Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 226 Being able to quarrel is also an ability

Chapter 226 Being able to quarrel is also a kind of ability

But after all, it was my sister-in-law, and it was a sign of harmony between sister-in-law and sister-in-law that someone took the initiative to come to play with her, so there was no reason to drive her away, let alone.She and Gu Yuanshan are biological siblings.

Zhu said: "I seem to have heard that the cousin of the Marquis of Wu'an has a good relationship with Miss Wang's cousin."

Gu Fuyun frowned, and said, "Miss Wang's Biao, is that Miss Lin?" That talented woman from Jiangnan who made a big splash in the elite circle of the imperial capital?
Mrs. Zhu nodded hesitantly, and then nodded suddenly: "Yes, that's the person. A while ago, my natal sister came to visit me and told me about this Miss Lin, who was very close to this Miss Wu'an Houbiao. Sister and sister are so affectionate." Suddenly she covered her mouth again, alas, why did she say this?
Gu Fuyun was silent, Lin Xue was Wang Jingqin's cousin and lived in Wang's house, Wang Jingqin passed her birthday, so it was reasonable for Lin Xue to invite a few familiar ladies to celebrate her cousin's birthday together.

If this Chen family really went to the Wang family, he would fight hand to hand with him...

Thinking of Chen Yan's possibility of being possessed by a white lotus, Gu Fuyun's whole body felt bad.

Mrs. Zhu took a peek at Gu Fuyun's face, and said softly: "Why don't Fifth Younger Sister stop going, if Mrs. Chen also goes, it's really annoying."

Although her husband specifically told her that she must encourage her sister-in-law to go to Wang's house, wouldn't it be embarrassing if Mrs. Chen also went to fight hand-to-hand with her sister-in-law?
Gu Fuyun glanced at Mrs. Zhu with an inexplicable expression, thought for a while, and then smiled lightly: "It's good to see her, so that I can see how she still has the face to appear in front of me."

Although she had completed the task assigned by her husband, Mrs. Zhu felt a little uneasy in her heart. After returning to her yard, she couldn't help complaining to her husband: "I have a bad feeling. What if the cousin of Marquis Wu'an is in front of everyone?" Crying and begging Fifth Sister to let Fifth Sister agree to let her be Su Liu's child?"

Such a thing has not happened before.So Zhu Shi was very disturbed.

Gu Yuanshan said, "I wish Mrs. Chen could be like this."

Zhu's eyes widened: "How can you do this? The fifth younger sister is your biological sister." How could she harm her sister like this.

Gu Yuanshan was not angry at his wife's accusation, but became happy instead. He smiled and hugged his wife's shoulder and said, "I know you love my fifth sister. My brother also loves me. Don't worry, I won't hurt my sister." .I have my own claim."

Mrs. Zhu said angrily: "What on earth are you going to do?" She couldn't even imagine that if Mrs. Chen were to kneel down and beg her sister-in-law to give her a so-called way of life under the watchful eyes of everyone, what would she do with her?If I agreed, I felt aggrieved and panicked. If I didn't agree, I would just do nothing and have no sympathy.In short, a dilemma.

Gu Yuanshan thought to himself, the more the Chen family did things, the Gu family would have an honest reason to ask the Su family to divorce.But the reason for this is not easy to explain to outsiders, the less people know the better, even the people next to the pillow are also hidden.


Gu Fuyun also spent a few dollars and sent someone to inquire, and learned that Chen Yan would indeed go to Wang's house, You Qi also heard that after Chen Yan fell into the water, Lin Xue went to the Marquis of Wu'an to visit Chen Yan.It was even learned that the Wang family also sent two posts to the Su family.

Then Chen Yan, 100% will go too.

And Wang Jingqin's posting for herself may be harboring evil intentions.

But Gu Fuyun was frightened?She wanted to see how the Chen family would kidnap her morally.

After thinking about it for two days, Gu Fuyun went through all the possible behaviors of Chen Yan, and after he was able to figure it out, he called a few maids.

Shuqing is the first-class maid in the house, she is steady and considerate, and she is an indispensable housekeeper.

Except for Qingjuan, the four youths are all second-class maids.Qing'e is obese and good at cooking, so she will definitely have to bring her along when she gets married in the future.

Qingsi is strong, strong, and stubborn, but she is loyal to her. Taking Qingsi with her when she goes out can increase her sense of security.

Qinghong is beautiful, good at massage, and can read and write, so she is dedicated to earning face for her.

As for Qingjuan...

This girl is in a few Qingli, and she has a relatively low sense of presence. She is usually responsible for taking care of General Bai, and she can be seen playing with a slingshot when she is free.By the way, I occasionally quarreled with the big kitchen, and I rarely lost.

Seeing that the girl kept staring at her without speaking, Qingjuan felt a little guilty, and asked in a low voice: "Miss, but the servant girl is not doing well enough?" She couldn't help but look at the other three Qing, feeling jealous.In terms of appearance, she is not as good as Qinghong, and in terms of talent and learning, she is not as good as Qinghong.Well, don't compare with her.Qing'e is good at cooking, masters the girl's stomach, and she recognizes the girl's favor.

But why is it that Qingsi, who is tall, strong, eats a lot of people and is simple, is more valued by girls than her?
Gu Fuyun asked several Qings, "Among you, who would quarrel?"

Four green you look at me, I look at you.

Qing'e was the first to say that she was only good at cooking and not good at quarreling.

Qingsi patted her chest and said: "It's not good to quarrel with maids, but why use your mouth when you can use your hands?"

Qinghong was the third to speak: "What kind of trouble has the girl encountered?"

Qingjuan is the weakest of the four youths, and maybe this is the critical moment for her to be on top, she immediately said: "Girl, I am the best at quarreling. I am not good at literary quarrels, but I am good at martial quarrels." Absolutely true."

Gu Fuyun was surprised and said: "Arguing still requires Wen Quan and Wu Quan?"

Qingjuan replied: "Wen Quao is swearing without profanity. I don't know much about words, so I'm not good at it. But when it comes to martial quarrel, a servant girl should be fine."

Gu Fuyun became interested and told about Chen Yan.

"You said, I went to Wang's house two days later and met Chen Yan. If she begged me to let her be my uncle in front of everyone, what should I do?"

The maids were stunned.

Shu Qing hesitated and said: "This cousin is a rich girl after all, can she really do such a self-willed and degrading thing?"

Gu Fuyun sneered, who wouldn't be tempted by the wealth of Wu'an Hou Potian?A young lady whose family has declined suddenly falls into the nest of wealth and is used to enjoyment, will she be willing to leave?Naturally, we must do everything possible to stay and continue to enjoy it.

Qingjuan's eyes lit up and she said: "I know what to do. If I really want to meet this kind of person, the girl is a lady, so it's inconvenient to swear. Then let the maidservant do it, and the maidservant will definitely scold her back to grandma." Family."

Gu Fuyun's smiling eyes were full of encouragement and joy.

Qingjuan got the hint, as if her talents were finally being put to good use, she smiled happily, and patted her chest to assure: "Miss, don't worry, as long as the girl brings the servant girl, the servant girl will definitely scold her bloody."

But Shu Qing scolded lightly: "Shut up, you. You are a maid, why do you interrupt before the master speaks? If you really want to speak for the girl, outsiders will only think that the girl is incapable of discipline."

Qingjuan was dumbfounded.

Gu Fuyun was also dumbfounded, originally she wanted to use Qingjuan's mouth to scold Chen Yan severely.

Shu Qing said again: "However, the girl's words are a wake-up call to the maidservant. If Chen Yan really resorts to tricks, as the girl is a lady of the family, it is really not easy to say too harsh words. Instead, she can use another method to authorize the Qingjuan, let Qingjuan scold her."

Gu Fuyun's eyes were dazed, so it's still possible to operate like this?Really knowledgeable.

(End of this chapter)

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