Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 274 Zhu Wei is a princess?

Chapter 274 Zhu Wei is a princess?
Obviously I have tried her before, but she is a native girl, and I am a time-traveler. It can be seen that Zhu Wei's behavior is more like a time-travel girl than the timid and fearful herself.Not afraid of power, regards reputation as dung, lives extremely selfishly, and is extremely chic.

Seeing Gu Fuyun like this, Zhu Wei laughed so hard that she almost bent her waist: "Isn't the county magistrate amazing? My father told me that if anyone offends me, even the princess can beat him back." , I have my father to support me in everything."

Gu Fuyun: "..."

Seeing that she was about to faint, Zhu Wei smiled and said: "Do you think my father is talking big?"

Gu Fuyun nodded honestly.

"Hee hee, I used to think that Daddy was talking big. It was only after I came to the capital that I realized that Daddy is indeed qualified to talk big." Zhu Wei walked with her hands behind her back, looking at ease, "How many people before Look down on us, those rich girls, but after I clean them up one by one, they all behave like something."

Gu Fuyun said with difficulty: "Although these noble girls don't dare to offend my sister on the surface, they will definitely find ways to get revenge on my sister secretly."

Zhu Wei sneered: "I'm really afraid that she won't come to retaliate against me, I'll wait for her." Then she shook her head and sighed, "It's a pity, until now, except for a lady named Shen Yiran who dared to retaliate against me , None of the other noble girls have seeds. It's really boring."

"Shen Yiran?" The name sounded so familiar.

"It's the lady from the former Grand Master's Mansion." Zhu Wei said with a smile, "I got local ruffians to break into my Shou Enbo Mansion at night, and they all came in vertically and went out horizontally. My father went into the palace to find the emperor, and then Within a few days, the Grand Master's Mansion was uprooted."

"We still have to go to the emperor." Gu Fuyun said jokingly, "Why didn't you offend the princess as well." At that time, it will be up to the emperor to give you justice.

Zhu Wei said: "Are you talking about the fifth princess? She's so stupid and stupid, it really doesn't arouse my interest in bullying her."

Gu Fuyun: "..." My aunt, should I say you are bold, or bold?
Just when Gu Fuyun was exhausted by Zhu Wei's words and deeds, someone suddenly ran in, it was the woman who had led the way just now: "Miss, someone is coming from the palace, and they want to take the lady into the palace."

Gu Fuyun raised his heart.

But Zhu Wei said: "You want me to enter the palace again, it really won't let people stop."

Together with Zhu Wei, they came to the gate, and there stood a row of brightly dressed imperial guards, surrounded by seven-foot-seven-inch golden carts with front and rear doors, and eunuchs and maids holding red sticks all around. Red banners, ge cloaks, halberd cloaks, ceremonial cloaks, my staff, Guduo, golden axe, green square umbrellas, red embroidered round umbrellas and other ceremonial guards.

There are also eunuchs standing on the periphery, holding green pins and golden silk borders with red satin, to prevent passers-by from prying on the nobles.

Gu Fuyun was stunned, even if he didn't know how the nobles travel, this posture is clearly a guard of honor for nobles in the palace.

Although Zhu Wei has the title of county lord, she shouldn't have to use such a ceremonial guard, right?

Just as Gu Fuyun was immersed in shock, an eunuch wearing a scarlet embroidered golden python robe came forward and half-kneeled in front of Zhu Wei, with a high-pitched and respectful voice: "The servant obeys the emperor's order and respectfully invites the princess into the palace."

"Princess?" Including the servants of Shou En Bo's mansion, they were all stunned. Where did the princess come from?

Xing'er, the maid beside Zhu Wei, said to the eunuch, "Isn't this Mr. Fuquan? Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Fuquan stood up, tied his hands, and maintained a respectful posture: "That's right. The servant respectfully invites the princess into the palace according to the emperor's order." Then he smiled obsequiously at the bewildered Zhu Wei, "The emperor has already named you a princess. , please enter the palace immediately."

"Make me a princess?" Zhu Wei still looked confused, "Why did the emperor make me a princess so well?"

The servant of Shou En Bo's mansion said in a hurry: "I understand, it must be that the emperor envies our uncle for having a smart, capable and caring daughter, so he wants to snatch the young lady to be his daughter."

"It must be. The uncle had made a bet with the emperor before, saying that one day, the emperor would still beg to give the title of Miss Princess. It's only been less than half a year, and the uncle has really agreed."

"Yesterday, my uncle has always been a golden talker, turning a stone into gold. The uncle said that the eldest lady is the princess's life, and the eldest lady was really made a princess."

"Uncle is mighty."

"Our uncle is very powerful, but the emperor is miserable."


"Because the emperor made a bet with the uncle, and the bet was the mansion of Prince Qi's mansion."

"Ah, so we're going to have to move soon?"


"Let's go, let's move quickly, hey, what about Prince Qi's Mansion, that's a super high-end Prince's mansion, it's spacious, big and luxurious, it's a lot of money."

A group of servants from Shou En Bo's Mansion quickly dispersed, saying that they were going to move.

Gu Fuyun opened his mouth in bewilderment, who am I and where am I?What am I going to do?
Zhu Wei really has a nerve that is different from ordinary people, and she smiled at Gu Fuyun: "The emperor is so pitiful, he lost the bet to my father again. Sigh, but, my father is invincible in all bets. It is natural for the emperor not to lose." It's hard to tolerate. It's just that I don't understand why the emperor wants to make me a princess. There must be something tricky about it. I'll go to the palace first. I'll contact you when I come back." She patted Gu Fuyun's dumbfounded face. He got into the shaft car and left.

After Eunuch Fuquan served Zhu Wei respectfully all the way and got into the car, he said in a shrill voice, "Princess, drive!"

When the guard of honor was gone, and only a smear of yellow was left at the corner, Gu Fuyun said in a floating voice, "Let's go home too."

When he returned to Gu's house, Gu Fuyun heard a shocking news.

The eldest princess of Wuyang was reprimanded by the emperor on the grounds that there is no way to teach her daughter.His daughter, Jinghe, was stripped of her title of county lord and demoted to a commoner.The eldest princess of Wuyang was also demoted to the county head, and was punished for three years, and she was not allowed to enter the palace without summons.

It was not unexpected for Gu Fuyun, but it was also expected that Jinghe county head was demoted.

What really shocked her was that Zhu Wei, that girl who was different from ordinary people's thinking, was actually named a princess, and the title was Princess Ningguo.

"It's so good, why was it made a princess?" Gu Fuyun murmured, "There must be something tricky here."

Gu Xiaoyun grabbed her face: "Naturally, there are tricks, because this Princess Junning is the emperor's own daughter."

"What?" Gu Fuyun almost jumped up.

Not to mention Gu Fuyun, the entire capital, from the emperor's relatives, princes and aristocrats, to the common people, when they heard the news, they all spouted tea and jumped up and down.

 Yesterday's chapter was locked in a small black room, and it took a long time to get it approved. I was so pissed off.

(End of this chapter)

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