Chapter 194
When Gu Fuyun got out of the carriage, an old woman came forward to greet her respectfully. After checking the post that Qingsi handed over, the smile on her face faltered slightly, and then she said with a smile all over her face: "So it's Miss Gu Wu, and this slave is a sedan chair." The office manager is surnamed Liu, Fifth Miss, please get on the sedan chair."

Immediately, two healthy women brought over the soft sedan chair with green curtains, and Mrs. Liu lifted the curtain of the sedan chair herself. Just as Gu Fuyun was about to bend into the sedan chair, another clear voice rang out: "Ms. arrive."

Mrs. Liu immediately put down the car curtain, and the thick car curtain hit Gu Fuyun's head, just hitting her neatly combed moon bun. The phoenix hairpin and the butterfly tortoiseshell hairpin almost fell off, hanging precariously on the bun.

"Girl." Qing Hong hurried forward to arrange Gu Fuyun's hair and beads.

At this time, Mrs. Liu strode towards Miss Wu, nodded and bowed and said: "This servant is the mother in charge of the sedan chair hall, her surname is Liu, welcome to Miss Wu Qi."

Miss Wu Qi nodded respectfully: "So it's Mama Liu, please excuse me."

A maid in green clothes handed the money to Mama Liu, and Mama Liu accepted it and became more respectful: "Thank you Miss Wu Qi for the reward. Miss Wu Qi, this way please." Immediately, a servant woman brought a soft sedan chair, and Mama Wu He lifted the sedan chair curtain himself, and respectfully invited Miss Wu Qi to enter the sedan chair.

Seeing Gu Fuyun walking out from the corner of her eyes, Madam Wu curled her lips slightly, raised a respectful smile, stepped forward and said to Gu Fuyun: "Miss Gu Wu, I was really embarrassed by the slippery hand just now, please ask Gu Your Excellency is a lot, but forgive me." I handed the silver in one hand to the other, and then slapped myself on the face lightly.

Gu Fuyun's beautiful and slender eyebrows condensed into a refrigerator, and he glanced at Qingsi.

Although Qingsi is stupid, she has established a tacit understanding with Gu Fuyun. Once Gu Fuyun glanced at her out of the corner of her eye, without saying a word, she stepped forward and slapped Mrs. Liu.

Qingsi only cares about beating people, and Qinghong is responsible for the aftermath. I saw Qinghong said coldly: "Bold slave, my girl is a guest of the Su family after all. As a servant, she deliberately loosened the guest's hair. What should I do?" crime?"

Mrs. Liu was stunned by the beating, and she staggered a few steps, because Qingsi's strength was not light.

At this time, another noble lady's carriage came in, and seeing this scene, she covered her lips and looked at Gu Fuyun with a coquettish sound.

Gu Fuyun looked over coldly, and didn't recognize her, but it didn't prevent her from teaching Granny Liu: "I've learned the way of hospitality in the Su family. Forget it, I'd better leave." He raised his leg and walked towards his carriage. walk around.

Mrs. Liu was beaten and was furious. She was about to howl twice as a weak person to create momentum. When she heard that Gu Fuyun wanted to leave, she didn't care about getting angry and crying, so she hurried forward to stop Gu Fuyun, bent over and bowed down. Gu said: "Miss Gu Wu, all the mistakes are the servant's fault. It is the servant who neglected you. Please forgive me this time."

Gu Fuyun said coldly: "I went to miss Chen Biao's appointment sincerely, but the servants of the Su family stepped up and down and messed with my mane. I don't look well, it's really not good to see Miss Chen Biao again. Besides, I don't want to go see Miss Chen Biao again. I don't have any extra money to reward you, I can't afford the soft sedan chair of the Su family, so I have to go back home."

Without saying a word, he walked towards his carriage.

Seeing that Gu Fuyun was coming for real, Mrs. Liu was really anxious now, and hurried forward to stop Gu Fuyun, begging Gu Fuyun to forgive her.

How could Gu Fuyun give her a chance, she didn't want to see that cousin Chen, she had this ready-made reason, it was even easier to make use of it.What's more, this kind of woman who steps down and climbs up has to be dealt with severely.In order not to marry into the Su family in the future, let these servants step on their heads.

Gu Fuyun said to Qinghong again: "I can't go to Miss Chen Biao's appointment. It's a last resort. You present the gift yourself and explain what happened. Don't let this servant tell the truth and ruin my relationship with Chen Biao. Miss's friendship. Afterwards, you can rent a sedan chair and come back by yourself."

The green single-drive oil wall car carried Gu Fuyun away from Su's house resolutely.


The banquet hall of the Su family is located in Chang Yaju, the second floor and the ground floor of a building not far from Miss Chen Biao's yard. This is the place where the Su family's grandmothers and girls usually hold small parties and get together with friends.Mrs. Su felt sorry for Miss Chen Biao's loneliness, so she gave full authority to the wife of the eldest son, Mrs. Fang, to assist her, and assigned all the managers in the backyard to Miss Chen Biao, to follow her orders.

Ms. Chen Biao is also a rich daughter, and she held a birthday party in a lively and colorful manner. In the name of Mrs. Su and the young ladies of the Su family, she also invited many distinguished ladies from the imperial capital.Miss Chen Biao was wearing a golden embroidered satin, well-fitting tailoring and exquisite embroidery, plus the red gold dot emerald inlaid treasures on the hairpin and the huge oriental pearl hanging from the forehead. A group of maids and servants behind her were respectful Obedient to the order, looking at each other with a sideways look, just like the daughter of the Su family's prostitute.

Like a flower and a butterfly, Miss Chen Biao shuttles among the noble ladies, she is comprehensive and exquisite in every aspect, and she has won a lot of goodwill.At least she thought so herself.

Although Miss Chen Biao greeted warmly and thoughtfully and never stopped, her brain did not stop working. Although there were many guests, they were all ladies with ordinary identities, like those from the Duke's House, except for Wu Except for Seventh Miss, no one came.

"...People with high status usually come later, which is understandable." Faced with Miss Wu Qi's question, Miss Chen Biao explained in this way.But when he turned around, he called in the maids again and asked them to guard the corner door to see if there were any guests coming.

Another guest came, it was the lady of Wangbeihou Mansion.Ms. Biao Chen also had a few encounters, so she warmly greeted her, and after some pleasantries, she asked with a smile, "Hey, why didn't you see your cousin?"

Miss Wangbeihou's Mansion smiled and said: "My cousin and I are not in the same street, so naturally we can't walk together." Looking at the ladies in the room, Miss Wangbeihou felt a little uneasy, because most of the people who came came with the same identities as She's not in a class.

As a dignified lady, she is more snobbish than ordinary people. Although she greeted the ladies in the room, she only talked with Miss Wu Qi who was from the Marquis Mansion.

"Why are you here?" Miss Wang Beihou asked in a low voice when others were not paying attention.

Miss Wu Qi also lowered her voice: "You think I'm willing to come? It was Su San who posted me a post, so I came here. After I came, I realized that it was Su San's cousin who was celebrating her birthday." Third Miss Su is Mrs. Su's legitimate daughter.

Miss Wang Beihou pursed her lips: "Me too." Looking at Miss Chen Biao who was shuttling among the girls like a flower and butterfly, she snorted disdainfully, "Even if you wear a gold thread coat and live in a golden nest, you can't get rid of it." A word."

The more noble the lady is, the more she pays attention to her origin. In the same family, there is a world of difference between the eldest wife and the second wife, real power and no power, concubine and concubine, not to mention the death of both parents. Chen's.

Miss Wu Qi looked around and said, "Did you notice? Only the concubine daughters of the Su family came, and none of the first daughters came."

(End of this chapter)

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