Chapter 179: Fresh and Refined
Gu Fuyun frowned: "Why does Chu Rui ask Second Brother for help?" He was also a little worried, for fear that Chu Rui would tell Second Brother about his rescue.

"Cousin Jiang, do you know where the second elder brother is now?"

Jiang Yan pointed to the road leading up the mountain: "It goes up from here, it is said that it is called Qingyunxuan."

Isn't that the wing room where Chu Rui is?
Gu Fuyun was worried that Chu Rui would not keep his promise and spread the news of last night everywhere, so Gu Yuanshan came down.Gu Fuyun's expression was complicated, and he looked up and down this girl with a thoughtful look.

Gu Fuyun was furiously stared at by him, took half a step back, and said angrily: "What is the second brother looking at me like that? Then why is Chu Rui looking for the second brother for no reason?"

"It's nothing, I just asked me to do him a favor, but this task is too tricky, so I didn't accept it." Gu Yuanshan quickly changed the subject, "My dear sister, have you made dinner yet? Brother, I'm hungry."

Gu Fuyun rolled his eyes at him: "I'm making it, if you want to eat, come in and help me."

Gu Yuanshan said seriously: "Is the kitchen a place for men to enter?"

Gu Fuyun turned his head, smiling very much: "Second elder brother is a scholar, in order to avoid getting into the kitchen, he can quote the famous names of the ancients. But the sage also said: governing a big country is like cooking small fish. Second elder brother has read the books of sages since he was a child. Is it a gentleman who cooks far away, or is it better to govern a big country if you enjoy small fish?"

Gu Yuanshan was dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he said resentfully: "You girl, if I tell you one thing, you just wait for me with ten or eight sentences."

Gu Fuyun snorted softly and said: "What I hate the most is you people who are devoted to reading sage books. When you read them over and over again, you will only take the meaning out of context, and everyone will read it in a roundabout way. It's just because a gentleman can't bear to kill. Mencius Fang comforts and persuades. Now it has become the reason for you scholars to avoid the kitchen. If Mencius was alive, he would be so angry that he would die of anger. I, a woman, know the truth, but there is no reason that the second brother does not understand. The six arts of a gentleman are king in ancient times. But no matter how powerful a gentleman is, if he is in trouble, relying on the six arts he has learned, can he really keep his stomach full and not hungry?"

Jiang Yan was dumbfounded, then cupped his hands and said, "My cousin is right, I'll be taught."

Because Gu Yuanshan is Gu Fuyun's biological elder brother, he still wants to die: "Second sister's words are quite reasonable, but they are not entirely true. Even the kitchen requires men to enter, so what do you women do? Since ancient times, men are heaven, women Yes, cooking is a woman's business, how can a man be allowed to enter the kitchen? Where does this make a man's dignity go?"

Gu Fuyun smiled slightly: "It seems that the second elder brother is not confident yet. A confident man can feel at ease even if he is asked to do the laundry and cook, and to be a humble servant. A person who can't let go of his figure is just trying to save face. It's like a Ordinary rich people must wear brocade clothes, for fear of being looked down upon. If you change to a rich man, you will be clothed in common clothes, and you will walk calmly. Second brother, it is in vain that you have studied sage books for many years, and you have not jumped out of the mirror of a gentleman who has no desires. It seems that the second brother still has a lot to learn."

Gu Yuanshan pointed at Gu Fuyun, with a helpless expression on his face: "I'm so eloquent at such a young age, I don't know...whether my future sister-in-law will be blessed."

Gu Fuyun shrugged: "Whether your future sister-in-law will be blessed is his business. I only know that a person's fortune must be earned by himself besides his mother's family. A man..." His voice was drawn out, his gaze Glancing around, he fixed on Gu Yuanshan again, "It's the most unreliable."

Gu Yuanshan sighed, and said: "Forget it, I can't talk to you. You and my brothers and sisters, it doesn't matter what you say in front of my brother, but if you are still so eloquent in your in-law's family, your in-law's family will definitely not like it."

Gu Fuyun said seriously: "I'm just reasoning based on the facts, and I'm not messing around. If my defense is considered to be trickery, then such an in-law's family shouldn't let it go."

Gu Yuanshan turned pale with shock, and angrily reprimanded: "It's getting worse and worse, who taught you these words? You are a girl, how can you be so frivolous?"

Gu Fuyun smiled softly: "What kind of anger is second elder brother? My sister, I just have more opinions than ordinary women, so why can't second elder brother tolerate it? Could it be that second elder brother wants his own sister to live in his in-law's house?" Submissive? Seek perfection after being wronged, and swallow your anger?"

Gu Yuanshan hesitated, and finally said dejectedly: "It's not that you want to swallow your anger and accept it, but just be a little softer?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Yes, I listened to the second brother, if you want to be soft, you should be soft. Here, Qing'e should be cooking soon, I have to go to cook. The kitchen is full of oily smoke, and the oil is flying everywhere. Second brother You are a gentleman, so don't go in. Help me put down the bowls and chopsticks."

Gu Yuanshan and Jiang Yan entered the hall one after the other, Gu Yuanshan walked behind, and before entering the courtyard gate, he looked back at a certain place, with an indescribable expression on his face.

When the courtyard door was closed again, two people slowly stood up from the place where Gu Yuanshan had glanced over, they were Chu Rui and Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing rubbed his chin, which was almost closed due to excessive shock, and said to Chu Rui: "This Gu Wu... is really... eloquent. Gu Dingyu, a dignified scholar, was too refuted to dare to answer back. "His family's grandson has always been clumsy and tongue-tied, and he probably won't be an opponent.Suddenly, Zhou Qing felt that the son should stay away from Gu Wu.Don't look at Shizi's seven-foot high-spirited man, he has never straightened his back in front of Gu Wu.

Looking at the closed courtyard door, thinking about Gu Wu's words just now, Chu Rui couldn't help laughing.

"As expected of the woman I'm looking for, she's just so strong. Just by opening her mouth, she can blow people away."

Zhou Qing stroked his forehead secretly, and howled in his heart: It's over, it's over, the son is hopeless.

Chu Rui suddenly turned his eyes sideways, and said coldly: "Also, Gu Wu is the one you can call?"

Zhou Qing was startled, and quickly slapped himself on the mouth: "I know I was wrong, it should be Miss Gu Wu."


After dinner, the sky was gradually darkened.

Shuqing came in to light the lamp, and led the maid to clean up the dining table.

Jiang Yan said to Gu Fuyun: "My cousin is good at chess, and I would like to ask for some advice. I wonder if I can ask my cousin for advice?"

Gu Yuanshan, who was drinking tea, almost spit out the tea in his mouth.

Gu Fuyun waved his hand and said, "My chess skills are indeed shocking, and I am not at the same level as Cousin Jiang."

This time, Gu Yuanshan really sprayed tea, pointed at the girl and shouted: "Even if you put gold on your face, it's not like this."

Gu Fuyun glared at him: "Metaphor, don't you understand countermetaphor? You're still a scholar, and you don't have any sense of humor." He said to Jiang Yan, who looked swollen, "I made Cousin Jiang laugh."

Jiang Yan "uh" for a long time, and then said: "Cousin's chess skills..."

Gu Yuanshan sighed and said, "Cousin, my sister said it just now, it's a metaphor."

Suddenly, Jiang Yan twitched the corners of his lips, imagining that he was embarrassed to smile, and finally had to say: "I didn't expect my cousin to talk so funny."

Gu Yuanshan said: "That's right, to be able to describe your bad chess skills in such a fresh and refined way, is a great experience for a brother."

Gu Fuyun looked sideways, as expected of a scholar, he is really good at learning and applying it.

(End of this chapter)

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