Chapter 190
The ladies also held their temper and took some time to eat some snacks and fruits.

After a while, Ning and the county magistrate urged again: "Are you ready? Continue talking."

Gu Fuyun cleared his throat, and then continued: "Lin Yi stroked his hands full of hair, his whole face was dazed, and the other servants and Taoist priests also opened their eyes wide, looking at Lin Yi's naked body. Head, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Only a wild laughter came. Can you guess, who is the owner of the laughter?"

Immediately, several ladies said in unison: "It must be Lao Cao."

"The answer is correct." Gu Fuyun snapped his fingers, "It was Lao Cao, and only Lao Cao dared to laugh at Lin Yi face to face like this. I saw him slapping his thigh fiercely with one hand and laughing loudly at the same time. Almost fell to the ground laughing. As the master, let his spiritual pet be cursed so that he lost his hair, it is indeed as Miss Lin said, it is a ridiculous joke in the world. Lin Yi was so embarrassed by Lao Cao's laugh , I said angrily, if you laugh again, believe it or not, I will let Wu Hua curse you?"

"And Wu Hua was feeling uneasy because he was about to curse his master into a bald head. Hearing this, he wanted to make amends, so he scolded Lao Cao, why are you laughing? What's so funny? Since You like to laugh so much, just keep laughing until dawn."

"And guess what happened to Lao Cao?" Gu Fuyun asked everyone.

The ladies said in unison: "Laughing till dawn?"

Lin Xue said, "I think Lao Cao will definitely clean up Wuhua."

"Why?" asked a lady sitting next to her.

Lin Xue said: "Lao Cao is a high-ranking ghost in the underworld, and if he is offended by a crow in front of his subordinates, he will definitely be angry. I guess, Lao Cao will definitely clean up the crow." Looking at Gu Fuyun said, "Even if I don't want its life, I will give him some color. After all, the majesty of the superior cannot be offended."

Gu Fuyun looked at her strangely, and said: "Miss Lin is very reasonable." Then he turned his head and continued, "As soon as Wu Hua stopped talking, Lao Cao couldn't stop laughing, and he couldn't stop laughing. Diaphragm, even bent over, clutching his stomach and yelling, because he lost his strength from laughing, and couldn't stop. And his stomach hurt from laughing, but he just couldn't stop, so he had to ask for forgiveness, let Wu Hua forgive killed him."

"But Wu Hua, as everyone knows, just digs a hole and doesn't bury it. It's only responsible for the curse. How can it solve the curse? Poor old Cao, he laughed so hard that he burst into tears, rolling all over the floor, just couldn't stop, and finally had to Hold your stomach and beg for mercy, let Lin Yi quickly think of a way."

"Lin Yi saw Lao Cao in such pain, how could he be angry. Thankfully, Bai Jie spoke up in time, saying that as long as he threw it into the cesspit, the curse would be lifted. Everyone knows what happened to Lao Cao."

The ladies were all overjoyed, some said that Lao Cao deserved it, and some said that Lao Cao was pitiful, and it would be bad luck for eight lifetimes to meet such a spiritual pet as Wu Hua.

However, Lin Xue opened her mouth in disbelief and said, "I don't believe it. After all, Lao Cao is a ghost of the underworld. After losing such a big face under his hands, he would feel annoyed? Wouldn't he have murderous intentions towards Wu Hua?" Looking over, Lin Xue expressed her opinion again, "Sister Gu, I think your story is unreasonable."

Gu Fuyun didn't speak, but a lady next to her covered her lips and smiled and said, "I think Gu Wu's story is very reasonable and interesting. But sister Lin, you said that when you went all the way to Beijing, you either met a vixen, or I don’t think it’s reasonable to meet the old demon of Montenegro. There are really vixen who eat people’s hearts in this world, why can you still enter Beijing safely?”

Gu Xiaoyun also has her own social circle, and has met Lin Xue several times at other girlfriends' homes.Now when his sister is telling stories, this person has to intervene in everything, so he said with a smile: "I don't know if there are any vixens in this world, but Miss Lin has met so many all the way to Beijing. Today I met a vixen, I met a mountain monster tomorrow, and I met an old black mountain demon the next day, did I really have so many monsters in my great prosperity? Why have I never seen them before? Is it because I am ignorant?" asked Gu Shuyun and the two sisters beside him with a smile.

Gu Shuyun smiled and said: "Third sister, it's not that we are ignorant, but that sister Lin is well-informed."

Although those present were raised in deep boudoirs and had never seen anything in the world, they were not without common sense.Hearing what Gu Xiaoyun said, he naturally became clear-eyed.

Gu Fuyun didn't quite understand the cause and effect, so Gu Xiaoyun whispered a few words in her ear, and immediately understood.

Lin Xue was from the south of the Yangtze River. Although the south of the Yangtze River is very prosperous and the style of writing is prosperous, it is not easy to integrate into the circle of noble women in the imperial capital.Lin Xue then cut another strange path, using what he saw and heard along the way and the folk anecdotes in the south of the Yangtze River as a bridge, and this trick was quite effective.

There are many talented scholars and beautiful ladies in the south of the Yangtze River, as well as various far-fetched folk legends. Whether it is what you have seen or heard or the customs of various places, it has always been a sharp weapon to attract people's attention.In the past six months, Lin Xue has been the focus of the crowd relying on various folk stories and legends.

Now that the limelight has been robbed, naturally he can't sit still.

Lin Xue had already prepared for the birthday party of the Jiahe county lord, and prepared a draft in private, just waiting for a blockbuster to break into the circle of top ladies.But Gu Fuyun stole the limelight, so he was naturally not upset, so he tried every means to interrupt her and express his opinions and opinions.

Lin Xue felt that noble ladies should not look after echoers, and would definitely appreciate themselves with their unique personalities and insights.Therefore, whenever Gu Fuyun paused when he mentioned something wonderful, it was when Lin Xue refuted it brilliantly.

But everyone is not a fool. The first time Lin Xue interrupted Gu Fuyun, everyone thought it was a coincidence. The second time, they naturally had an idea.This is the third time, and it's still such a long story, all of them are noble girls who grew up in a wealthy family in a deep house, who has no discernment.

It was at this time that Gu Xiaoyun exposed it, and everyone just lowered their heads and smiled, without saying a word.

The Jiahe county magistrate took a look at Lin Xue. After all, he was his guest, and he didn't want to embarrass the guest too much, so he urged Gu Fuyun to continue talking.

(End of this chapter)

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