Chapter 229
Gu Fuyun put down the teacup heavily, his eyes slightly lifted, "Everyone here knows that I am ignorant, I can't combine couplets, and I can't recite poems. As I said just now, I don't want to make a fool of myself. Miss Lin wants me to To write poetry, and to say that not writing poetry is to spoil everyone's happiness. Isn't this embarrassing me? Or is it because you, Miss Lin, have a reputation as a talented girl, that you just stepped on our shoulders to become famous?"

"I..." Lin Xue didn't expect Gu Fuyun to be so merciless, which made her unable to step down immediately.What she didn't expect was that none of the ladies present stood up to speak for her.Holding teacups one by one, they kept silent and only looked at themselves with interest.This made Lin Xue even more embarrassed, and in the end she could only save herself with red eyes: "Miss Gu Wu, have you said that too much? You don't want to write poetry, who dares to force you to do so? Why bother to say such a thing."

Gu Fuyun said: "A gentleman has the beauty of being an adult, if he is really noble, how can he force others to show his ugliness?"

Anyway, this Lin Xue is not a good thing, so naturally she will not swallow her anger.Her goal today is to deal with Chen Yan. Since Lin Xue wants to be the vanguard, let's use her as the vanguard.

As soon as Lin Xue came here, she put on the label of "If you don't write poetry, you will ruin everyone's happiness". If it were someone else, you would have to admit that you are not as skilled as others, and you have no real talent and knowledge.

But Gu Fuyun wanted to counterattack and defend.

What about talented women?A truly virtuous person would not persecute others like this.On the contrary, it will give the opponent a step down.

If Lin Xue dares to force her like this, don't blame her for stretching out the knife.

With a few words, Gu Fuyun turned Lin Xue from a talented girl full of ambitions into a villain with bad character and forced others to make a fool of herself. Aggrieved look.

"Did I offend Miss Gu Wu? Let Miss Gu Wu attack me as soon as she came. But I only met Miss Gu Wu twice, so I shouldn't have offended you." Lin Xue also has a way of self-help .That is to say that Gu Fuyun's target was caused by Gu Fuyun's dislike for her.Although he couldn't fully save his embarrassing face, he could at least save one or two.

But Gu Fuyun is a vegetarian?Hearing the words, he immediately said: "Miss Lin, I should be the one who asked you this. I don't think I offended you, right? Why did you force me to do something I'm not good at?"

"Do you know that if you force me so much, I will be embarrassed and embarrassed! Or is Miss Lin just trying to embarrass me?"

Lin Xue's tongue-tied face made the little person in Gu Fuyun's heart sneer smugly, how old are you, and no matter how sharp your tongue is, at best a girl in her teens, can you compare to me who has rich social experience? ?

The other ladies also looked at each other in blank dismay. They were all ladies in the civil service circle, and they didn't have a good impression of Lin Xue at all.But for Gu Wu who came from the Earl's Mansion, he might not like it very much.But Gu Wu's fighting power is so strong, Lin Xue can be defeated in just a few words.It can be seen that the so-called talented women are just that.

Seeing that Lin Xue was so useless and lost so quickly, Su San snorted coldly, and said with a fake smile: "Miss Gu Wu's bright teeth are really as famous as seeing them."

Gu Fuyun smiled: "Miss Su San, did you hear that I look like a moon and a flower, right? In fact, most of the rumors are exaggerated and cannot be taken as true."

The ladies covered their lips and laughed.I feel that this Gu Wu is indeed inconsistent with the legend, and he is not easy to mess with.

Su San pursed her lips, smiled again and said, "Miss Gu Wu was joking, the rumor I heard is that Miss Gu Wu is ignorant and incompetent, and she is overestimating her own abilities."

The smiles on the ladies' faces disappeared, and some even frowned.

Even if Gu Wu is indeed ignorant, there's no need to say it out loud in front of others, right?

Su San said that, even if he doesn't know how to be a human being, it's too embarrassing.

Lin Xue's cautiousness was still within the tolerance range, but Su San really didn't leave any room for it.

Qingjuan, who was drinking tea behind the screen, immediately became furious, and was about to get up and curse back, but was pinched by Shuqing.Only then did he endure it.

At this time, Gu Fuyun had already smiled and said: "This rumor is not true. It is obvious that someone deliberately poured dirty water on me." Looking at Su San, he said with a smile, "Although I am not very good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting Proficient, at least I can read a few big characters, read a few articles, memorize boudoir training, and understand etiquette. Even if some people are arrogant and rude, I will not say it directly."

This is accusing Su San of being arrogant and rude.

Su San said angrily: "You!"

Gu Fuyun smiled again and said: "Also, even if I am ignorant, who is hindering me? Have I violated Dasheng's law? I think there is a saying that a woman's ignorance is virtue, but if I don't Let me tell you, it’s better than someone with talent but no virtue. Qinghong, what’s that saying?”

Qinghong, who was serving at the side, replied loudly: "Returning to the girl's words, a gentleman thinks it is good if he takes talent, and a villain thinks evil if he takes talent. Those who take talents for good will do good things; those who take talents for evil will do evil. Although a fool wants to do bad things, his wisdom cannot be used, and his strength cannot win. For example, a suckling dog fights a person, and the person who wins can control him. A villain is wise enough to commit treachery, and brave enough to repel his violence. It is a tiger with wings, and it does harm. Aren’t there many! The virtues are strict with people, but the talents are loved by others; those who love are easy to get close to, and those who are strict are easy to slack off, so those who observe are too many to hide their talents and leave behind their virtues. Since ancient times, the chaos of the country , the loser of the family has more than enough talent but not enough virtue, so that there are too many subversives, how can he be so wise! Therefore, if a person who is a country and a family can judge the distinction between talents and virtues and know the order, what is the difference between others? What a problem!"

Gu Fuyun complained: "I asked you to explain what it means to be talented but not virtuous, but you fell into a book bag with me. Did you mean to see my jokes?"

Qinghong hurriedly said: "Miss misunderstood, what I want to say is that talent without virtue is more serious than virtue without talent."

Gu Fuyun said: "That's the thing. But now that your girl is accused of being ignorant, shouldn't I hide my face and cry?"

Qinghong said seriously: "The girl has not committed any crime, why do you hide your face and cry? You are a villain by using your strengths to expose the shortcomings of others. Why should you pay attention to such people?"

Su San, who was called a villain, was so angry that he pointed at Qinghong and cursed: "What are you? A mere maid, dare to be arrogant in front of me. Gu Wu, this is your tutor!"

Qingsi appeared in front of Su San at some point, her strong body pressed against Su San's figure, making Su San even smaller and helpless, "Are you here to find fault? Do you want to fight?" She clenched her fists and Su San wavered in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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