Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 214 Lantern Festival Night

Chapter 214 Lantern Festival Night

Chu Rui looked at Zhu Gan with some resentment: "You know what I'm thinking, why did you greet my face in the training ground just now?"

Zhu Gan couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Can you blame me? Who told you to be distracted?" If he wasn't distracted, would he be beaten?If he didn't get beaten, he would have a chance to talk to Gu Wu.But he has such a pig-headed face, if he goes to talk to Gu Wu, he will be ignored.

Anyway, in short, Chu Rui has always been in frustration.The great opportunity slipped away for no reason, and left a bad impression on Gu Wu.Not to mention the embarrassment of being beaten by Zhu Qian like a sandbag in the martial arts training ground, just when Gu Wu left just now, he glanced at him with a smile that was not a smile, which made him feel guilty.

However, when I thought of Gu Wu getting farther and farther away from him, I became very anxious, and said rascally: "I don't care, if you spoil my good deeds by turning it over and over again, you have to be responsible for me to find a way to make up for it."


The most lively festival of the year soon ushered in the first month, except for the Lantern Festival.On this day, ladies who are hidden in the boudoir can also go out on the street. In a beautiful and romantic atmosphere, you can see handsome young men in fresh clothes and angry horses. It can be described as a tacit Valentine's Day. "Last year on the first night of the Yuan Dynasty, the lights of the flower market were like daylight. The willows were on the moon, and people made an appointment after dusk."In addition to lantern riddles and Baixi songs and dances, the Lantern Festival in the Dasheng Dynasty also added opera performances.Different customs in various places, such as walking on stilts, guessing lantern riddles, playing dragon lanterns, lion dances and other activities, can feast your eyes at the lantern festival.The Lantern Festival can also be regarded as the annual carnival of the ancients. On the first day, the sisters of the Gu family had already prepared their travel outfits in advance, including shoes, socks and beads.Even Gu Fuyun was looking forward to it, life in the boudoir was too boring, so it's better to go out to get some fresh air.

Of course, Gu Fuyun also knew that if there are many people, there will be many right and wrong, so after thinking and thinking, he left Qinghong who was so beautiful that he had no friends, and brought Qing'e, who was also tall and fat, with strong blue hair.Qingsi has great strength and can carry a hundred catties of stones and run for a mile without panting.Qing'e didn't give up too much, this girl has a sturdy body, and she has a pair of severed palms, hitting people, it's guaranteed to hurt you so much that you doubt your life, with these two strong maids protecting her, even the kidnappers and apprentices will have to worry about herself Two catties.

The Lantern Festival is still quite interesting, at least from Gu Fuyun's modern perspective, it is still a feast for the eyes.The five sisters happily strolled from the street to the end of the street, but fortunately, there was no such thing as harassment by disciples.On the way, I ran into Zhu Wei who was also out to visit the Lantern Festival, so we all went together.

When passing by a pavilion, Zhu Weijian decided to sit on the third floor, because on the third floor, you can also see the lanterns on the opposite side of the river, which is very interesting.

"My brother booked a private room on the top, just in time to take in the view from the opposite side, let's go up now."

Everyone is indeed a little tired from shopping, so it's good to go in and have a rest.

Wangjiang Tower is also considered a famous scenic spot in the imperial capital. There are seven large shops along the river, built three stories high. Every year, there is a Lantern Festival Lantern Festival, and the elegant room by the window in Wangjiang Tower is even more difficult to find.If it weren't for the fact that Wangjiang Tower's behind-the-scenes owner is also a figure, he would have been torn apart by powerful figures who couldn't book a private room.

And the guests who can book a private room in Wangjiang Tower are naturally not unknown people.In addition to strong financial resources, one must also have a strong family background.It will not be crushed by others with power.

Although Zhu's family is the Earl's Mansion, it is not hereditary. Zhu Qian and his son also received small and powerful errands in the court, but the background of bandits, compared with those top dignitaries, is a universe away.

In previous years, there will always be precedents of reserved private rooms being forcibly occupied by others.

However, thinking of the heroic deeds of Zhu Gan and his sons who looted all the powerful and famous families, there should be no blind people to trouble him.

On the third floor, there was indeed a large private room facing the window. The charcoal fire was burning vigorously, warm as spring, and the candles in the room were as bright as day.Standing in front of the window sill, drinking tea, eating melons and fruits, enjoying the whole lantern festival.In the past, everyone only knew that power and wealth can bring all kinds of convenience and enjoyment.

Now that I think about it, I have to add a strong fist.

Gu Fuyun looked around, but he didn't see Zhu Qian, so he said to Zhu Wei: "At least I got the honor of Big Brother Zhu, I want to thank Big Brother Zhu personally."

Zhu Wei pursed her lips and smiled, took her hand and said, "Come with me."

He actually came to the private room next door.

It has a similar layout to the private room next to it, the same spaciousness, and the same grandeur.Gu Fuyun was taken aback: "Brother Zhu also booked two private rooms?"

The Lantern Festival is an annual grand occasion in the imperial capital. Not to mention ordinary people, even the wives and ladies of the powerful and famous families will come out together.The way of travel of the rich and powerful is different from that of the market, so it is natural to find a place with a good view to enjoy it.The attic private room in Wangjiang Tower became a battleground for the rich and powerful.To be able to book a private room is considered a top person, but Zhu Gan booked two rooms at once. How hard is this fist?

Zhu Wei smiled and said: "How can my elder brother have the ability to book two rooms? This one was booked by someone else."

Gu Fuyun was about to ask who booked this room, when someone came out from behind the [-]-fold wuli wood screen embroidered with mountains and rivers.

The person who came was Chu Rui!

It is no longer a bruised nose and a swollen face, and it is no longer a black dress.Instead, he wears a black gauze hat inlaid with rubies, a crimson jacquard silk robe with round collar on the left lapel, chest and shoulders embroidered with eight clusters of flowers, a jade belt around the waist, a big red palace sash, a ginger-yellow embroidered black eagle triangular purse, and a stamp carved with eight immortals crossing the sea. The gown suet jade pendant.He is imposing and graceful.

When Gu Fuyun saw this person, his pupils shrank slightly, and his heart skipped a beat.Can't help but look at Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei whispered to Gu Fuyun: "Sister, Prince Chu has something to tell you. I'll just stand by and keep you guys short."

Gu Fuyun gouged her out with his eyes.

Zhu Wei shrugged and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, it's just a few words." Then she looked at Chu Rui and smiled, "Really, Prince Chu?"

Chu Rui bowed to her and said: "Sister Zhu, don't worry, Gu Wu and I are just talking a few words, we won't mess around."

"That's good! I'll give you a cup of tea time." Zhu Wei said with satisfaction, gave Gu Fuyun a reassuring look, and went out.

Only Chu Rui and Gu Fuyun were left in the room.There is an unknown tension in the apparently wide space.

Gu Fuyun squeezed his fists, suppressed the anger and strangeness in his heart, and asked: "Chu Shizi has anything to say, just say it."

Looking at Chu Rui up and down, he was dressed like a dog, dressed like a son of a powerful and powerful person, as expected, people still rely on clothes.Dressed up this way, he is handsome and handsome with a masculine majesty.The men of the Gu family all follow the gentle route of scholars, more than handsome, but not masculine.Although the handsome and handsome white-faced scholar is popular nowadays, Gu Fuyun still couldn't bear to look away from Chu Rui's rare mighty aura.

Chu Rui looked at her deeply, still a beautiful oval face that people can't move away from, with black eyebrows and almond eyes, peach cheeks and vermilion lips, like a fairy in a painting.

Seeing that he was only staring at herself, Gu Fuyun's pretty face darkened.

Although he didn't want to offend Chu Rui, he still wanted to take advantage of his guilt towards himself.But he couldn't tolerate him staring at himself with such straight eyes.

Chu Rui saw that her pretty face was slightly gloomy, and knew that she was in a violent wave, so she quickly withdrew her mind and said, "Fifth girl, Chu wants to ask the girl for help."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Gu Fuyun subconsciously glanced at the area three inches below his waist, which was covered by the five-blessing embroidered golden eight clusters of flowers, he probably committed the same old problem again, right?

(End of this chapter)

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