Chapter 272

Gu Fuyun went to Mrs. Gu's place to greet the old lady.

The old lady smiled and said, "Did you have fun?"

"It's okay, I had a good time." Gu Fuyun said, "I also met my eldest sister, who has worked hard enough, and has been busy for us the whole time." This is still a wealthy family, a daughter-in-law , It's really not easy to serve my sister-in-law.

Mrs. Gu said: "This is a necessary process for being a daughter-in-law. You have to do the same in the future." Thinking of the state of the Chu family, she smiled again, "Speaking of it, you are the most blessed. Today's Chu family, that is, Chu Rui is a concubine, and the rest is just the congregation of the next room. There is no need to please my sister-in-law." Even the parents-in-law don't need to wait, and they are the masters of the house.Looking at the whole capital, I really can't find a second one.

Gu Fuyun had thought of it a long time ago, and he also laughed: "If you dare to love me, it will be a blessing in disguise."


Because of worrying about Zhu Wei, Gu Fuyun didn't go to bed early.Instead, he sat in front of the window, drew seriously, and saw the daily life of the noble ladies in the capital. Only then did Gu Fuyun realize that without a skill, he would never want to be in the circle of noble ladies.In the future, she will marry into the Chu family. If she doesn't have a specialty, she will be ashamed to go out.

Therefore, Gu Fuyun painted very seriously.

Qingsi was on duty tonight, seeing that Gu Fuyun was still up all night, she rubbed her eyes: "Girl, it's time to go to bed."

"Go to sleep first." Gu Fuyun didn't lift his head.

Sure enough, Qingsi went to sleep on the Luohan bed separated by a screen.

After a while, he started snoring.

The moonlight is quiet, beautiful and peaceful.

Gu Fuyun was so engrossed in the painting that he forgot the time until someone tapped on the window a few times before he quickly got up and opened the window.

Sure enough, Chu Rui in night clothes stood under the window.

"Did he not be found?" Turning his body sideways, he watched him lightly jump in from the window and landed silently. He thought to himself, if he loses his job in the future, it would be good to be a gentleman with his skills.

Chu Rui said: "If I am discovered, my master will have to jump out of the coffin and scold me."

"Shh, keep your voice down." I'm afraid that Qingsi will hear their words.

Fortunately, it was Qingsi who was on duty tonight.

Gu Fuyun pulled him to the inner room, and closed the door of Ba Bu's bed.

But when the door is closed, it feels bad. This is her boudoir. People are still sitting on her bed. Wouldn't it attract wolves into the room?
While struggling, Chu Rui said: "Want to know about Zhu Wei?"

"Speak quickly."

"When I went, the matter had been resolved. Ning and the county master are fine."

"...Where's Jinghe County Lord?"

Chu Rui looked at her: "There will be results tomorrow."

"Can't you tell me now?" Gu Fuyun said angrily.

Seeing that he was silent, Gu Fuyun thought that this guy was naturally reticent, so he hit him again: "Say it."

Chu Rui's Adam's apple rolled unconsciously.

Does this girl know that her tone just now was almost coquettish?
He pointed to his face: "kiss me, and I'll tell you."

"..." Gu Fuyun was so angry that he wanted to slap him to death, but he was so good at martial arts, so he could only stick to the principle of talking but not touching, and quickly kissed him on the face, "Is it okay now?" She asked I swear, it's best not to ask her for help.

"Not enough." Chu Rui hugged her and pressed his lips.

When two dry and fiery lips collided with each other, Chu Rui only felt a "boom" in his head, and a string called reason was twisted.

Gu Fuyun's head was also buzzing, she didn't know how to react, she didn't hate his kisses, she felt the pleasure of being bullied and cared for.

Seeing that she didn't resist, Chu Rui went even further...for fear of making a fool of himself, he had to let her go.

Gu Fuyun was suddenly pushed away by her, still at a loss, his body seemed to become empty, and he stared blankly at him with his blurred eyes.

Chu Rui's whole body was almost soft again, and he quickly jumped out of the bed, and staggered because of the height of the bed.

"It deserves it." Gu Fuyun laughed heartily, telling you to take advantage of me.

Chu Rui was embarrassed and embarrassed, thinking that his image of being famous and powerful in the first life was always deflated in front of her. For no reason, he wanted to press her on him and bully her fiercely.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Rui decided that where the image was lost, he had to pick it up.

"It seems that you don't want to know what happened to your righteous sister."

Sure enough, Gu Fuyun became nervous, and hurriedly asked: "Then tell me quickly."

Seeing his superior posture, she knew that this fellow could not fulfill her wish, so she couldn't help grinding her teeth, "Chu Rui!"

The girl's voice was slightly shrill when she was angry, but her voice was deliberately lowered, as if it was squeezed out from between her teeth. Somehow, it suddenly reminded Chu Rui of the scene when she once looked down on him with a blank face. Shivering shrewdly, she quickly put aside her tall image of being wise and mighty, and turned into a flattering flattery: "Your righteous sister is fine, don't worry."

That's all, I managed to get her forgiveness, but I don't want to be beaten back to my original shape again.He would rather she be angry and beat and scold him than to be ignored by her.

Although I don't understand why this guy changed his face again, but the smiling face is always more approachable than the cold and serious one.

"Really all right?" Gu Fuyun asked again.

"You will know tomorrow, don't worry."

"Then let's talk about the situation at that time."

Chu Rui sat down in front of the bed again, and said: "Your sister-in-law really has the ability to turn danger into fortune. Not only was she unharmed, but she also got the emperor's unicorn paperweight, which is regarded as an apology."

"Apologize?" Gu Fuyun raised his eyebrows, watching this guy stealthily moving toward him. Should she push him away, or kick him twice?
"I listened outside the Imperial Study Room. Regarding the various accusations made by the county magistrate Jinghe, the county magistrate Ninghe only said one sentence. The magistrate Jinghe despised Sheng Gong. Shouldn't he be taught a lesson?" The faint scent of the girl's body floated into the tip of her nose so lightly. Chu Rui tried his best to look normal on his face, but a hand quietly passed behind her and placed it gently on her face. shoulder.

Chu Rui said solemnly: "The general meaning of Junning county master is: Although my father is a bandit, he has already been recruited by the court, and I have also been named county master by the emperor. But the county master of Jinghe has a bandit on the left and a bandit on the right. A bandit, isn't it against the court and the emperor? Isn't it forcing my father to rebel? No matter what status I used to be, but with the emperor's grace, I am also a county head anyway. She not only disrespects me, but also speaks to me Insulting, doesn't it mean to despise the emperor? Don't take the emperor seriously? The emperor should punish her for her crime."

(End of this chapter)

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