Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 257 So I'm So Excellent

Chapter 257 So I'm So Excellent
"It's not that I look down on your Chen family. A lady of a great family, how can she have the air of a half-legal daughter? It's just some dirty tricks that my aunt would use, and I don't know where I learned it from. The Ankang Chen family is also a big family, why? Raising such a thing?"

Her husband's words were like a sharp arrow, piercing Madam Su's heart.

After Marquis Wu An left, Mrs. Su couldn't bear it anymore and dropped the porcelain on the floor: "So that's how he treated my natal family." Thinking of her husband's merciless words, Mrs. Su's heart was pierced like a knife.

Mrs. Su's confidant nanny hurriedly comforted: "Ma'am, don't be annoyed, Master Hou is just speaking out of anger. No matter what, you are Mrs. Wu'anhou, the biological mother of the eldest son, the sixth master, and the third girl. Who can go past you?" ?”

A woman's status in her husband's family depends on the strength of her mother's family and the excellence of her children.Although the Chen family was in decline, the eldest son had already been enshrined as the son of the eldest son, and the eldest grandson had been born, so his status was stable.Even if Madam Su's natal family is completely deserted, Madam Su's position in the Su family cannot be shaken.And no matter how dissatisfied Marquis Wu An was, he was just talking about it.

After hearing Nanny's words, Mrs. Su calmed down, and couldn't help complaining to Chen Yan: "It's all this worry-free thing, which made me suffer too."

Just in time, Chen Yan came in gracefully, holding a bowl of crystal clear soup in her hand, and said softly: "Auntie, I specially ordered the small kitchen to make tremella and lotus seed soup. Auntie will drink it while it is hot." Bar."

Mrs. Su pursed her lips tightly, looking at the girl's smiling face and gentle face, she used to think that her niece was pretty and made people feel sorry for her, but now seeing her red eye circles, she felt dazzling .

Chen Yan put the bowl on Mrs. Su's sons, and asked gently: "Auntie has something on her mind?"

Madam Su took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said, "What's the matter with the eyes?"

Chen Yan quickly rubbed her eyes with her hands, and forced a smile: "It's okay, it's just that sand got into my eyes."

In the past, Mrs. Su would definitely say: "Nonsense, where is there so much sand?" Then she forced her niece to tell herself if she was wronged or bullied.

But at the moment Madam Su was not in a good mood, she said coldly: "Is it because of Xiao Liu's matter?"

After retiring the engagement with Gu Wu, it was rare for his son not to make a fuss, but he was much quieter than before. Facing Chen Yan, he used her as air.

Chen Yan hurriedly said: "No, my cousin didn't bully me. Auntie must not misunderstand, and must not hurt the relationship between mother and child because of me." Even so, she wiped her tears again, as if being bullied Liao suppressed the appearance of laughing.

I thought that as long as she said that, my aunt would definitely decide for her, but to Chen Yan's surprise, Mrs. Su didn't say a word, but just stared at her inscrutablely.

The aunt's sharp eyes were like dewdrops in the sun. There was nowhere to escape or hide. Chen Yan unconsciously retracted the movement of wiping her tears, and her voice became softer: "Auntie, I am Isn't it very useless?"

Mrs. Su stared at her for a long time. There were still two unwiped teardrops on the girl's long eyelashes, which were about to fall. Although her eyes were red, they were extraordinarily bright after being soaked by tears. It looks very pitiful.

In the past, Mrs. Su might have really pitied her, and then would have taught those servants or concubines who had neglected her a lesson without distinction.

But this time, Mrs. Su still heard her husband's words, and looking at Chen Yan's demeanor, isn't this just what my aunt used to pretend to be weak and pitiful?

Madam Su suddenly darkened her face and said, "You are really useless!"


At this time, the Sixth Master Su, Su Lan, was angrily fighting Chu Rui.

Seeing Su Liu with blood-red eyes and mad expression, Chu Rui knew he was wrong, so he didn't dodge it, and got punched.

Su Liu is also a trainer, and his martial arts are not bad. This leg whip also used a lot of strength and kicked Chu Rui's chest heavily. Chu Rui was kicked far away. Let him go to Yama to report.

Su Liu kicked to the ground. Seeing that Chu Rui was so painful that he couldn't straighten up, he also withdrew his hand, but his anger was still high, and he shouted: "Chu Hengshan, you despicable villain."

Zhou Qing and Di Long quickly helped Chu Rui up, seeing that his face was pale with pain, they hurriedly said: "Master, are you all right, call the doctor quickly."

"No need." Chu Rui stood up straight and said to Su Liu, "You should know that even if I don't marry Gu Wu, I will have the Jiang family, Xiao family, or other families to ask to marry me."

Su Liu's entire handsome face was almost distorted, with blood-red eyes open: "I also recognize the other family, but it shouldn't be you." At the beginning, he was the one who took the initiative to find him, asking him to plot Gu Wu, and wait for him to fall in love with Gu Wu. Afterwards, he came running to stop him, how could he swallow this breath?
Chu Rui raised his eyebrows: "Why can't it be me?"

Su Liu growled: "Why you? You know my thoughts about Gu Wu."

"Since you are sincere to Gu Wu, what have you done?"

"Cousin fell into the water, am I going to die?"

Chu Rui shook his head: "It seems that you don't know where you are wrong until now."

Su Liu was startled.

"You know why your cousin fell into the water, but you still take your cousin as a concubine in the name of being responsible, thinking about hugging left and right. This is the first mistake. Gu Wu is a girl from the Earl's Mansion anyway. The daughter of a thousand gold, has not yet passed the door, so she is faced with such a dilemma. If she agrees to her cousin to enter the door, she will feel aggrieved. If she disagrees, she will be accused of being unvirtuous. What do you want her to do? This is the second mistake. Cousin for Concubine, naturally has advantages, advance or attack, retreat or defend, how can you let her be the mistress? How will you govern the inner house in the future? No matter what she does, it will be wrong. You put Gu Wu in such a dilemma. Do not withdraw the marriage , Is it possible that I will marry into your family and be splinted for the rest of my life?"

"Furthermore, for a clown like Chen who can't stand on the stage, you can embarrass your fiancée! You can do it too!"

Su Liu's voice suddenly became much quieter: "Cousin has always understood the rules..."

Chu Rui sneered: "If your cousin knew the rules, she wouldn't cry, make trouble, and hang herself to force you to be responsible for her, and even force Gu Wucheng to complete her in public. Also, even if it was me at the beginning I lived with you first, but I also waited for you to divorce before coming to propose marriage. What kind of anger are you trying to get at me?"

Su Liu opened his mouth, not knowing what to refute for a moment.


Recently, Gu Fuyun has thoroughly felt the real benefits brought about by a high family marriage.

In addition to the blatant flattery of the servants at home, many in-laws and close neighbors also sent congratulatory gifts, all of which were full of praise for her.

Only then did Gu Fuyun suddenly understand that I am so outstanding.


Out of words
As the saying goes, one white covers three ugliness, one rich and eight ugliness
(End of this chapter)

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