Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 273 Who is the time traveler?

Chapter 273 Who is the time traveler?

"The emperor also thinks that Junning County Lord is very reasonable."

"But Jing and the county head were not convinced, and they cursed Zhu Wei to be rampant when he became powerful. Zhu Wei said, the reason why the emperor named me the county head is because I have value. And what do you have? You are the emperor In addition to your niece, do you have half of the credit for the court and the emperor? You are a county lord who sits and enjoys what you get, and you can't live to be grateful for the emperor's kindness, and you bother the emperor with trivial matters. How can such a person deserve to be named a county lord? To be enshrined by the people? How can it be fair to those gentle and elegant county lords?"

"At that time, the scale in the emperor's heart was already tilted towards Junning. But Princess Wuyang and the emperor are brothers and sisters after all, so it's not good to punish Jinghe for such a trivial matter. So, I added more firewood from it."

"You?" Gu Fuyun looked at the man's reserved and serious face, "How did you add it?"

"I said that I have something important to report to the emperor, so there is no reason for the emperor not to summon me. So, he hurriedly dismissed Princess Wuyang and county head Ninghe with an excuse."

What kind of Timber is this?Gu Fuyun rolled his eyes at him, thought for a while, and said: "So, the emperor has not punished my sister for the time being."


"The emperor shouldn't punish my sister anymore?"


"Then you can go back." Gu Fuyun shook his shoulder, and shook off the lustful claw he had put on his shoulder.

Chu Rui smiled awkwardly, retracted his hand embarrassingly, and put it away neatly.

"How can you be like this?" He complained dissatisfied.

"Which one?" Gu Fuyun squinted at him.

The girl's squinting eyes are also very seductive, with three points of murderous intent, three points of threat, and four points of warning, Chu Rui dared not make mistakes, and muttered: "Aren't you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge? I came all the way to tell You message, and don't give me any rewards."

Gu Fuyun was pleased by the man's aggrieved appearance, smiled, held his face in his hands, and quickly kissed him left and right, and said while he was dumbstruck: "I will reward you with two sweet kisses, that's all right. Bar."

Chu Rui stayed for a moment, touched the remaining warmth on his face, and smirked: "Kiss again."

"Good idea." Gu Fuyun pushed him away, "Hurry up, it's getting late, and I'm going to bed too."

Chu Rui salivated and said: "Kiss me again, and I will leave."

"Don't push yourself too far." Gu Fuyun was a little annoyed.If you don't leave, what if you can't help but throw him down?Alas, Yu Jiahui, who is physically and mentally mature, lives in this tender body.

Chu Rui bent slightly: "Kiss me again, just once, and I will tell you a big secret."

"It's not rare." She turned her face away arrogantly.

"you sure?"

"Yes, if it's not rare, it's not rare. Hurry up and don't wake up Qingsi."

"Girl, did you call me?" Qingsi's voice sounded abruptly.

Gu Fuyun's heart missed half a beat, and when he came back to his senses, he hurriedly said, "No, sleep with you quickly."

"Oh." Qingsi turned over in a daze, and the familiar snoring sound came again.

Qingsi's abrupt cry dispelled the ambiguous atmosphere in the room.Chu Rui also lost interest in flirting with her, and said: "Then I'm leaving, tomorrow you'd better go to Shou Enbo's mansion to visit Zhu Wei."

"Why?" Gu Fuyun's heart tightened, could it be that the emperor will issue an order tomorrow?

"Anyway, just listen to me, you are my fiancee, I will not harm you." After Chu Rui finished speaking, he turned over the window and left.

Gu Fuyun came to the window, looked at the figure that had disappeared on the courtyard wall, thought about the situation just now, and couldn't help laughing again.

Soon, she was worried about Zhu Wei again.

That's all, let's go visit her tomorrow, if the emperor really ordered to warn her, at least he can comfort her.


Early the next morning, Gu Fuyun went to Shou Enbo's residence.

As usual, the gate of Shou Enbo's mansion was open, and there was not even a guard guard inside.Gu Fuyun brought Qingsi and Qinghong into Shou Enbo's mansion unimpeded all the way, and then entered the inner courtyard unimpeded all the way.

Finally, at the hanging flower gate, I saw a woman.

I saw it last time.The old lady recognized Gu Fuyun, and stepped forward: "Miss Gu, you are here."

Gu Fuyun breathed a sigh of relief, if no one came out again, she really thought that there was no one in Shou Enbo's residence.

"Since we're here, I still have to visit Aunt Zhu. Is Auntie at home?" To be a guest at someone else's house, according to the etiquette, you have to visit the female elders.

The woman said: "I'm sorry, madam went to the palace early in the morning, and she hasn't come back yet. But the young lady is at home, I will take the young lady there."

Zhu Wei's courtyard was built in a single building, the courtyard wall was more than one foot high, and on the wall next to the gate, there was a line of big characters written "Cross the wall and enter from here", she couldn't help but smile.

Entering the courtyard gate, under the courtyard wall, the cacti planted are extremely lush and plump, but there is only a three-foot open space under the courtyard wall corresponding to the line of words.

Well, you don't need to step on a cactus if you climb over the wall from here.

Zhu Wei was boxing in the backyard. Standing in the front yard, she could hear the whistling of the whip.

Seeing Gu Fuyun, the maid serving in the room rushed to inform Zhu Wei, and after a while, Zhu Wei rushed over like the wind.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said, "I'll come and see my sister." Seeing that Zhu Wei's face was rosy, her eyes were shining brightly, and her spirit was shining brightly, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "My sister seems to be in a good mood."

"That's natural." Zhu Wei pulled Gu Fuyun to the backyard and said, "Come on, look at the whip I used."

On the open space in the backyard, there were rows of tables with several apples on them. Standing six feet away, Zhu Wei waved her whip at the apples on the table. two.

Swinging the whip again, half of the apple was split into two, with neat cuts.

Repeatedly, with four whips in a row, a whole apple was divided into eight parts, neatly and evenly.

Gu Fuyun couldn't help applauding: "Sister's whipping technique is really superb."

Zhu Wei took the whip away triumphantly, and said, "Do you want to learn? I'll teach you."

Gu Fuyun was eager to try, but after trying twice, the whip hit him all the time, and the pain was so painful that he almost shed two tears of a girl, so he refused to learn again.

Zhu Wei urged again and again, but Gu Fuyun shook her head like a drum, so she let her go, threw away the whip, and asked, "You came to look for me so early, are you worried about me?"

"Hmm." Gu Fuyun looked at her radiant face and asked, "Then Jing and the county master are the daughters of the princess, the emperor's niece, the noble daughter of the clan, and the elder sister should give way."

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "I let her go."


"If it were a normal day, I would definitely beat her to crawl all over the floor. But yesterday in the palace, I was quite restrained. I didn't even beat her."

Gu Fuyun was about to cry, alas, could it be that I am the fake time-traveling girl?
 In the last chapter, I was locked in a small black room. Today is Sunday, and no one will review it. It is estimated that the ban will be lifted tomorrow. It’s so annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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