained, but for the excitement that appeared on her grandson's face and the ferocity that flashed from time to time, she could more or less guess what this kid was going to do, so she warned, "He is already engaged Well, you better save it. Besides, people don't care about you at all." Gu Fuyun's attitude last night and today is enough to explain everything.

People don't care about their rewards at all.

Chu Rui pursed his lips, and said unconvinced: "It's just an engagement, and it's not married yet."

Mrs. Chu had thought of this for a long time, and said, "It's easy to get engaged, but it's hard to break off an engagement. Unless there's a legitimate reason."

Mrs. Chu warned: "We have already failed her. You must not use your means on the little girl, or I will break your leg."

Chu Rui hurriedly said: "Grandmother is worrying too much, is grandson like that?"


Gu Fuyun played chess with Grandmaster Hongya all day long, each winning or losing, until Qinghong said helplessly to Gu Fuyun: "Master Jiang Biao just sent Duanyan to ask the servants if it's time for dinner. "Looking at the pieces on the chessboard that haven't been moved for a long time, the skill of the girl and Grandmaster Hong Ya is really shocking.Regarding their behavior of selling mutton and dog meat, as a personal maid, what else can I do except keep my mouth shut?
It was only then that Gu Fuyun realized that so much time had passed while only focusing on playing chess with Master Hongya.In Hongya's territory, there is no shortage of heart and belly, but Gu Yuanshan and Jiang Yan are probably hungry.

The ancients usually had two meals a day. They ate breakfast at around seven in the morning, ate some snacks in the middle, and had dinner at three in the afternoon. It was past dinner time, no wonder Jiang Yan couldn't sit still.

Only when he returned to the yard, he found that Gu Yuanshan was not there. After inquiring, he found out that Gu Yuanshan was dragged away by Chu Rui halfway.

"...Brother Dingyu and I were admiring the calligraphy left by the great Confucians of the past at the Wangshan Pavilion, when we met Prince Chu. Prince Chu said he wanted to ask Brother Dingyu for help, so he took Brother Dingyu and left. Until now Come back." Jiang Yan was very upset, obviously the two were chatting and laughing, while admiring the beautiful lines of the poems, while talking about poetry and prose, it was very comfortable, but Chu Rui wanted to come out to disrupt the situation.

Mingming and the fifth cousin both retired, and the second cousin greeted Chu Rui with a cold face. This Chu Rui is really thick-skinned, and I hate it when I see it.

(End of this chapter)

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