Chapter 223 Another Trick

Also disturbed was Gu Yuanshan, who learned from his grandmother that Marquis Wu'an did not agree to the divorce, he also had a regretful expression on his face.

Mrs. Gu sighed for a long time, took out the marriage certificate and jade pendant and handed it to her grandson, saying: "The Su family does not agree to the divorce and has made such a promise. There is really no reason for our family to say no more. You should withdraw the marriage certificate." Let's go back. We five girls don't have so many blessings."

It is also possible to forcibly divorce the Su family, but if you divorce the Su family on the front foot, you will marry another family on the back foot. Anyone with a discerning eye must know that it is tricky.Even if Wu Yatou is allowed to climb a high branch, the reputation of the Gu family will also be affected.Furthermore, the Su family is not vegetarian, so it is unwise to make enemies for nothing.


The marriage letter and engagement jade pendant that had been written without a date were returned and placed quietly on the marble table.

Gu Yuanshan made it very clear that the Su family would not make things difficult for Gu Wu, and with the promise of the Su family, it would be difficult for the Gu family to withdraw the engagement.The marriage letter written by Chu Rui can only be returned to him.

Gu Yuanshan looked at Chu Rui speechlessly.

The son of the protector of the country, seeing himself taking out the marriage certificate and saying that the marriage had not been completed, fell down on the chair and was speechless for a long time. Finally, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he dropped a teacup in a fit of despair, and sat on the table. In the teacher's chair, he just didn't speak for a long time. Compared with the joy of seeing himself just now, this blow should be bigger.

Gu Yuanshan also felt sorry for him, and also felt sorry for himself. In comparison, the weight of the brother-in-law of Duke Huguo is naturally much more important than that of the uncle of the sixth master of Marquis of Wu'an.

But he doesn't have that blessing, he can't be an uncle of a family.

Gu Yuanshan didn't want to stay too long, so he said goodbye and left.

"Wait, don't go." Chu Rui stopped him, "The Su family doesn't agree to the divorce, so try to get them to agree to the divorce."

Gu Yuanshan frowned: "Master, I don't care what you want to do. If my sister's reputation is hurt, I will not obey."

"Don't worry, I promise that I will never hurt Gu Wu's reputation." Chu Rui hurriedly promised.

Gu Yuanshan was skeptical, warned him a few more words, and then left.


After seeing off Gu Yuanshan, Chu Rui paced back and forth in the yard.

Zhou Qing, Di Long and the others were also a little bit frustrated. They didn't expect that the calculation that took a lot of effort to facilitate did not work.The son of the world does not marry a wife for a day, and these old bachelors can only continue to be bachelors. It is really too miserable.

Seeing that Chu Rui was still circling in circles, looking like a trapped beast, Zhou Qing couldn't bear it any longer, so he stepped forward and said, "My lord, why don't you discuss the countermeasures with Mr. Zhu?" Mr. Zhu has always had a magical point As Shi Chengjin's personal guards, they have already experienced Shi Chengjin's coquettish manipulation.The Emperor Manchu eats the overlord's meal, and robs everywhere. Not only is nothing wrong, but if the victim files a complaint, he will be in bad luck.

Mr. Zhu not only has hard fists, but also has a quick brain. In the blink of an eye, he can design a seamless chain plan.

Chu Rui gave Zhou Qing a gouged look: "It's just that I listen to him every time, so I am passive everywhere." He decided to follow his own way this time.

Zhou Qing asked weakly: "Then what is the son going to do next?"

Di Long couldn't bear it any longer, so he yelled directly: "What's there to be scruples about? It's really not good, just concoct a fake evidence or something, or find out the reason of Marquis Wu'an, go directly to the Su family, and say that you have committed a crime. Gu Wu is retiring the engagement."

Anyway, apart from the Commander of the Knives and Crossbow Battalion, the Elder Master also has a Jingwei in charge of intelligence in his hands. It is too easy to catch the Wu'an Houfu.

Chu Rui slowly looked at Di Long.

This guy still had a stern look on his face, with the aura of those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish, and continued to yell: "That's it, my son, give me a few days, and I will dig the ground three feet to kill the Su family." Find the handle."

Zhou Qing kicked him: "You were transformed by bandits?" Can Marquis Wu An be so easy to catch?

But Chu Rui's eyes lit up, and said: "Ti Lung's idea is good, why didn't I think of it?"

Zhou Qing was dumbfounded, no way, Shizi and Mr. Zhu have only been together for a few days, how come they are so close to Mo Zhehei?
But Chu Rui became more and more excited as he thought about it. He clapped his hands and said, "Zhou Qing, go and find Peng Yang."

Zhou Qing was a little reluctant: "If you have anything to do, please tell the humble officer." Peng Yang is more handsome than him, and he is good at coaxing people, so he was finally sent to do other things by the prince. Come by, wouldn't he have a rival in love?It's a pity that he is also an old bachelor.

Chu Rui glanced at him: "Okay, from now on, you will pretend to be a beggar and go to the vicinity of Su's house to watch Chen's."

Zhou Qing hurriedly said: "Master, wait a moment, I will call Peng Yang right away."


When he heard that he was going to pretend to be a beggar to follow Mrs. Chen, Peng Yang was absolutely unwilling, and couldn't help crying and said with a mournful face: "Master, can you change to other errands?" A full beggar, is this a human job?

Chu Rui said without raising his eyebrows: "One tael of silver a day."

Peng Yang swallowed his saliva and said, "It's not about money."

"Two taels of silver a day."

Peng Yang silently calculated that the remuneration of one tael a day is 60 taels a month, plus the savings from previous years, he should be able to marry a wife.

"Done!" In order to marry a daughter-in-law, this little trouble is nothing.

Peng Yang asked again, "My lord, do you have any other orders?"

"Let's keep an eye on Chen's for now, and report to me as soon as there is any movement." Chu Rui ordered.

"However, I can't just keep an eye on me alone." Normally, mutual blaming and stalking requires at least two people, not to mention changing positions. If there is any movement, one can stay and continue to stalk, and the other can be responsible for tipping off the news. .

Chu Rui pondered for a moment, Zhou Qing, Di Long, and Peng Wei glanced back and forth.

Di Long hurriedly said: "Master, why don't I go, and I just happen to be with Peng Yang." He has been deducted from his salary for two years, and if he doesn't earn some extra money, he doesn't know when he will be able to marry a wife.

Zhou Qing glared at him, stepped forward and said, "Master, let me go. I have good eyesight, fast legs, and most importantly, I am thin." He glanced at the other three with a look of pride.

Di Long rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Master, I am hot-skinned and thick-skinned, and I can endure hardships. Playing a beggar is definitely better than him."

Chu Rui looked at the decision and decided: "Peng Yang and Dillon are responsible for tracking Chen."

Ti Lung's expression brightened, his daughter-in-law was already settled.

Chu Rui tapped the table again, "Call Yingyu."

After a while, a young woman wearing a fiery red tapestry embroidered with Wufutuan flowers entered the study room with a yawn, looked at a group of men in the room, and said impatiently: "I was having a good dream, and I was quarreled." , Really, what the hell is going on."

Chu Rui said lightly: "Contact Nanny Chen, encourage Chen Shi, and make persistent efforts."

Yingyu stopped yawning, "The Marquis of Wu'an has made it clear that he will not let Mrs. Chen become a minor, and it's useless to make fuss about her."

Chu Rui raised his eyes, staring at her with cold eyes.

Under his gaze, Yingyu gradually became more disciplined, and said reluctantly: "Okay, I will contact Nanny Chen."

Nanny Chen is Chen Yan's wet nurse and also a child of the Chen family. She lived with Chen Yan in the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion. She has long been dazzled by the overwhelming wealth and wants to stay in the Su family more than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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