Chapter 191
Even Gu Xiaoyun didn't want to offend people to death, so he urged Gu Fuyun: "What happened afterwards? Then Lao Cao was really thrown into a cesspit to break the curse?"

Anyway, it was the birthday of the Jiahe County Lord, and Gu Fuyun didn't want to cause trouble, so he smiled and said, "That's right, because there are no dung pits on the mountain, so we can only go down the mountain, because only farmers' homes have them. Coincidentally, it just so happened There was a farmer who went to pay respects in the hut. We all know that living people can’t see the evil. But in the huts in the countryside, two holes are dug and two wooden boards are placed. People can stand on the wooden boards for convenience. Think Throwing Lao Cao into the cesspit, you have to take off the wooden boards, right? So, Bai Jie can only take off the wooden boards."

Everyone laughed again, saying that Lin Yi was too unsympathetic to the fragrance and jade, and would not let the ugly and mean-spirited Wu Hua to uncover the wooden board, but let the Nine-Tailed Fox, which is so beautiful that people can't breathe.

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "That's right, Bai Jie is also unlucky. Such a beautiful nine-tailed fox, where can he not be popular? In front of Lin Yi, there is no use for his unique skills, but he feels aggrieved." But there was no other way. She had to obey the master's order, and she went to lift the board. Everyone knows that Bai Jie is a nine-tailed fox who has become a spirit. She doesn't show herself, and ordinary people can't see her. So, In the eyes of this outstanding farmer, it was the two planks of the latrine that moved out of thin air. Let’s imagine the situation at that time.”

Everyone imagined that scene one after another, and they all covered their lips and frowned.

Lin Xue wanted to interrupt subconsciously again, but Gu Fuyun would not give her a chance, and quickly continued: "The man was terribly frightened, but his reaction was not slow, so he hurriedly exited the latrine, only to hear a thud. Lao Cao was thrown into the latrine."

The faces of the ladies were full of indescribable expressions, an expression of being disgusted.The owner of Jiahe County, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, retched, and hurriedly said, " disgusting..."

Lin Xue also turned pale and said: "Yes, yes, it's too disgusting."

Princess Jiaoyang pushed Jiahe County chief, and urged Gu Fuyun to arrest him: "Don't talk to her, just keep talking about you."

Gu Fuyun then continued to speak: "Of course the living people can't see the evils attached to the underworld, can they? But Lao Cao is different. He was thrown into the cesspit. Doesn't this show his original shape? A big How can a living person not be afraid of appearing in his own cesspit for no reason? That person saw a dark-haired person floating up from the cesspit, and his legs were so frightened that his legs went limp."

I have to say that Gu Fuyun's story is very exciting, even Lin Xue, who is deliberately critical, can't find anything to criticize, because she is also attracted by the story.

And Gu Fuyun had almost finished speaking, so he refused to speak any more. Talking non-stop is also very tiring, okay?After all, it's not that I'm a loser. After a long time, my throat becomes a little unbearable.Everyone was still interested, but they refused to give up, so Gu Fuyun begged for mercy: "Please forgive me, my throat hurts a little now, let me rest for a while."

Lin Xue felt that her chance had come, so she smiled and said: "Sister Gu must be really tired of talking, so please forgive her, and I will also tell you a story."

Everyone was listening, Lin Xue took the initiative to stand up and tell the story, so naturally she would not stop her.

Lin Xue was secretly happy. She believed that her storytelling skills were no worse than Gu Fuyun's, so she improved the contents of the folk dialect book she bought and recounted it.

It's a pity, just started, Ninghe county master stood up and smiled: "I'll go out for a while."

Only Ninghe and the county magistrate left, but Lin Xue didn't feel at ease. She was also a little dissatisfied with this noble lady who interrupted her just now but praised Gu Fuyun.

Lin Xue continued to tell, this time the story was based on her aunt and aunt, who once went to visit relatives, and because of delays on the road, she had to spend the night at a farmer's house in the countryside, and then met the pine spirit.

The ladies listened with gusto, Lin Xue felt a little complacent, and couldn't help but cast a glance at Gu Fuyun.Not only you can tell stories, but I can tell them too, which is even better than what you can tell.

Gu Fuyun didn't have the time to fight with her, so he just quietly listened to her.

After the lecture, everyone asked with unsatisfied interest: "Is there any more? Tell me one more time."

Lin Xue hesitated on the surface, but joyed on the inside, reserved for a moment, and then said: "Okay, then I will tell you one more thing. It happened to my aunt in the next room."

Then, Lin Xue told a story about her aunt in the next room encountering a ghost.The little girls had never heard of these ghosts, and they were all fascinated by it.A servant girl came in and said that lunch was ready, and asked where the county master Jiahe served the meal.

When it was time for lunch, everyone went to the dining room.

The county magistrate of Jiahe immediately got up and said with a smile, "Let's go to eat." He was the first to leave the house.

The five Gu Fuyun sisters also got up afterward, and the other noble girls also got up one after another and left one by one.

Lin Xue who was halfway through the story: "..."

When arranging seats, you can see at a glance the degree of closeness.The rectangular rosewood-inlaid ivory dining table has already been covered with exquisite tablecloths, and various delicacies from mountains and seas are exquisitely placed. In front of all the colored pier painted with rich, noble and auspicious clouds patterns, there is a cup of tea.The beautiful and slender maids shuttled neatly and lightly in front of the food table, placed one after another delicious food on the table, and filed out.The head of Jiahe County greeted everyone to take their seats. She was the host, so she naturally had to sit on the honorable seat. Princess Jiaoyang and Princess Shuyu sat on the left and right sides of the food table respectively.

Next came Ninghe county head, and the duke and noble daughter.Gu Xiaoyun and the sisters sat in the middle and back.

Who told them that their status is not as good as others?Gu Qingyun, who was assigned to the last seat on the left, sat down without any sign of difference. She was full of self-knowledge, and knew that being able to participate in the birthday of Jiahe County Lord was only due to the honor of the eldest sister and the fifth sister. It's good to have a seat.She originally thought that the Jiahe county magistrate would not sit at the same table with them.

After the maid next to the Jiahe county lord greeted everyone to sit down, she found that Lin Xue was still standing in front of the food table, so she stepped forward with a smile and said, "Miss Lin, this way please." She was arranged at the last place on the right side of the food table.

Lin Xue looked at the positions of the sisters of the Gu family, and was a little confused. Why should the sisters of the Gu family still sit in front of her, so she could only sit at the bottom?

The food table was very large and very long, with eight ladies sitting on each side, and Lin Xue was not only the only seat, but also the last seat, and there was no one on the opposite side of her, as if she was an extra guest.It became more embarrassing, even embarrassing.Her cousin Wang Jingqin was assigned to the middle position, so why should she only sit at the bottom.

No matter how precocious and intelligent Lin Xue was, she was only sixteen years old, and she was not yet able to change her face, so she immediately showed dissatisfaction and grievance on her face.Seeing this, the county magistrate of Jiahe also felt that he was not very polite to the guests, but the seats had already been arranged, and all the people present were his personal friends, and their status was not low, except for Lin Xue.

The sisters of the Gu family and the Zhao family are in-laws, somewhat stronger than Lin Xue.So much so that she couldn't change any one, so she pondered for a while, and asked someone to sit on the honored seat, and arranged another seat for Princess Jiaoyang to sit on the honored seat with her.Everyone moved around, although Lin Xue was still at the bottom, at least there was someone on the opposite side for company, so it wasn't awkward.Looking at Gu Qingyun on the opposite side, Lin Xue still felt uneasy. Her grandfather was a minister of the Ministry of Rites, and her family was also a well-known family in the south of the Yangtze River. Why should the sisters of the Gu family be compared?

 Fourth watch, try your best

  Everyone, wash up and go to sleep.

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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