Chapter 193
Even Wang Jingqin was also attracted, and couldn't help asking for advice.In the end, the leader of Jiaoyang County took over the picture of eighteen bachelors drawn with charcoal.

And for the whole afternoon, the ladies stopped listening to the stories, and just asked Gu Fuyun for his drawing skills.Lin Xue was so angry that her nose was crooked.This Gu Wu must be his nemesis.


With Princess Scorching Sun's ability to bring goods and the attribute of a big V, Gu Fuyun finally successfully washed away the label of "ignorance and incompetence", and even broke into the circle of top noble women.I feel that the face I once lost is finally picked up, and my life is considered complete.

When she left the princess mansion, the county lord Jiahe specially gave her a pot of Clivia for her to take back and put it in a painting, looking for inspiration.

For the small birthday party of a top-notch noble lady like Jiahe county magistrate, Lin Xue also made her mark with a poem. Although it got a small amount of publicity, it was far inferior to Gu Fuyun's sweeping the entire circle of noble ladies with his pomp and circumstance. Destroyed.I couldn't help being so angry that my nose was crooked.

Later, Gu Xiaoyun also participated in the snow appreciation party held by a little sister, and when he came back, he said to Gu Fuyun: "Now you are famous. Today, I heard the girl from Dong's family mention you, talking about your charcoal wood paintings You’re so good, and you’re asking me how did you spread your reputation of being ignorant.”

Gu Fuyun smirked a few times, and had already thought up an excuse, "I was grounded during that time, and the scolding outside was too unpleasant, so I secretly tried my best. It turns out that painting is not that complicated."

Sketch is also the only magic weapon she uses to overthrow ignorance.

Gu Xiaoyun asked again: "Why don't you paint ink paintings?"

Gu Fuyun said embarrassingly: "The pen and ink are too expensive, wouldn't it be more economical to paint with charcoal?"

This time Gu Xiaoyun was speechless.


Attended the birthday banquets of Ninghe county head and Jiahe county head in succession.Although charcoal painting has been a novelty for a while, Gu Fuyun also knows that although her sketches are good, they lack a little soul, and she herself is too embarrassed to accept this praise. It is a new style of painting, but it can be used to gild yourself.

In this era, sketches did not appear, but the unique realism of sketches and the three-dimensional painting method different from ink and wash paintings immediately shocked the princess Jiaoyang, who was addicted to painting, into a heavenly man. He couldn't stop admiring him, finally let Gu Fuyun take off the label of ignorance.

Dealing with this group of noble girls, no one has a special skill, is it really stressful?

At Miss Yang Ba's plum appreciation banquet, Gu Wu showed his charcoal wood painting on the spot.The painting is of Jiahe County Lord himself.It doesn't matter what the ladies are talking about, the most shocking thing is the comment of Princess Jiaoyang: "Gu Wu's charcoal wood painting pays attention to shape, and the refinement of lines is quite in place, and the painting is very realistic, almost restoring the The object itself. The only shortcoming is the shaping of the eyes, which is still lacking." After commenting for a while, he said to Gu Fuyun, "However, considering your age and lack of a teacher, you can have such a thing by yourself. The foundation is already invaluable.”

Gu Fuyun was a little embarrassed by the praise. Where did she come from? The reason why she learned sketching and sketching at the beginning was because everyone else learned it, but she didn't learn it. It seemed that she couldn't keep up with the times, so she followed suit for a few years. .Unexpectedly, the momentary comparison back then would come in handy.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but after showing her charcoal painting, the noble ladies became closer to her and had extra respect for her.


Not long after that, a post from Ms. Chen Biao of the Marquis of Wu'an also came.

Under the swirling snowflakes, the blooming wintersweet adds a boundless poetic charm. Gu Fuyun, who has no taste for elegance, has a rare taste of elegance. He puts on a thick cloak and leads the maids to shake the snowflakes down. Pick up the plum petals one by one, smash the plum blossoms, mix in the petals and marinate for later use; put the cooked porridge into a small pot and boil, add green onions, a small amount of sesame oil, and pepper, and boil over low heat until it becomes thin At this time, pour in the pickled plums and plum blossoms, and eat immediately after cooking.Its color is bright red, and its taste is delicious and refreshing.The remaining plum blossoms were dried on the kang, then packed into gauze, put into the closet, and placed with the clothes, but in one night, the clothes also smelled the unique clear and strong fragrance of plum blossoms.

Gu Fuyun wore clothes scented with plum blossoms, and a thick brocade cloak, and took Qinghong and Qingsi with him, and set off for the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.

The old lady Gu warned: "This Miss Chen is Mrs. Su's niece, and she is still in Wu'an Marquis to celebrate her birthday and entertain guests. She must be very fond of Mrs. Su. You must not offend her. Although you have a marriage contract with Su Liu, But after all, you haven't passed the door yet, if Su Liu wants to see you, you have to keep a distance. Girls, you have to be reserved, understand?"

Gu Fuyun nodded: "Thank you for your grandmother's teaching, my granddaughter understands. Never meet Su Liu in private." She even had a premonition that this cousin girl invited her for something more than pure purpose.

When she learned that Gu Fuyun was going to take Qingsi and Qinghong with her, the old lady sized up Qinghong, who was beautiful and beautiful, and frowned slightly, but she didn't say much, and looked at Qingsi again, her frown became even more fierce.Although Qingsi has lost a lot of weight after running and Gu Fuyun's conditioning, compared to the slender Qinghong, she is still two times stronger.For one thing, Qingsi has a strong body, a big frame, and a lot of flesh. No matter how thin she is, she is still two sizes fatter than normal people.

In order to take care of her granddaughter's face, the old lady Gu had no choice but to say politely: "Why don't you bring Shuqing?"

"Shuqing was rewarded by my grandmother, so she is naturally top-notch. But Shuqing guards the house for me, and she also has to control the maids below. I like to take Qinghong with me when I go out. When I come here, this girl can read and write, is proficient in calligraphy and painting, and has a long life." It's as beautiful as a flower, hehe, it's perfect for saving face for my granddaughter. As for Qingsi," Gu Fuyun moved towards his grandmother, and whispered, "Although this girl is a bit silly, she is stubborn. It is an unconditional execution of my order, and it is very powerful. It is best used to deal with those ghosts and monsters."

Mrs. Gu took a deep breath, looked at her little granddaughter who was smiling innocently and well-behaved, and said, "It seems that grandma is worrying for nothing."


It is well known that Marquis Jian of Wu'an is in the emperor's heart.Not only did he take one-third of the military power in the capital, but he also had many promising children in his family.Mrs. Marquis Wu'an has always been at the top of the upper class social circle in the imperial capital, almost no one can surpass her.

Also because of Madam Wu'anhou's influence in the social circle of the imperial capital, and Marquis Wu'an's power in the imperial court, Madam Wu'anhou's niece, Ms. Chen's birthday party also invited many important ladies.

Gu Fuyun arrived at the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, neither too early nor too late.The carriage entered the corner gate of Wu'an Mansion, and came to a wide courtyard. In the five-doored room, many soft sedan chairs with green curtains were already parked, and many burly women sat respectfully at the soft sedan chairs.

This is the sedan chair hall. The noble family of Lord Marquis Boxun all have sedan chair halls, which are specially used to transport guests to the inner courtyard. The Gu family also has a sedan chair hall, but they are usually not open.The masters of the Gu family, including the old lady, never sit in soft sedan chairs, and only when important banquets are held can the sedan chair hall be restarted, and the servants who carry the sedan chairs have to be reassembled from various villages in the countryside.

Like the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion, it's just Miss Biao's banquet, with so many servants waiting in full force, it's conceivable that the money spent is guaranteed to go to sea.The background of the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion is quite ordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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