Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 258 Little Sisters Gathering

Chapter 258 Little Sisters Gathering

The day when Princess Jiaoyang and County Chief Jiahe made an appointment to visit her was also approaching, so Gu Fuyun hurriedly reported to Old Madam Gu.

Mrs. Gu said: "In this world, it is always easy to add flowers to the cake, but difficult to send charcoal in the snow. Both of you are noble daughters of the clan, but they are willing to save face for you. It is very rare, but it is a good life to entertain others. Let someone take care of Weirui Courtyard , If you need anything, just go to your aunt, and if you pay for it, take my private account."

Zhou said with a smile: "How can the old lady pay this fee? The five girls only paid [-] taels of silver to the public, which is enough to entertain another noble daughter of the clan. How can the old lady's private house be used?"

But I was a little puzzled in my heart, Jiahe County Mistress is the eldest daughter's sister-in-law. I heard from the eldest daughter that this sister-in-law has a weird temper, and her eyes are on the top of her head. Ordinary noble girls never look at her eyes, and she is lukewarm to her sister-in-law. Why are you so close to Wu Yatou?

It seems that although the fifth girl is a bit ignorant, she should have skills that others can't match, so she has to observe and observe.

Mrs. Gu was also very happy with Zhou's generosity, and said with a smile, "It's still fair to you, uncle."

In the afternoon, Zhu Wei also asked someone to post a post, and then Miss Jiang Shumei also sent a post.

Gu Fuyun replied to all the posts, and simply made a unified agreement on the day after tomorrow.It was also the day that Princess Scorching Sun made an appointment with Princess Jiahe.

This was the first time that Gu Fuyun received friends at home in this era, so he didn't dare to be sloppy.All the servants of Lanxiangyuan were gathered in Weiruiyuan, and many maids were borrowed from Zhou, Qiao, and Gu Xiaoyun, so that they could be arranged properly.

Gu Fuyun wanted to entertain the little sisters, so the unmarried girls of the Gu family would naturally also come to help entertain the guests, and resources were pooled together. This was also the purpose of the parties held by the noble girls of each family.

Gu Xiaoyun heard that Princess Jiaoyang and Jiazhu were also coming, so he had to treat Gu Fuyun differently: "You have offended others before."

Gu Fuyun chuckled: "Your sister and I still have good points."

Gu Youyun also came over, wearing a scarlet red corset and a long hairpin, wearing a ruby ​​inlaid butterfly hairpin, her bangs were neatly combed, and her delicate facial features were considered to be outstanding among the few sisters, which was different from Gu Foyun's Qingqing. Lingering, Gu Xiaoyun is indifferent and elegant, Gu Shuyun and Gu Qingyun are pretty and lively, Gu Youyun is gentle and amiable.

Gu Youyun looked at Gu Xiaoyun's rose-red small collar embroidered with hibiscus flowers and long trousers, and said with a smile: "The third sister is dressed beautifully today, but the fifth sister, looking at your dress, there is no trace of being a master."

Gu Fuyun was holding the teacup, she always knew that the third sister and Gu Youyun were a little bit sharp, but Gu Youyun's words were a little too much?

Gu Xiaoyun, with her hair combed in a bun, the five-tailed phoenix hairpin holding a pearl headdress, and the matching pearl earrings, looks dignified and simple, yet generous. She really looks like a daughter-in-law. After listening to Gu Youyun's words, she didn't even frown Authentic: "I've always liked to wear festive colors, and it's not like the younger sisters don't know about it. The fifth younger sister's clothes are indeed not outstanding, but she has a quiet and elegant charm. But fourth sister, do you have a little lip fat? It doesn't match the color of your clothes." It stands to reason that when Gu Youyun wears scarlet clothes, he should wear bright red lip gloss instead of pale peach-colored lip gloss, which looks a bit incongruous.

Gu Youyun quickly covered her lips with an embroidered handkerchief, and said, "This is the peach-colored lip balm uniformly distributed by the public, and I only have this color lip balm, not as good as the third sister, there are many colors to choose from."

Gu Xiaoyun said leisurely: "Since there is no excess lip balm, I should change into a lighter-colored top. I remember that the white ground beanie with embroidered peach blossoms that the fourth sister wore before is not bad. It is fresh and refined, and it looks lively. "

Gu Youyun gritted her teeth secretly, she really didn't feel pain in her back when she stood and talked, as a concubine's daughter, how could she know the sorrow of a concubine's daughter?If you dress up in a mess and lose face in front of outsiders, it will be difficult for the aunt to pass.

Gu Youyun lowered her head, and said helplessly: "There are only a few clothes in my closet. The white ground peach blossom beige was only worn two days ago, and it was washed long ago, and it's still not dry yet. So I can only wear this suit."

Gu Xiaoyun said: "The public will give us two kinds of lip gloss every month, one is peachy and the other is bright red. Didn't the ones from the shopping place send it to the fourth sister?"

Gu Youyun bit her lip, she didn't know what to say, if she said no, if Gu Xiaoyun went to the shopping place to trouble her, then she would be a stranger inside and out.If you say yes, you will slap yourself again.

Gu Fuyun changed the subject with a smile, and asked Gu Xiaoyun, "Third Sister, is your wedding dress embroidered yet?"

"It's already been embroidered. It's you, your wedding is scheduled for October this year, and you don't have much time, so hurry up and move."

Gu Fuyun said with a bitter face, why do you have to embroider the wedding dress yourself?Who made the rules?

Jiang Shumei was the closest and the first to come.

As soon as he saw Gu Fuyun, he complained: "Our family thought we were quick enough, but we were a step too late. Now my mother is still beating her feet at home."

Gu Fuyun held her hand and said with a sincere smile: "Shumei, thank you very much, and I want to thank Aunt Jiang for helping me when I was in the most difficult time. Although I can't be your daughter-in-law, but Our friendship will never change."

At the beginning, after Chen Yan fell into the water, Jiang Shumei was the second person who came to her and encouraged her to divorce the Su family. Then come to the door.Mainly to help her out, and secondly to sincerely ask Gu Fuyun to marry him.

Moved by the sincerity of the Jiang family, Gu Fuyun had the courage and confidence to divorce the Su family.

Who knows that people are not as good as heaven, Chu Rui moves faster.

But no matter what, Gu Fuyun must take care of the Jiang family's love.

Hearing Gu Fuyun's words, Jiang Shumei also breathed a sigh of relief. She also knew that compared with the disciples of the Chu family, the Jiang family was indeed far behind.Furthermore, Gu Fuyun's marriage is not up to her to decide. The matchmaker also made it clear when they came back that their actions were fast enough, but the Chu family's actions were even faster. They posted a post early in the morning and invited The important iceman came to the door.The members of the Chu family are tall enough and sincere enough, there is no reason for the Gu family to disagree.Although the mother is sorry, she can only complain that her luck is not good enough.

So Jiang Shumei said: "Forget it, the marriage is destined, although we can't be my sister-in-law, we are still good friends, right?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "It's natural. Let's go, I made your favorite sesame brown sugar cake, and it's almost ready by now, come and taste it."

Seeing that the place Gu Fuyun led her to was an unfamiliar courtyard, not her Lanxiangyuan, she asked, "Why are you entertaining me here?"

"There will be other guests in a while. My yard is small, so I cleaned the Weirui yard because I was afraid of crowding. This is the yard where my eldest sister lived when she was not married."

Gu Fuyun introduced his sisters to Jiang Shumei, and after the two parties warmed up, they sat down around the round table.

The golden-flavored and crispy sesame brown sugar cake made Jiang Shumei's index finger twitch, who had only had a bowl of porridge for breakfast, and she ate four in one go before stopping.

"Why are there so many? Are you going to let me pack it up and go home?" Jiang Shumei joked, looking at Qing'e's busy figure in the yard.When she came back to play with Gu Fuyun, Gu Fuyun would prepare delicious food for her to take home.

Gu Fuyun said: "In a while, my righteous sister, Princess Jiaoyang, and Princess Jiahe will also come. They all like the brown sugar cakes I made. So I made more."

(End of this chapter)

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