Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 228 Almost Deprived the Wang Family

Chapter 228 Almost Deprived the Wang Family

Of course, scholars have their own pride, and the famous paintings on the wall and the antique vases placed on the high tables can testify to their heritage.

The desserts on the plate are pretty good, they should be scallion pancakes, mille-layer peanut rice cakes, corn candies, and brown sugar osmanthus cakes bought from Qianweifang outside.

The Wang family was poorer than imagined, and Gu Fuyun ate more happily.

"Sister Gu..." A thin voice came.

Gu Fuyun raised his eyes and looked at Chen Yan. Yue Yu disappeared, she lost a lot of weight, and her face was paler, looking more and more pitiful.

"I heard that Ms. Chen fell into the water a while ago, is it all right?" Gu Fuyun asked with concern.

Chen Yan whispered: "There is nothing serious, thank you, Sister Gu, for your concern."

"It's good that Ms. Chen is fine." Gu Fuyun didn't want to say more, and under Lin Xue's arrangement, she sat by the stove to warm up.There is no earth dragon or kang in this pavilion, only a fire.It was really cold after taking off the cloak and leaving the stove.

Whether it was intentional or not, Gu Fuyun was placed next to Su San.

Although Su San didn't think highly of this future sixth sister-in-law, her attitude was a bit arrogant, but fortunately she didn't lose her manners.

Chen Yan and Zhou Wanying were next to Su San.

Wang Jingqin came in after a while and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." Because it was not far from lunch time, everyone chatted freely until dinner was served.

The dining room is located in the Baosha downstairs. The ladies sat at two tables, and the maids and coachmen brought by each of them ate outside the kitchen next to the front yard.

But the Wang family's territory is not large, and the maids have to take turns to stay at the table when they eat.

Wang Jingqin is the master, not only to entertain the little sisters to eat and use well, but also to coordinate the overall situation.Because of today's banquet, in order to train her, the elders let her take full control.Therefore, not only the meals of the guests must be arranged, but also the meals of the maids and coachmen brought by the guests must be arranged.

But the kitchen still came to Wang Jingqin from time to time, saying that the food for the servants was not enough.

Wang Jingqin frowned: "Didn't you prepare meals for 40 people?" Originally, only 10 people's meals were prepared, but Gu Wu brought four maids, coachmen, and guards, and had to let the kitchen prepare [-] more people's meals .

The woman in the kitchen held back her anger and said: "The guards and maidservants brought by Miss Gu's family are more edible than the other. Our five-grain rice has been steamed in five drawers, and they have eaten them all. I’m full. There’s pork ribs and winter melon soup, twice-cooked pork, which are gone in the blink of an eye, how can this servant of the Gu family eat so much.” Even after eating their rations, it was still not enough.I have never seen such an edible servant.I don't know what the Gu family thinks, they only find this kind of big eater as a guard, and they are not afraid of being poor.

Wang Jingqin was silent for a while, the guests were invited by herself, even if they were crying, they had to be fed.

So Wang Jingqin said, "Are there any other dishes in the kitchen?"

"It's all gone. We've given them all our share, but it's still not enough. What should we do? Not only is the grain rice gone, but everything else is gone. Our big kitchen has really tried its best." The cook even wiped her forehead. With the sweat on her face, she usually cooks meals for a family of ten people with two rough maids, which is more than enough.Today, I have to prepare meals for fifty or sixty people. Although I have made preparations in advance, I am still very tired. Now my arms are heavy and sore, and I can hardly lift them up.

After thinking for a while, Wang Jingqin could only grit his teeth and ask someone to go to an outside restaurant to get another table of noodles.

"Let's get the third grade." Although it's only for the servants to eat, it can't be too sloppy. A table of 1 tael and 6 renminbi is still needed.

The cook quickly nodded in response.

Wang Jingqin gritted her teeth again and confessed: "Go to Qianweifang to buy some pastries and come back." The pastries in the room are almost eaten, and I thought that I bought enough before. Who would have expected that the maid brought by Gu Wu, that strong maid One person can feed five people, and the remaining three people can't give up.Even Gu Wu himself has a considerable appetite.

The life of the Wang family is simple. Apart from making meals for the big family, the cook also does shopping part-time. She nodded and agreed with heartache. She carried the purse in her arms. She thought she could make a small fortune by taking advantage of the big girl's treat, but now it's all right. , Thank goodness if you don't stick to your old books.


Naturally, the Wang family's food is not as good as the Su family's. Although it is just some ordinary chicken, duck and fish, it is delicious.Gu Fuyun, who is not very picky about food, ate until he was full.

Seeing that Gu Fuyun could eat so well, Wang Jingqin was also stunned. Thinking of the maid guards brought by Gu Wu, one person could feed three people's appetite, and she was heartbroken.Sure enough, if there is a master, there must be a servant, and I will never invite her again.

After eating, the noble ladies came to the attic again.

The maids serving the ladies went to eat, and replaced the maids who had already eaten to serve their masters.

Wang Jingqin beckoned the maid to serve tea for everyone again, gave Gu Wu a complicated look, and went out enduring her depression.

Almost all of the table that the cook ordered outside was eaten by the guards brought by Gu Wu.There are also a dozen or so maidservants serving their masters at the dinner table who haven't eaten yet.

There is no food at home, and I have to go to the restaurant to order again.

When Wang Jingqin was away, Lin Xue greeted everyone instead of Wang Jingqin, and suggested that everyone have a poem.Some ladies with good poetry attainments immediately responded.

Gu Fuyun said: "All of you here are talented women, but unfortunately I don't have talent in this area, so I won't make a fool of myself."

The crowd was stunned.

Lin Xue was also stunned, she didn't expect Gu Wu to be such a bachelor, she originally planned to embarrass her, but he bluntly said that she couldn't write poetry, so she didn't know what to do.

Chen Yanrou said weakly: "Sister Gu, you are too humble. All the ladies here are ladies from noble families, who can't be right? Sister Gu is from the Gu family, and I heard that all the young masters of the Gu family are studying. Gu My sister won't go anywhere."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Speaking of background, it reminds me of one thing. Ms. Chen is also from a scholar's family, right? As far as I know, the Chen family in Northwest China is also a famous family. The lady of this famous family, Presumably they are also of noble character. A person of noble character should not do things that force others, right?"

Chen Yan hesitated, and then asked with a puzzled expression: "I just asked Sister Gu to compose poems, so how did it have something to do with character?"

Lin Xue said with a smile: "It's an elegant thing for everyone to recite poems to match each other. Miss Gu Wu will not spoil everyone's interest, right?"

Gu Fuyun put away his smile and looked at Lin Xue calmly.

The girl's eyes are flat, but she has a sharp blade that cannot be ignored.

Lin Xue felt uncomfortable being stabbed by this sharp sharpness, she had to avoid her gaze, forced herself to laugh and said, "What is Miss Gu Wu doing looking at me like that? Or did I say something wrong?"

Gu Fuyun said slowly: "Miss Lin, I know that you have poetry and books in your stomach, and you have earned a reputation as a talented woman after you have been in Beijing for only half a year. How can such a lady with both good looks and good looks like Miss Chen, like to make things difficult for others?"

Lin Xue hurriedly said: "Miss Gu Wu, did you misunderstand something? When did I embarrass you?"

(End of this chapter)

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