Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 277 Conferring the County Head

Chapter 277 Conferring the County Head
Zhu Wei also knew that Gu Fuyun and the fifth princess had some friendship, so she comforted her: "If she gets angry with you because of me, don't be sad. With me here, if she dares to touch you, I won't do it kill her."

Gu Fuyun hurriedly said: "My good sister, you are already a princess, you should pay attention to your image anyway. Stop being aggressive."

Zhu Wei said: "It's not that you don't know that although I am a princess, I have no relatives in the palace. The queen doesn't like me, and the concubines only treat me with face. Those in the clan don't think much of me. Except the emperor In addition, there is no one to back me up. Those who please me don’t have much weight in the palace. And I can’t ask the emperor to make decisions for me as soon as I am bullied. So I can only rely on myself. What about fame? At least live happily."

Gu Fuyun thought about it, and it seems that this is also the reason.

The palace banquet is held in the Fengyi Palace, where civil and military officials, relatives of the emperor, wives from inside and outside, clans and noble ladies gather together, the emperor and empress sit on the honored throne, and the high-grade wives sit on the empress like swallow wings sides.

Gu Fuyun is the young lady of the uncle's family, so she also got a seat. Even though the seat is at the back, it is extremely rare to be able to participate in the palace banquet. The ladies nearby all cast surprised glances.

Looking at the people sitting around, Gu Fuyun was also quite surprised.

Because almost all of them are middle-aged and elderly wives wearing royal clothes, most of them are wearing women's buns, and they are generally not young, and there are a few noble girls here and there, most of them come from the clan.There are really not many noble girls like Gu Fuyun.

So Gu Fuyun received attention from all directions.

After everyone learned that Gu Fuyun was invited by Princess Ningguo, they all raised their eyebrows in surprise.

Zhu Wei is today's protagonist, unconventionally sitting at the lower head of the emperor.

The emperor had always loved Concubine Yun deeply, so he naturally loved Zhu Wei and cared for her in every possible way.

Cheng Enbo and his wife have contributed a lot to raising the princess, so naturally they received a lot of rewards.

Zhu Wei's clear voice sounded: "Father, before my daughter entered the palace, she married the Fifth Miss Qijin of the Yongningbo Mansion. Shouldn't Father also give Miss Gu Wu some rewards?"

The emperor was surprised and said: "Gu Wu? Gu Wu of Uncle Yongning?" Looking around, he asked Chu Rui, who was sitting among the honorable dukes, "But Hengshan's fiancée?"

Chu Rui got up and said respectfully: "That's right." He looked in Gu Fuyun's direction.

The emperor smiled and said: "Is Gu Wu here too?"

So Gu Fuyun got up, and with a pair of surprised eyes, came to the emperor, and knelt down.

"The courtiers see the emperor, empress empress."

Today's Gu Fuyun has put in a lot of effort in dressing up. The peach red is full of gold make-up and long gown, the moon white lotus flower is embroidered in a long skirt with gold thread strokes, her hair is combed in a bun, under her thin bangs, a pair of apricot eyes are like a puddle. Clear and charming like a clear spring, the exquisite red gold dotted emerald green steps dangle down the Dongzhu, which is huge and bright, gently swaying on the cheeks, making the already beautiful face even more beautiful.

"Sure enough, he is thoughtful, but Hengshan has insight." The emperor said.

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "Father, my daughter is also very discerning."

"Hehe, yes, Wei'er is also very discerning." The emperor said with a smile. The daughter was only white at the beginning, and she was the daughter of a bandit. Gu Wu can still make friends with her, which is enough to prove her character.

"Fuquan," said the emperor.

Fuquan hurriedly respectfully said, "The servant is here."

"The decree is that the five girls of Yongningbo are dunmu soft and beautiful, a model of noble girls, and they are married to Jinlan with Princess Ningguo. The friendship is commendable, and the special Qin canonize her as the county head. The Ministry of Rites proposes her title."

When the emperor said this, everyone was dumbfounded.

Gu Fuyun was also dumbfounded.

Zhu Wei shouted joyfully, "Sister, hurry up and thank me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Gu Fuyun kowtowed in a daze, but quickly came to his senses, kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty is so kind, my servants are very grateful, but my daughters have nothing to do with the emperor, so I dare not accept it." Feng, also ask the emperor to take it back."

The queen said: "Your Majesty, what Gu Wu said is right. The county lord gives the princess a daughter and the honor and promotion of the noble daughter of the clan. Gu Wu has no achievements in the court. How can he be worthy of the title of county lord?"

The emperor said: "Who said that Gu Wu has no merits? Didn't Gu Wu save our little Wu? It's Wei'er's sworn sister again. It's more than enough to be a county lord."

The queen pursed her lips, and really wanted to say, Gu Wu saved Xiao Wu's life, didn't I already reward him?
Gu Fuyun hurriedly said: "Your majesty, saving the fifth princess is only out of the duty of a courtier, not to mention, the emperor's empress has already rewarded the courtiers, and the courtiers absolutely dare not take credit for their merits. Please take the emperor's order back."

But Zhu Wei said in surprise: "Sister, you have saved Fifth Sister? When did it happen? You are really tight-lipped."

Gu Fuyun said embarrassingly: "It's all the old calendar in the past, there is really no need to mention it again."

The fifth princess glanced at her, and her complexion became a little better, which means you are acquainted.

The emperor was very satisfied with Gu Fuyun's attitude, and said: "I just said this to you, this county lord is not in vain. Just do it like this, let's get back together."

Gu Fuyun had no choice but to kowtow to thank her, and when she got up, the emperor stopped her again: "You are good friends with Xiaowu, and you are also Wei'er's righteous sister, so it is due to fate. From now on, you can often come to the palace to chat with the princess. "

Gu Fuyun took the order.

The fifth princess snorted softly, and was about to say: "Who will make friends with her!" But she rolled her eyes and said, "Father still loves me, so today Gu Wu will stay and talk with me to relieve boredom."

Gu Fuyun raised his head to look at the fifth princess. The latter had a dark smile on his face and his heart skipped a beat, but he still responded with a smile.

"Thanks to the promotion of the fifth princess, my daughter is very honored."

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "That's really great, Fifth Sister, I'll go to your palace tonight."

The fifth princess was about to refuse, but Zhu Wei laughed and said, "We are all sisters, so we naturally want to get closer. Father, don't you think so?"

The emperor naturally hoped that the two daughters could settle their suspicions, so there was no reason for it, so he smiled and said: "Since your sisters are deeply in love, how can I not be for it? But go to the Xiaowu Palace, and you must not be naughty."

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "That's natural, I still have some sense of propriety."


Faced with envy from all sides, Gu Fuyun returned to his seat, and all the wives around him cast envious glances.

Halfway through the banquet, the fifth princess left the banquet and called Gu Fuyun away.

Seeing the five princesses looking for faults brightly, Gu Fuyun sighed deeply, that's all, what should come still has to come.

Leaving the main hall, the hustle and bustle inside gradually faded away. Outside the hall door, bright candles hung high, and the majestic guards in golden armor guarded the four directions. The gold and iron spears and the luxurious carved beams and painted buildings set off each other, creating a majestic and prosperous atmosphere.

Under the sky, a crescent moon bud shyly half-covered and half-exposed, and then dotted with sporadic stars. The surrounding dark clouds did not dare to go against it, so they had to disperse, so that the crescent bud was gradually revealed generously. The original appearance.

Gu Fuyun silently followed behind the fifth princess, a group of palace officials and eunuchs silently followed behind, and four court ladies carrying palace lanterns with octagonal golden lamps opened the way ahead.

This is the travel treatment that only the first princess will have.

(End of this chapter)

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