Chapter 215
"It's not me." Seeing her glance at his lower body, and thinking of the embarrassing scene, Chu Rui's handsome face immediately blushed, and in order to divert the embarrassment, he said quickly, "It's my grandmother, her old man's favorite boss It was stomach colic. I asked the imperial doctor to diagnose and treat it. At first, the imperial doctor treated it according to the problem of stomach disease, but it didn't get better. Later, it was diagnosed and treated that it might be liver and gallbladder blockage, which caused stranguria, which caused the stomach disease. Other imperial doctors in the imperial hospital also inferred the same. Physician Zhou said that the medication for hepatobiliary drainage is different from that of the kidneys. However, Imperial Physician Zhou even changed several prescriptions, but none of them worked. Physician Zhou also suggested acupuncture. I thought of the girl."

Gu Fuyun lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Chu Rui hurriedly said again: "Girl, please don't worry, grandma and I will accept your love regardless of success or not." As an elder, I am really worried. Please ask the girl to help me."

Gu Fuyun thought to himself, if it is really gallstones, medicine can expel the stones, and if the stones are too big, acupuncture can relieve them.But if a stone gets stuck in the bile duct, you have to suffer a lot.

Gu Fuyun frowned, with a calm and pretty face, and said: "I am a girl who has not been out of the court, and I am not a doctor who is listed as a doctor. Did Chu Shizi find the wrong person?"

Chu Rui hurriedly said: "I have asked all over the capital, and I have also found several acupuncture female doctors, but the results are not satisfactory. These female doctors are only good at common diseases. Hepatobiliary gonorrhea is also helpless. Chu There is no other way, so I have the audacity to bother Ms. Gu. I also ask Ms. Gu to show her face. Don't worry, as long as you agree, we will accept your favor."

There is a fart in the light of love, and the real money is real.

It's just that Gu Fuyun was too embarrassed to ask for money directly, so he said: "I also heard my grandmother mention Mrs. Chu, and it's not an exaggeration to call it a heroine. The filial piety of Chu Shizi is commendable. I have admiration for Mrs. Chu, and if I can contribute a little bit, it will be my blessing."

The disciples of Duke Huguo's mansion are taller, and should be richer than the Gu family. If the old lady's gallstones can be cured, at least they can make a fortune.What's more, my grandmother also said that Mrs. Chu is noble and upright, and she is not the kind of ungrateful person.If I can't get along with Su Liu in the future, if we have to separate from each other in the future, maybe we need Mrs. Chu to stand up and help me speak.

Seeing that Gu Fuyun agreed, Chu Rui was so happy that his soul would fly away, he hurriedly said: "Thank you so much, girl. I just don't know when the girl will be able to move to the humble house to treat grandmother?"

Gu Fuyun thought for a while, and said: "Illness hurts people, choosing a date is worse than hitting the sun, of course, the sooner the better." Then he hesitated, "It's just that I am a girl who has not left the court, so I just go to your mansion. Isn't it suitable?"

The Gu family and the Chu family have nothing to do with each other, not even a corner relative, and they have never been in contact at all.In addition, he and Chu Rui have divorced again, and Gu Fuyun still has a marriage contract, so there is no reason to visit Duke Huguo's mansion.

Chu Rui hurriedly said: "I'll send someone to pick up my grandmother right away. When my grandmother comes, the girl will just find a reason to come here. At that time, I will send someone to take you back. How about you?"

Gu Fuyun pondered for a while, then nodded: "That's fine too."

Chu Rui was overjoyed, seeing that Gu Fuyun didn't hold back Joe, let alone rely on his skills to be arrogant, or even ignore the previous suspicions, he didn't dare to be presumptuous, so he said again: "That's it, see you later."

Gu Fuyun nodded, and left the private room without hesitation.

As soon as she opened the door, Zhu Wei quickly came over, took her hand and said, "Why did my sister go to the official room for so long?" She squeezed her hand.

Gu Fuyun understood, and said with a smile: "How long has it been? It's only been a while."


Back in the private room, Zhu Wei talked about Gu Fuyun's charcoal painting, and asked Gu Fuyun if he would ask for a portrait.Gu Fuyun nodded and said that it should be possible, so Zhu Wei clapped her hands and said, "Okay, can you draw me a picture? I've wanted someone to draw a portrait of me for a long time. But I haven't found a suitable one for a long time. painter."

Gu Fuyun agreed, so Zhu Wei asked someone to prepare a pen and ink, and asked Gu Fuyun to paint her portrait.Gu Fuyun asked Zhu Wei to sit upright in front of the screen and start painting.At first, Gu Xiaoyun and the others watched curiously, but seeing Gu Fuyun's drawing was extremely slow, he lost his patience and continued to look at the lanterns.

It's just that if you look at the lanterns for a long time, you will get tired.But Gu Fuyun only finished drawing the beginning after working for a long time, so he said to everyone very understandingly: "I draw very slowly, why don't you go back first? I'll come back when I'm done."

There is no curfew for the Lantern Festival, and no one will say anything even if they go back in the middle of the night.

Zhu Wei also promised: "Don't worry, after my sister finishes painting, I will personally send her back."

Gu Xiaoyun saw that Gu Fuyun was drawing really slowly, and he didn't know when the painting would end, and there would be officers and soldiers patrolling the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival, and the security of the capital city was always good, so there would be no major problems, so he gave a few words of advice, and then Take the sisters away.

Not long after the Gu family sisters left, there was a measured knock on the door from the next door.

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "Sister, go, I'll wait for you here."

Gu Fuyun went to the private room next door.

The door of the private room was quickly opened, "Old Madam, Miss Gu is here." Someone said cheerfully, and immediately afterwards, Mrs. Chu, who was wearing a brown swastika with a long beanie, came over with the help of her maid.

Under Qinghong's service, Gu Fuyun took off his cloak, and blessed the old lady.Grabbed by the old lady, "Good boy, don't be too polite. I'm really sorry that I called you here in the middle of the night."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Old madam, don't do this, it is my good fortune to be able to do a little bit for old madam."

Mrs. Chu felt more and more guilty, what a good girl, Yide complained, she was magnanimous, where can I find such a girl.

Gu Fuyun didn't want to get too entangled with the other party, he just wanted to cut through the mess quickly, and went home to sleep and have a beauty treatment early, so he went straight to the topic.

"Old lady, sit down first, I'll take your pulse first, please show me the prescription you have taken before."

Mrs. Chu has gallstones, although it is not fatal, the pain is uncomfortable.After taking the medicine for half a month, there is no improvement. Everyone will feel dark, for fear that they will not be able to control the stones. At that time, the stones will grow bigger and bigger, and finally torture people to death.

People who have gonorrhea are tortured, and no wealthy family is willing to try this feeling.

Gu Fuyun took the old lady's pulse. Although it was difficult to feel the pulse, she was a woman and could touch the old lady's painful spot without any scruples. Too serious, not blocked on the bile duct.After reading the prescriptions prescribed before, it is also symptomatic.As for the unbearable pain, it's not that bad.Looking at the old lady's ruddy complexion, it doesn't look like a symptom of being tortured by stones.

However, Gu Fuyun didn't say much. He added or subtracted a few medicines from the original prescription, and performed some acupuncture. He left half a month's worth of prescription, decocted it every day, and took it for half a month. It can be fossilized, and acupuncture should be performed every half a month, and it should be cured.

During the acupuncture for Mrs. Chu, Chu Rui stayed outside the screen, looking at the screen from time to time.

At this time, Zhu Gan walked in lightly and smiled at him.

Chu Rui's heart moved, he quickly got up, walked lightly, and went out of the private room with him, and closed the door, then whispered: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Gan slowly arranged his three-color embroidered sleeves with colorful borders, as if there were beautiful articles on them.

Before Chu Rui was about to frown impatiently, he said lightly: "It's done."

(End of this chapter)

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