Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 187 The Honor and the Family

Chapter 187 The Honor and the Family

The next day, when the girls paid their respects to the old lady, the old lady looked at their clothes and was very satisfied, because they were attending a birthday party, the clothes were mainly bright, and there were not many beads, which was more ingenious.Clothes are not made of expensive fabrics, but are tailored to fit and fashionable in style.Even if it is not full of pearls and emeralds, it is not so simple that it is shabby. It is very in line with the low-key line of the Gu family, and the girl is lively and mischievous amidst her prudence and dignity.

Mrs. Gu nodded in satisfaction, praised a few words, and then told the girls to be cautious in their words and deeds, do not be rude when indecent, ignore inappropriate words, do not join in the fun, and do not gossip.Even if you want to pay respects, try not to place orders.Waterside pavilions, towers, rockeries, and remote places that are vulnerable to plots should be avoided as much as possible.Especially Gu Fuyun, Mrs. Gu solemnly told her again: "Especially Fifth Girl. Grandmother hopes that you have learned a lesson once, and you shouldn't make the same mistakes again."

Gu Fuyun said: "Grandmother, don't worry, granddaughter promises not to embarrass you." I also want to avenge the shame and get back the lost face.


As the only direct niece in the world, the status of Jiahe county master in the clan is no less than that of Jiaoyang princess, and she is of course one of the best in the circle of top noble girls.But Jiahe County Lord's birthday banquet didn't invite many people. Including Gu Xiaoyun who went through the back door, there were only 13 people in total.

Except for a few girls from the Gu family, the rest of the noble ladies are all from top-notch families. Except for the noble daughters of Princess Jiaoyang and Ninghe County, the rest are either daughters of princes or marquises, or young ladies from wealthy families with distinguished status.Although the Gu Fuyun sisters also came from the Earl's Mansion, but in the Yongningbo Mansion where the court has been marginalized, there is still a big gap with these real powerful families.

Therefore, these noble ladies were somewhat surprised to see the Gu family sisters in the Princess's mansion.

Wang Jingqin smiled to a girl beside her, "Relax, even someone like Gu Wu can come, why can't you come? Anyway, my cousin is from Jiangnan Lin's family. She's no worse than them."

Since the Tang Dynasty, most of the aristocratic families have declined. After the Song Dynasty, most of the aristocratic families are scholarly disciples with in-laws all over the country. After people manage it, they can be called aristocratic families.

The aristocratic family has its own arrogance, and the nobility that comes out of the bones is not comparable to power and money. The wealth of these aristocratic families is not about the preciousness of clothing or the rarity of BMWs, but the ink in their stomachs, the glory of the family, and the pride of the clan. noble.

Wang Jingqin comes from a Wang family in the south of the Yangtze River, which is well-known in the official circles. His grandfather has been ranked in the six divisions and nine ministers, his father has been released, and his elder brother is about to become an official. He also has intertwined relationships with the family in the capital. , Properly famous lady.

Lin Xue and Wang Jingqin are cousins, both from a well-known family in the south of the Yangtze River, but in terms of family influence, they are naturally inferior to this cousin Wang Jingqin.This time I lived at my grandfather's house again, although I was brought into the circle of noble women by Carpenter Wang Jing, the noble women's gorgeous bead decorations and the style of embracing each other made me feel a little inferior.Counting carefully, among the many noble ladies present, she is the one with the lowest status and the most shabby clothes.

It's a pity that the clothes and accessories I bought by gritting my teeth are just the clothes of the maids around the noble ladies.

Until the appearance of the Gu family sisters, Lin Xuefang felt fortunate that "finally he was not at the bottom".

The sisters of the Gu family greeted each other with everyone. Although the noble ladies did not look down on the marginalized Gu family, the master had to give face, and the noble daughters could not lose their upbringing, and greeted them politely.

Lin Xue quickly flicked across the beads on the heads of the Gu family sisters and the clothes on their bodies, and finally had a place to put her tense hands and feet.When it was her turn, she smiled very gently and said, "I'm Xue Lin. I'm from the Lin family in Hangzhou, and I'm currently living in my grandfather's house."

Gu Fuyun didn't know this person, so he still blessed Fushenzhi, and said: "Sister Lin, my surname is Gu, and I just call me Gu Wu. This is my third sister Xiaoyun, fourth sister Youyun, and sixth sister Shu Yun, Seventh Sister Qingyun."

Looking at the five sisters of the Gu family, although the clothes are bright, there is still a big gap compared with the other noble girls who are either inlaid with a hundred treasure headdresses or covered in gold makeup and brocade.Even the cloak on his body is just ordinary brocade velvet, and he is a gray fox spliced ​​cloak anyway.Lin Xue smiled more generously, and calmly greeted the Gu family sisters.

When Gu Fuyun was talking to other noble girls, Lin Xue hurriedly asked Wang Jingqin: "Why are all their family and sisters here?" Didn't it mean that the Jiahe county magistrate has an aloof personality and a clean-eyed look?

Wang Jingqin pursed her lips and said, "The eldest daughter of the Gu family married the second son of the eldest princess. The Gu family and the Zhao family are real in-laws."

It turned out that relying on nepotism, Lin Xue became more calm.

Ning and the county magistrate waited for everyone to finish their introductions, and then said to Gu Fuyun, "Why are you here now? We've already written a round of poems."

Last time in the Ningguo Mansion, together with Ninghe county lord against the moralist Zhou Wanying, and the white lotus Lin Yarou, they have formed a deep friendship and are familiar with each other.

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "There is no way, we have only one carriage, it is still an old horse, it can't run fast, it can't compare to your three luxurious carriages."

The head of Jiahe county pursed his lips and smiled, "You're coaxing us again. Whether it's a solo driver or a third driver, they all run at about the same speed. Gu Wu, just admit that you were too late to stay in bed."

Gu Fuyun knew that Jiahe county master had a sharp mouth, so he just smiled and said: "Today is the county master's birthday, and I don't have anything to give, so I just made my own blush and powdered makeup, do you still like it? "

The makeup of women in the Dasheng Dynasty included rouge, that is, blush. Currently, "peach blossom makeup" and "wine halo makeup" are popular.Pick off the whole red and blue flower when it blooms, and then put it in a stone bowl and pestle it repeatedly. The petals of the red and blue flower contain red and yellow pigments.Rouge is an indispensable final step in makeup.The noble ladies of the Dasheng Dynasty generally used "pearl powder" extracted from white jasmine kernels, and then dyed with safflower juice.Gu Fuyun, who is used to modern blush, doesn't like the brightly red rouge of this era, so he figured out a way by himself, using hollyhock flowers to add crimson, black bean skin, pomegranate, mountain flowers, and Sapphire, etc., from which traditional Chinese medicines can be extracted The natural red pigment is made into powder, just use a brush to dip a little, and gently brush on the cheeks for a few times, and the skin will be pink and tender.Tried it myself, the effect is not bad.Take it as a birthday present to the Jiahe County Lord.

Although it took some time, at least it didn't cost much money, it was just labor.

And the maids in her room are useless.

The Jiahe county magistrate knew that Gu Fuyun liked to tinker with strange things, and seeing that the makeup on her face was really pretty, he opened the box with interest, wiped some on his fingertips, and said with a smile: "Well, not bad, The color is lighter than my usual rouge, but this color is like peach blossom. What is this for?" Picking up a small brush in the box.

Gu Fuyun explained: "The brush is used to apply rouge."

"Can rouge still be applied on the face?" The county magistrate of Jiahe curiously took a brush and dipped some rouge on the back of his hand. The color was even and it was more convenient than applying it by hand. You'll figure it out."

 There is only one update tonight, continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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