Chapter 222 Taking Credit?
Of course, Xiaoliu is a bastard, the Chen family can't get on the stage, his wife is lost, and the Gu family's divorce is also reasonable.But precisely because the Gu family is so sensible, the Chen family's plot cannot be allowed to succeed.

So Wu Anhou categorically refused.

"Brother Gu, don't worry, I will take care of the Chen family myself. I will never make it difficult for the Gu family." Marquis Wu An is a military general, and he doesn't like to be twisted and twisted, so he said directly, "If the Gu and Su families can get along well with Qin and Jin, it is also a good idea." I'm happy to see it. Even if Su is in a daze, he can't give up the marriage of the Gu family."

Gu Gaoyun hesitated and said: "Master Hou, what you mean is to wrong Mrs. Chen to be a minor? How can this be done? After all, Mrs. Chen is the cousin of your mansion, she is precious."

"No matter how stupid Su is, he can't accept Miss Biao as his concubine. Brother Gu, don't worry, I will deal with Mrs. Chen myself, and I will never make things difficult for the girl from your house." Marquis Wu'an is the father of Miss Biao. direct victim.How could something like this happen in my own home again?After giving Gu Gaoyun a reassurance and sending away the contented Gu Gaoyun, he went straight to the inner courtyard.


Marquis Wu An returned to the inner house, Madam Su hurriedly greeted him.

"Master Hou, is someone from the Gu family here? How is the conversation going?" Mrs. Su hurriedly asked, and handed over a cup of hot tea.

Marquis Wu An took the teacup, took a sip, and said, "The Gu family is here to withdraw the engagement."

Mrs. Su opened her eyes wide, first shocked, then angry: "They actually divorced?"

Marquis Wu'an handed it over coldly: "Why, your son is only allowed to be in the first grade of junior high school, and others are not allowed to be in the fifteenth grade?"

Mrs. Su hurriedly said: "Master Hou, that's not what I mean. I just think that the Gu family is too stingy."

"If our daughter is not yet married, my uncle's house has an extra concubine that I have to accept, what will happen to you?" Marquis Wu An asked back.

Mrs. Su was stunned, and immediately said: "That's different." What kind of status is her daughter, and what is Gu Wu's status, how can they be compared.

However, it is also a good thing that the Gu family can take the initiative to propose a divorce, and it will save her a lot of trouble.

Just thinking about the straightforwardness of the Gu family, Mrs. Su was still a little displeased, and said, "Since he is going to retire the engagement, then it's fine." She thought she cared about their daughter.

Marquis Wu'an snorted coldly, he is a military general, he likes to cut messes quickly, so he said directly: "The marriage between Xiao Liu and the Gu family must not be withdrawn."

Mrs. Su was impatient.

Marquis Wu'an said coldly: "Madam, have you ever thought about it, if the marriage is terminated because of the Chen family, the marriage of the Gu family girl will be extremely difficult."

Mrs. Su didn't take it seriously, and it wasn't me who proposed the divorce, so it's none of my business.

Knowing his wife's cold and selfish character, Marquis Wu An didn't bother to get angry with her.But if it caused hatred for the Su family for this reason, that would be another matter.

"Madam, do you think that the Gu family voluntarily resigned from the engagement without understanding flattery?"

Mrs. Su moved her mouth, wanting to say yes directly, but knowing her husband's temper well, she still didn't say it out.

Marquis Wu An sneered: "If the Su family resigns because of this, it will make it difficult for the girl of the Gu family to get married. My Su family will have to make up for it from other places. How will Madam make up for the Gu family?"

Now that the entire Gu family has embarked on the path of studying, the Su family, who is following the path of military generals, wants to make up for others, so they have to make a big circle and owe more favors.

"Furthermore, with Xiao Liu's temperament, he should be restrained by a wife who can control him. Do you think your niece is capable of controlling him?"

If Chen Yan had this ability, she wouldn't use such tricks.

So Mrs. Su hurriedly said: "Then we don't need to cancel the engagement, just let Yan'er be a little girl." Anyway, Yan'er was aiming to be Xiao Liu's concubine.

Marquis Wu'an sneered: "Let Miss Biao be my concubine, thank you for being able to say it. Are you worthy of your dead brother? Have you forgotten the scourge of the Ding family? Forgot what my mother and our brothers and sisters suffered in those years Humiliation? You are also the head of the family and the mistress, so you go and find out, how many of those families where the cousin is a concubine are peaceful?"

Mrs. Su didn't like her husband talking about her niece like that, so she hurriedly spoke for her: "Yan'er is not that kind of person."

Marquis Wu An sneered: "He's not that kind of person, yet he dares to plot against our son? It's also known to everyone."

Chen Yan fell into the water, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, not many people saw it, and they couldn't spread the news as long as they covered it, but unfortunately, it only took one night to spread the word all over the capital.

How could Mrs. Su admit it, and said quickly: "I asked Yan'er carefully, it was really not on purpose. Master Hou can't say that about her. The girl has a thin skin..."

Marquis Wu An waved his hand and said, "You don't need to explain. Anyway, let me just say a word, the marriage with the Gu family cannot be withdrawn. The Chen family can't be a little girl to Xiao Liu."

"Yan'er's reputation is ruined, if Xiao Liu is not responsible for her, what reputation does she have?"

"Ma'am, is your niece important, or our son's marriage?" Seeing that his wife was still obsessed with it, Marquis Wu An was a little angry. Five is suitable for Xiao Liu. If Xiao Liu cannot marry the girl he loves because of the Chen family, have you ever thought about whether you can be worthy of your own son?"

Mrs. Su was questioned.

Marquis Wu An said again: "If you divorce the Gu family, Xiao Liu will have to marry the Chen family. How do you want outsiders to view our family? Even if Chen marry Xiao Liu, it will not change the outsiders' opinions on her."

Madam Su's expression turned serious.


Gu Gaoyun, who thought he had a perfect solution, rushed to the Shou'an Hall to reply to his old mother.

"...Mother, Marquis Wu An is a sensible man. He doesn't agree to divorce, and he won't let Mrs. Chen grow up."

"Marquis Wu'an disagrees with the divorce?" Mrs. Gu, who was waiting for her granddaughter to propose a marriage and slap those people in the face, almost thought that there was something wrong with her ears.

Gu Gaoyun mistakenly thought that the old mother's shock was due to a pleasant surprise, so he specially emphasized his tone: "That's right, Marquis Wu'an disagrees with the divorce. He is still very optimistic about Wu girl, and he also promised not to let Mrs. Chen become a child for Su Liu. Mother Don't worry, the fifth girl is a lucky one, so she won't encounter such a bad thing again."

What happened to the old mother?Are you happy?Why don't you brag about yourself?
He argued hard and won more benefits for the fifth girl.

Su Liu would not accept Miss Biao as his concubine, and would personally settle the Chen family, and would never make things difficult for the fifth girl, even if it was a matter in the house, she would not intervene.Such a promise is hard to come by.

This is the result of his arguments.

It took a long time for Mrs. Gu to digest the frustrating news, and bitterly gouged out her son with the stick, but she couldn't say anything to him, so she waved her hand and said weakly: "Got it, You have worked hard this trip, go back and rest."

Gu Gaoyun, who was not praised, left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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