Chapter 188 Storytelling

"As long as the county magistrate likes it." Gu Fuyun said with a smile.

Seeing that there was a box in Gu Fuyun's maidservant's hand, the county magistrate of Jiahe pointed to it and asked, "What is this?"

"Same as you, it's all my homemade rouge, but I gave this to my eldest sister." Gu Fuyun smiled at the county magistrate Jiahe, "I'll go and see my eldest sister first, and I'll be here in a while."

Miss Gu's family is married to Zhao Lin, the second son of Princess Anyang, and she already has a son.Living in the south of the Princess Mansion, there is a courtyard with seven doors and three entrances. It is magnificent, and the courtyard alone is half the size of the Gu family.

Knowing that the sisters came to visit him, Gu Xianyun quickly put down his work and received the sisters.She and Gu Shuyun and Gu Qingyun are direct sisters, so they are naturally more enthusiastic than sisters Gu Xiaoyun.But he didn't neglect the sisters of the second and third bedrooms, and asked the maid to serve tea and snacks, and asked with a smile, "Is it Jiahe who posted the post for you?"

Gu Shuyun glanced at Gu Fuyun, and said with a smile: "Well, we sisters are all lucky to attend the county magistrate's birthday party thanks to the blessing of Fifth Sister." So they were also very self-aware and did not steal Gu Fuyun's limelight.

Gu Xianyun turned his head to Gu Fuyun and said with a smile, "After three days' farewell, you should look at her with admiration, Fifth Sister."

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Gu Fuyun felt that Gu Xianyun had a faint dislike for him. After thinking about it, he was relieved. He and Chu Rui both fell into the water when they attended the little nephew's full moon banquet, which caused such a big discussion , It is estimated that this big sister will not be able to step down from the stage, right?
Gu Fuyun, who re-entered the Princess Anyang's Mansion, originally wanted to regain the lost face, so he said with a smile: "No way, it's obviously thanks to the big sister."

This remark made Gu Xianyun quite useful, and thought that it was because of the fifth younger sister that sister-in-law's attitude towards her had improved a lot, so he laughed and said, "Since you are here to participate in Jiahe's birthday, it's not good for me Stay longer, go quickly, don't make people wait too long."

So the five sisters got up quickly and bid farewell to Gu Xiuyun.

Gu Xiuyun personally sent the younger sisters to the door, looking at the younger sisters who were all dressed in brocade velvet and hooded capes, and frowned slightly.

Gu Xiaoyun smiled at Gu Xianyun and said, "It's cold outside, big sister stay behind."

Gu Xiuyun had already been served by the maidservants, and put on a squirrel fur-trimmed bucket-pattern cloak with icing on top of it, a gorilla scarlet crane cloak, gathered the thick crane cloak, touched the brocade cloak on Gu Xiaoyun and Gu Shuyun, and said: "Why? It’s all brocade? I’m afraid the weather is not very warm.” Not even a fur collar, and it’s too shabby.The mother is also true, no matter how diligent and thrifty she is in managing the house, but the girls' travel clothes should be more energetic.

Gu Xiaoyun smiled and said: "It's not the coldest season yet, but it's not cold." It's not that they don't have Da Mao's cloak, but they don't think the weather is too cold, so there's no need to wear it.

Gu Xiuyun told the maid beside him: "Didn't the second master ask someone to carry a box of fox skins back before? Choose a few whole skins, which look good, and let the younger sisters take them back later, and make a cloak each."

Gu Shuyun hurriedly laughed and said, "How can I make big sister spend money?"

Gu Xiuyun smiled and said: "Sisters in the family, why are you being polite? These leathers are all given by others, and I can't wear them all. I just gave them to my sisters to make cloaks, so I can make the most of them."

It can be seen that Gu Xiuyun is indeed living a life of gold and jade in her husband's house.

But Gu Xiaoyun smiled and rejected Gu Xianyun's good intentions, "It's a blessing for the younger sisters to love us. It's just that we don't dare to take these skins. Why don't the elder sisters put them away and make them for the little nephew in the future?" A few furs, wouldn't it be easier?"

Gu Fuyun also smiled and said: "Yes, we are here to celebrate the birthday of the Jiahe County Lord, and we are here to visit Eldest Sister. How can I let Eldest Sister spend money?" Thanks to Gu Xiaoyun's reminder, otherwise, if you want these skins, outsiders They also said that they came to the eldest princess's mansion to play the autumn wind.

Hearing what Gu Fuyun said, Gu Xiuyun stopped insisting, and personally sent everyone to the gate before returning to the house.

Back in the house, Gu Xiuyun couldn't hold back anymore and said to the nanny: "Mother, it's true, our family can't survive anymore. Why don't we wear big hair for our sisters on such occasions?" Noble lady, which one is not a big fur cloak, but her natal girls are wearing brocade cloaks, which are too shabby.


Back at Fangfei Pavilion, the noble ladies are listening to Lin Xue telling stories.

When Lin Xue came to Beijing from Hangzhou, she was talking about all kinds of interesting things along the way to Beijing. These girls who didn't leave the door and didn't leave the door, listened with great interest.

As soon as the Gu family sisters stepped into the house, Ning and the county master greeted with a smile: "You are finally back, come here, sit here with me, I have something to ask you."

Gu Fuyun sat down next to her in an obedient manner, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter?"

"I haven't finished listening to the supernatural story you told last time, let's continue."

Gu Fuyun knew that he didn't have any ink in his stomach, and he couldn't participate in the cultural salon to even get acquainted, so he told everyone about an online article "Ghosts and Gods Love Soft Food" that he had read in his previous life.After some improvement of my own, I changed the modern background to the ancient background. It is about a poor student who made a mistake, and all kinds of strange things happened after he worked part-time as a ghost while studying. Face, there are all kinds of god reversal, and there are certain humorous and ironic effects.

Most importantly, this male protagonist kills all directions in the underworld. He is the darkest hooligan in the underworld, but he is quite low-key in the underworld.The heroine is a lady from a wealthy family. The identities of the two parties do not match, but the hero eats soft rice openly. He also claims that the soft rice tastes really delicious and refreshing. Tooth itching.Gu Fuyun likes this novel very much, and has read it several times. She has a good memory, and she can't memorize it fluently, but the general story is still deep in her mind, and she tells it logically.I am so dazed by these ladies who even make a novel what it is.Last time at Ninghe's county lord, I only talked about it at the beginning, and it made everyone fascinated.

With Ninghe's interruption, Princess Jiaoyang and Jiahe, who had heard Gu Fuyun's story, also told Gu Fuyun to tell it quickly.Lin Xue, who was interrupted, naturally couldn't continue talking, and was even quite embarrassed.

Anyone who is interrupted while speaking will be upset, even embarrassed.

I don't know whether Ninghe county magistrate, a noble girl who has been trained in strict etiquette, did it on purpose or not.

Fortunately, Gu Fuyun still took care of Miss Lin's emotions, so he smiled at everyone: "Okay, after Miss Lin finishes telling the story, I will continue to tell everyone."

Ninghe county magistrate casually said: "Miss Lin, please continue." There was obvious perfunctory in the words.

(End of this chapter)

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