Chapter 195 Explained
Miss Wang Beihou looked around and said, "Ms. Chen actually used Su San's post to invite someone, can Su San not annoy her?"

It seems that apart from being favored by Mrs. Su, Miss Chen Biao is not liked by the prostitutes.

"I was in the sedan chair hall just now, and I saw Gu Wu." Miss Wu Qi whispered in Miss Wang Beihou's ear again, "The woman in the sedan chair hall was lifting the curtain for Gu Wu, when she saw me coming, He dropped the curtain and rushed towards me. I saw with my own eyes that the curtain just hit Gu Wu's bun, and his hair fell off on the spot. Gu Wu's face turned green with anger."

Miss Wang Beihou's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, so it's not true?" Miss Wu Qi covered her lips with a growing smile, "If you were Gu Wu, what would you do?"

Miss Wangbeihou fell into deep thought.

At this time, a beautiful girl with black eyebrows, almond eyes, red lips and peach cheeks entered the room facing the flying snowflakes.

The girl's skin is finer than snow, her figure is slender, her black hair is like splashes, her beading is simple, and her short rabbit fur cloak can also give off a bit of extravagance.

The girl reservedly handed the post to the maid at the door, the maid took it with both hands, and hurriedly said respectfully: "It turns out to be Miss Gu Wu from Yongningbo Mansion, Miss Gu, please come inside."

The ladies who were having tea in the house heard the servant girl's voice, and all turned their eyes to see a young girl entering the room. Just looking at the girl's snow-like skin, they were amazed at the beauty of this girl, but the girl's attire made her despise again. , the majestic young lady of the Earl's Mansion only wears a short rabbit fur cloak, and the bead ornaments on her head are also simple. The most valuable thing is the red gold hairpin with big fingernails.Although it looks good, it's too shabby to wear.

A servant girl from the Su family already stepped forward and said to the girl, "Young lady, please."

The girl said coldly: "No need, I want to see Miss Chen Biao from your residence, where is Miss Chen Biao?"

Some people heard something was wrong and put down the teacups in their hands one after another.

Only Miss Wang Beihou and Miss Wu Qi looked at each other, and they both saw interest in their eyes.

Miss Chen Biao came soon. The purpose of her banquet today is to break into the circle of noble women in the capital, and to Gu Wu.After hearing what the servant girl said, she immediately dressed up and went out.

"The elder sister of the Gu family is finally here, but let my younger sister wait..." Ms. Chen Biao said with a smile, and when she saw the girl's face, she took the initiative to lose her voice, "You are not Gu Wu!"

The girl blessed Miss Chen Biao neither humble nor overbearing, with a flat voice and clear tone: "The servant girl is the maidservant next to Miss Gu Wu in the Yongning uncle's mansion. Today, under the order of the girl, first congratulate Miss Chen Biao on my girl's birthday, and wish Chen Biao the best of luck." Miss, everything goes well and everything goes smoothly. This is a gift my girl prepared for Miss Chen Biao. It is a mere gift, not a respect, and I hope Miss Chen Biao will not dislike it."

The young girl, Qinghong, took out a wooden box with both hands and handed it over.

Her own servant girl took the gift and stepped aside.

Ms. Biao Chen's face froze slightly, and she asked, "Why didn't Sister Gu come? Didn't I invite her personally? Why didn't you come again?" Her tone was aggrieved.

Qinghong said coldly: "My girl attaches great importance to Miss Chen Biao's banquet, and she came early. It's just that in the sedan hall of your mansion, I met a woman who used the sedan chair curtain to scatter my girl's hair. My girl Feeling that the servant of your mansion is really not decent, so she gave the servant a slap in the face and punished him slightly. The girl said that she came to the Su family as a guest, not to be a rich boy, she was to answer Miss Chen Biao The invitation to come to Su's house as a guest is not in a hurry to buy respect with money. If she rewards this woman like other young ladies, she will not only get used to this group of slaves who are open-eyed, but will also be inferior. Just because The girl's appearance is damaged, it is really inappropriate to see Miss Chen Biao, so she went back to her home. In order to avoid Miss Chen Biao's misunderstanding, I specially sent my slaves and maids to present gifts as a token of my heart, and asked the slaves to tell Miss Chen Biao, today's matter, please Don't worry about Miss Chen Biao, let alone blame yourself. If you want to blame it, it's the servants of the Su family, and it has nothing to do with Miss Chen Biao."

Miss Wang Beihou savored Qinghong's words carefully, and felt that Gu Wu was really a thorn in the side, and also embarrassed Miss Chen Biao. She entertained guests in the inner courtyard, but the servants of Su's mansion offended the guests. Let's see how she handles it .

Sure enough, Miss Chen Biao was stunned, and said angrily: "There is such a thing, and I don't know how my cousin manages the house." Then restraining her anger, she said to Qing Hong, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen. The thing is that I don't know how to train the servants, so the slave offended the sister of the Gu family. I also ask the girl to go back and tell the elder sister Gu for me. I will definitely punish the slave who committed the crime severely, and come to the door to make amends to the elder sister Gu."

Someone laughed at that moment, and said sarcastically: "I really think I am the serious master of the Su family, and I have to severely punish the slaves."

Qing Hong blessed Miss Chen Biao without changing his face: "Miss Chen Biao, don't do this, my girl said it, it's not Miss Chen Biao, your slave offended my girl, it's not that my girl is indiscriminate. Yes. Let’s forget about this matter. Anyway, my girl has already slapped that servant, so let’s stop here. The servant obeys orders. Now that the matter is over, the servant should also leave. Don’t bother Miss Chen Biao It's gone." Tuantuan blessed the other noble ladies, and then left calmly.


Flying snowflakes, under the blowing of the north wind, rolled the dead leaves from time to time and floated in the air.

Su Liu gathered the sable fur cloak on his body again, and from time to time opened his eyes to look at the exquisite moon cave gate ahead.

The Moon Cave Gate is the only exit from the back garden and the inner courtyard.He is a foreigner and has already moved to the outer courtyard. Apart from greeting his mother, he rarely sets foot in this door.In addition, my cousin has a banquet in the inner courtyard today, so it is even more inconvenient to come and go.Gu Wu was also going to come to Su's house today, Su Liu was so excited that he got out of the office early and waited here, hoping to have a word with Gu Wu, or to take a look at him from afar.

Su Liu's servant, Guang Han, was also shivering from the cold, and tried to dissuade him more than once: "My lord, you go back to your yard first, I will wait here, and if Miss Gu Wu comes, I will notify you."

"It's still hundreds of steps away from my yard. When you come to inform me, Gu Wu will have left long ago."

Guanghan said: "Even if Miss Gu passes by here, she still sits in a soft sedan chair in the mansion. Even if the young master waits for her, he will not see anyone? Why not go to Fanghua Courtyard." Fanghua Courtyard is the courtyard of Miss Ba. , not far from the courtyard where Ms. Chen Biao entertained guests.When you go to the attic of Fanghuayuan, you can see the movement in the yard over there, why don't you see people.

But Su Liu said: "You don't understand this, even if the soft sedan passes by, I can meet Gu Wu generously, anyway, we are already a fiancée, so it's okay to meet and say a few words. "

Guanghan said: "Since that's the case, why do you still let Guangzhu Guangbing and the others guard the intersections?"

Su Liu said: "Of course I don't want too many people to see it. I don't care about it myself, but Gu Wu's reputation has to be cherished." Although Cousin Chen is a bit weak, she is really understanding.

Another noble lady's soft sedan passed by, but it was a pity that it was not Gu Wu, Su Liu waited eagerly.

Suddenly, Guanghan pointed to a young girl who came out of it, and called out: "My lord, look, who is that person?"

Su Liu glanced over suddenly, and said disappointedly, "It's not Gu Wu." In such a cold day, it was impossible for Gu Wu to wear such a short cloak, and only maidservants would wear such a short cloak.

Guanghan shouted again: "My lord, this is Miss Gu's servant girl."

(End of this chapter)

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