Chapter 180 Cornucopia

Jiang Yan seemed to discover a new world: "Fresh and refined? It's really a good word." Then he paused and said, "Fresh and off-the-wall, it should refer to people or things, beautiful and unconventional. Brother Dingyu used this word as In terms of my cousin's chess skills, is there something..." After all, I didn't say "nondescript".

Gu Yuanshan bowed his head and pondered for a moment, then said: "The fifth younger sister also said just now that it is a metaphor. Since the metaphor is used, the beautiful word "fresh and refined" has become a means of contrast and irony."

Jiang Yan savored the product again, nodded in agreement, and praised: "Brother Dingyu really has a set of words and sentences for condemnation, brother Yu has been taught."

Gu Yuanshan blushed slightly, couldn't help but look at Gu Fuyun, struggled in his heart for a moment, and then said: "My cousin thinks too highly of me, it was the fifth younger sister who said that."

Faced with Jiang Yan's astonishment, Gu Fuyun was also surprised: "Looking at your virtues, you are worthy of being scholars. A leaf, a stone, and a mountain flower are all full of poetic and picturesque charm in the eyes of you scholars." But I was thinking, the word fresh and refined, it seems that it has never appeared in ancient books.

Gu Yuanshan said: "Tomorrow we are going back, so go to sleep early. Cousin Yan, let's go and rest."

Regardless of Jiang Yan's objection, he dragged Jiang Yan away.

Jiang Yan was very helpless, it was only dark this day, so he couldn't sleep well.

Gu Yuanshan said solemnly: "Go to Master Hongya to discuss Buddhist scriptures."


Since he was going home early tomorrow, there would be a delay of four or five hours on the way, so the next day, Gu Fuyun got up early and led the maids to get busy.In addition to preparing breakfast, I also prepared food to eat on the road.This time, Gu Yuanshan was ordered to accompany his sister to the Great Buddha Temple. The coachman, his own servant, eight guards, four maids, plus Jiang Yan's master and servant were a total of seventeen people. The expenses along the way were not a small sum.Although brothers and sisters have money in their hands, they can eat out halfway.But when you are away from home, it is not convenient to be at home. It is the best policy to be prepared.

But Gu Yuanshan, who was eager to return home, kept his face dark the whole time, until Gu Fuyun carried all his things into the car, and then he scolded him all the way.

Jiang Yan had no choice but to speak for Gu Fuyun, saying: "It is a good thing to be prepared when you are away from home. You should always bring food and clothing, and bring an umbrella with you. They are left by the ancestors, so there is a reason for that. Brother Dingyu, don't worry about it." Blame my cousin again."

Gu Yuanshan also has his own opinion: "When I went out, I missed the tip because of this girl's delay. This time, as long as I set off according to the prescribed time for the return journey, I will be able to arrive home in the afternoon, clean up, and still be in time for dinner. Even if there are It won't affect anything except for the delay. Look at her, she wasted nearly an hour for no reason, and she is thankful for being able to arrive at the house before dinner."

Gu Fuyun didn't know that her elder brother, who was obviously a scholar, had been made into a budget-minded temperament by the family's thrifty style.She just thinks that if you bring clothes and food frequently, you will be prepared for the road.

Seeing that Gu Yuanshan's eyes were not eyes, and his nose was not his nose, Shu Qing whispered to Gu Fuyun, "Second Master probably felt sorry for going home late, so he had to pay for food out of his own pocket."

Gu Fuyun was shocked: "Isn't there no separation? Why do you have to pay for the meal yourself?" Gu Fuyun, who had traveled through ancient times for only half a year, didn't know much about the rules of the Gu family.

Shuqing explained in a low voice: "The rules are set by the old lady. The kitchen will be rationed according to the number of masters at home, and try not to waste it. Once the meal time is over, if you want to make the kitchen do something else, it will not only mobilize the teachers, but also will not There are too many choices, and you have to spend extra money to reward the kitchen. Therefore, if you want to not spend your own private money, every house owner will go home on time."

Gu Fuyun didn't take it seriously: "It's just a meal, how much can I pay out of my own pocket?" Gu Fuyun, who has only earned a large sum of money, has a strong waist and thick hands, and he can swallow mountains and rivers.

Shuqing said: "My girl, you are born with good fortune and good fortune. Naturally, you don't miss the money for food. But except for the uncle, the rest of the family, including the second master, are all I live on my official allowance. If I fail to go back at mealtime, the food for the accompanying guards, coachmen, maids, and servants will have to be paid by the second master. The second master also lives on the monthly allowance from the official. Yes. The second master has a wife and children, and he still needs to make friends, greet and send off. In terms of money, he must not be too rich. Can you not be careful? The girl missed the departure time, and if she missed the meal , the second master has to pay for it himself. Can you not be angry with the girl?"

Gu Fuyun really didn't know the various rules of the Gu family, and couldn't help but feel sorry for her second brother, thinking that this time the second brother went out with her, contracted the expenses on the road, and the rewards from the coachmen and guards, although the Great Buddha Temple For the accommodation and expenses, because she and Master Hongya are "chess friends", she didn't collect any money, but during this trip, Gu Fuyun was well-earned, while Gu Yuanshan's pockets were exhausted.

But Gu Fuyun wouldn't rush to hand over the money just because she felt sorry for her second brother, but made up her mind to buy a few sets of toys for her little nephew and one or two ornaments for her second sister-in-law when she got back.Not only to please my sister-in-law, but also to repay Gu Yuanshan who accompanied me on this trip.

Although he understood his second elder brother, Gu Fuyun still couldn't believe it. Although Bo Zhilu was below the marquis, he was above the first rank. His rank and honor were all on par with the marquis, and the earl was more important.When the Duke enters, he can take part in the five mansions and the six armies, and when he leaves, he can take the seal of the general as the commander-in-chief and govern Cao Gang. Although he can't lead the affairs of the nine ministers, the noble son of the Earl's mansion will actually plan carefully for money .Although the Gu family didn't have much say in the court, the hereditary Earl's title was not a small amount of salary and salary every year.

Shu Qing stayed by the old lady's side for several years, and she was quite familiar with the economic situation of the uncle's house, so she said: "The old lady has always practiced strict frugality, and the monthly bills of each house are still enough for spending. As long as you don't buy an opera today, tomorrow It's absolutely fine for my son to spend time with friends and spend time with her friends. The second master should be able to get by, even the second mistress, and there were many dowries back then. It's just that the second master has always been low-key and pragmatic, and never showed off."

Only then did Gu Fuyun let out a sigh of relief. Among the brothers and sisters, he was the only one with a strong waist, and the brothers and sisters were all poor and clinking.

Master Hongya is worthy of being a famous Buddhist monk who has attained the Tao. Among the people, even high-ranking officials and aristocrats, everyone who believes in Buddhism enjoys a high reputation.In Gu Fuyun's words: A super big V in the Buddhist world can make headlines in Beijing with over [-] million clicks, tens of millions of reposts, and millions of reposts. The marketing effect is still good, and the publicity is also appropriate.

After Grandmaster Hongya personally appeared to transcend the souls of the dead, it made a huge impact. The two shops that Gu Fuyun bought soon attracted many people to inquire.Gu Fuyun, a lady in the boudoir, felt inappropriate to meet a foreigner in person, so she asked Mrs. Qiao to help her.

The shackles a married woman suffers are not as many as those of a lady in the boudoir.Knowing that her daughter is so capable, she not only ate the shop in Wang Street at a low price, but also invited Master Hongya to come forward in person, with honor, she was very pleased, and Mrs. Qiao happily went.Not long after, after various selections, a well-known and well-known firm was finally selected. This firm specializes in all kinds of good goods scavenged from all over the country, and the business is very good. The shop is only for semicolons.The behind-the-scenes owner is strong and reputable, so there is no reason not to rent it.

Holding the silver taels, Qiao came to her daughter's yard with a buoyant pace, and handed over a lease contract and three bank notes to her daughter, even with a fluttering voice: "The contract has been signed. The other party signed it in one go. For five years, I rented a shop for [-] taels of silver, with an increase of [-]% every three years. This is the rent collected this year, a total of [-] taels, paid every six months."

Hey, with a cost of 20 taels of silver, the annual return is as high as [-]%, and the store will continue to increase in value. It is simply a cornucopia, is there any?
(End of this chapter)

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