Chapter 189

Lin Xue bit her lip. She was already delicate in her mind, and she was good at observing her face. How could she not understand that Ning and the County Lord should not be interested in her story, so she became more and more embarrassed.She is from the Jiangnan clan. She is sixteen this year. Because her grandfather is one of the six tribes and nine ministers, she is also a proper noble family in the imperial capital.Her father wanted her to marry in the imperial capital.After coming to the imperial capital for only half a year, Lin Xue was active in various banquets in the imperial capital under the leadership of her grandmother, aunt, or cousin.There are noble factions in the civil service circle, and hedonistic factions in the noble circle, and naturally there are also comparison factions in the powerful circle.Lin Xue's shadow can be seen in the flower appreciation party, poetry party and tea party held by the ladies themselves, as well as the cultural salon held by the noble ladies.On such an occasion, she herself deliberately showed herself, and after half a year, she had established a reputation as a talented woman in the imperial capital.

It was the first time for Lin Xue, who had always followed the line of aristocratic nobles, to participate in a circle of top-notch noble girls like the head of Jiahe County.She wanted to rely on her three tricks to win the approval of the noble ladies, but Ning and the county head interrupted her.

Even though Gu Fuyun took care of her face and asked her to continue talking, Lin Xue, whose inspiration was interrupted, couldn't continue talking.

Ning He County Chief said: "Miss Lin is finished, right? Gu Wu, hurry up, it's your turn."

Lin Xue: "..."

The Lord Jiahe ordered the servant girl to serve tea, and said to Gu Wu, "I know you like to drink Biluochun, so I prepared it for you."

Gu Wu smiled and said: "The county master has a heart." Then he cleared his throat and began to tell the story.This guy has quite a talent for storytelling, character dialogue, all kinds of twists and turns, and he can catch it easily. Originally, this kind of supernatural story that is already interesting, has pretense, face-slapping, and love that makes people want to do good. Stories are all eye-catching.Coupled with Gu Fuyun's talent for storytelling, even an ordinary little story, from her mouth, is also tinged with five points of comedy and seven points of excitement.

"...a wrestler is a paper figurine folded by a Taoist priest. After seven to forty days of cultivation, he becomes a wrestler. It's easy to say, but difficult to do. Ordinary Taoist priests don't have this strength. .Huang Pingye cultivated four warriors in one go, and their strength is comparable to that of the ghost king. They are really powerful, but it is a pity that they did not follow the right path."

"Lin Yi is tough enough to deal with the ghost king, how can he deal with four warriors. Fortunately, Lao Cao has already captured the ghost king, and the underworld servants hurried over to deal with the warriors. Lin Yi's pressure suddenly eased, and Huang Wu and his wife intercepted a warrior. Yi only needs to deal with one of them."

"Here, Wu Hua flew to the head of the ghost king who was captured by the Taoist priests, and said: Weak, too weak." Gu Fuyun shook his head while speaking.

Everyone listened with gusto, stopped drinking tea and snacks, and stared at Gu Fuyun intently.

Gu Fuyun said again: "Ghost King grinned his big black teeth and said, little crow, help me quickly, and I will reward you later."

"Wu Hua broke the road and rewarded your mother for her size. You idiot, you are still a majestic ghost king, how can you still have the face to live in this world? Hurry up and die, so as not to make you laugh."

"The ghost king stared sharply, his face was ferocious, he was gasping for breath, and then his body trembled suddenly, black smoke billowed from his body, under the bewildered eyes of the Taoist priests, the ghost king's whole body disappeared in a short while. gone."

"It's so frightening?"

"Just scolding him a few words like that, and you're going to die of anger? Wu Hua was also dumbfounded, and suddenly thought that this ghost king should be cursed to death by himself. He became more and more proud, and smiled up to the sky. It turns out that my curse technique is so good." Awesome. Hahaha..."

Everyone also laughed, even Wang Jingqin laughed so hard.Although Lin Xue was smiling, anyone with eyes could tell that the smile was extremely forced.

Looking at Gu Fuyun who was making a big splash, Lin Xue felt uneasy.I don't know where I saw the book, and everyone's compliments are nothing but opportunistic.

At this time, Gu Fuyun mentioned that the male protagonist Lin Yi's spiritual favorite Wu Hua was yelling at the Taoist priest for losing his hair, and felt that it would hinder his master's image, so he said that he just lost a few hairs?What's the big deal?Wu Hua became even more angry, and screamed, "It's not because you lost your hair. If you lost your hair too, you wouldn't say that about me. Why don't you lose your hair?"

"Then Lin Yi really lost his hair and became bald."

When everyone thought of that scene, they all burst into laughter.

Lin Xue was suffocating in her heart, and finally couldn't help saying: "This crow is really too much, even cursing its own master! The master will definitely not want it again."

Gu Fuyun looked at her in surprise, and before she could say anything, the Jiahe County Mistress laughed and said, "How could it be? After all, it's my own pet, no matter how naughty it is, I have to bear it." She raised a white cat. The owner of Jiahe County, who is a pet, has a deep understanding and immediately refuted Lin Xue.

Lin Xue said sternly: "But as a pet, it is disrespectful to curse its owner. This is like my slave who bullies the master. Shouldn't he be punished?" Satisfied, he said righteously, "The shopkeeper is a big shopkeeper, and the slave is a big bully. Such a person must never be spared, otherwise there will be two."

Wang Jingqin nodded in agreement with Lin Xue's words: "My cousin is right. It's just that Wu Hua is different."

Lin Xue immediately said: "Whether it is in the scriptures or in real life, who can tolerate the slaves bullying the master? There are such slaves, all of whom are accustomed to by the master, or caused by the master's excessive weakness. Change it to be more powerful." My master, do you dare to curse carelessly when you look at this black painting? Don't you, sister Gu?"

Lin Xue thinks that if she wants to integrate into the circle of noble girls in the imperial capital as soon as possible, she can't be a soulless answerer.Whenever there is a disagreement, he will express his own opinion and quote from the classics, which has achieved very good results.After finally catching the opportunity, it is natural to perform well.

Seeing Gu Fuyun's glance, Lin Xue had another layer of caution, telling stories with all her might.When it comes to the exciting part, if it is interrupted suddenly, it will affect the performance to some extent. Even if you continue to talk, you will lose the soul of the previous one.This purposeful interjection this time is to let Gu Fuyun have a taste of what she just said.

Gu Fuyun glanced at her, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Miss Lin is right."

Ninghe county magistrate gouged Lin Xue out complainingly, and urged Gu Fuyun to continue talking.

Gu Fuyun took a sip of tea, and said slowly, "Sorry, let me brew it first." Being interrupted suddenly by Lin Xue really affected his mood, and even more so, his performance.

(End of this chapter)

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