Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 225 Miss Wang's Invitation

Chapter 225 Miss Wang's Invitation

Chen Yan froze for a moment, then shook her head: "Why don't I want to do this, it's not realistic." Although the Gu family seems inconspicuous, they still have a lot of background.The in-laws are also great.She had heard from her uncle and aunt privately that the Gu family's in-laws included nobles, civil servants, and royal relatives. They were also a force that could not be ignored.Marquis Wu'an followed the path of a military general, and he was one of the best in the noble circle, but in the civil official circle, he was about to retreat.The Dasheng Dynasty has been passed down for three generations, and what is needed is ministers capable of governing the country, and the importance of civil servants has gradually become prominent.It is impossible for the Su family to divorce the Gu family because of her.

The Su family is so famous, it is impossible for the Gu family to give up such a large piece of fat.

Mother Chen said: "My silly girl, if the Gu family voluntarily agrees to let you in, wouldn't the matter be resolved?" She began to suggest to Chen Yan, "There is a saying that you have a thick skin and eat more meat. Those who go out can get rich benefits. Most of the ladies in the boudoir are thin-skinned and pay attention to reputation. If the girl can abandon her face and dignity, she can kneel in front of Gu Wu and beg. Even if Gu Wu is so angry that he vomits blood, for the sake of face and peace Fame, maybe you can only agree with it by pinching your nose."

Chen Yan opened her mouth wide, and hurriedly said, "How can this be done? If I really want to do this, then what face and reputation do I have?"

"Fame is more important, or glory and wealth?" Madam Chen disagreed, and lived with the girl in the Su family. After seeing the wealth of the Su family, who would live that so-called "noble" life again?
"Girl, think about it, anyway, you don't have much reputation to speak of now, why don't you fight for yourself again?"

"Then Gu Wu is from a girl in the boudoir. Do you think her reputation can be so good? You go to her and cry and beg, volunteer to be a little girl, and ask her to give you a way to survive. I don't believe her, dare she not?" agree."

Boudoir women have thin skins and pay attention to reputation, so they can really make good use of it.But if it was Gu Fuyun instead, Chen Yan was not sure.

Nanny Chen gave her another reassurance: "Don't worry, girl, I've inquired about it. Miss Wang's banquet this time includes not only young ladies from various families, but also the second girl from the Zhou family in Ningguo Mansion."

Chen Yan was at a loss.

Mother Chen smiled and said, "Young lady, I don't know. This girl on Tuesday is known as a living Bodhisattva. She is extremely warm-hearted and easy to fight against injustices. As long as you kneel down and beg Gu Wu in front of her, Gu Wu will be counted as a bodhisattva." If Wu disagrees, this Tuesday girl will also stand up to fight for your injustice."

The so-called warm heart, to put it bluntly, is nothing but kindness without bottom line.Such a person, if used well, can get twice the result with half the effort.

But Chen Yan was still a little puzzled and said: "Miss Tuesday is from Ningguo's mansion, and Miss Wang is a lady from a civil servant's family, so she probably won't be invited."

Mother Chen said: "I have inquired. Although Miss Zhou is from a noble family, the second wife of the Zhou family is on the way of official career. Master Zhou is still a student of Wang Shouwang. Miss Wang's birthday, Miss Tuesday must go." Think Looking at the daughter-in-law's analysis of herself, Mammy Chen also felt that the daughter-in-law's idea couldn't be better.She is just the wet nurse of the cousin of the Marquis of Wu'an, and she is backed by the Su family. The life of their family has undergone earth-shaking changes.This is completely different in the Chen family.If they leave the Su family, their family will return to their original shape.If the girl continues to stay in the Su family, their family will continue to receive benefits.Naturally, it is necessary to spare no effort to find a way to keep the girl in the Su family.


Not being able to divorce Su Liu, Gu Fuyun was also depressed for a while.Although the Marquis of Wu'an was in charge and would not let Su Liu accept the Chen family as his concubine, he offended Chen Yan to the death.If Chen Yan twisted her mouth casually in front of Mrs. Su, saying that she is jealous and intolerant.More white lotus, ran to her and begged her to give her a way to survive, would she not agree, or not?

It just so happened that on this day, the second sister-in-law Zhu Shi came to Gu Fuyun's courtyard to drink tea and chat, and the concierge sent a post in, saying it was a post from the Wang family.

Mrs. Zhu asked in surprise: "Which Wang family?" After looking at the exquisite bronzing name stickers, there are two red stripes on it, which are only eligible for senior officials of the second rank.

Gu Fuyun has received a lot of posts, so he somewhat understands the connotation of famous posts.The metropolis with fame and fame will use the color of bright red bronzing, and engrave the year of graduation... Ahem, wrong, which year will be engraved, where is the ancestral home, and where do you live.If there is an official position, the position will be added.If it is a high-ranking official in the court, several red bars will be engraved on the officials of several ranks to represent the rank.The sons and daughters of the officials' families will borrow the family's name stickers, modify them slightly, and then engrave their own names.

Isn't this name sticker with red bronzing and two stripes belonging to the family of the second-rank master?
The color is pure, and it is a proper and noble home.

The Dasheng Dynasty emphasized literature over martial arts, studied hard for ten years, obtained fame in the examinations, and paid homage to ministers when they came out, and became famous all over the world. This is the ultimate goal of a scholar.

Although the Gu family is honorable, they have little influence in the civil service circle.When Gu Fuyun was able to receive a post from a second-rank civil official's family, it's no wonder that Mrs. Zhu was so surprised.

With the nobility and pride of family heirs of poetry and books, it is equivalent to civil servants in the 21st century.With a salary of [-] yuan, he can look down on executives of private companies who earn [-] yuan.

To put it more bluntly, even if Xungui lived a life of filthy wealth, in the eyes of these scholars, he was equivalent to a countryman in the eyes of an old Shanghai aunt who lived in a shanty town at the end of the 20th century.

Gu Fuyun opened the post, and it turned out that it was an invitation from Queen Jingqin, the grandson of Wang Shouwang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, inviting Gu Fuyun to attend her birthday party.

Mrs. Zhu glanced quickly, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect the fifth younger sister to have friendship with Miss Wang's family." The Gu family is considered a second-rate dignitary in the elite circle of the capital. Gradually relying on the civil servants, the civil servants accounted for the majority of those who have dealt with them over the years.It's just that there are almost no second-rank officials like the Wang family.

Gu Fuyun smiled and said, "I met the Jiahe County Lord last time." It's just that she and Wang Jingqin can only say they know each other, but they can't be considered familiar.

It's just that Miss Wang belongs to the top traffic in the circle of aristocratic women in the Qinggui faction, so there's no reason why she shouldn't accept the post she posted for herself.

Seeing that Gu Fuyun was going to attend Miss Wang's birthday, Mrs. Zhu was naturally happy, but soon frowned again, "...I suddenly remembered something."

Gu Fuyun glanced at her, wondering if it was his own illusion, the second sister-in-law who seldom came to play with him, but today she just relied on her, which was somewhat against the law.

 The subscription results are not very satisfactory, but fortunately the data has not dropped, all this is due to the sisters, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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