Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 278 Fools step on each other, wise men lift each other up

Chapter 278 Fools step on each other, wise men lift each other up

Compared with Zhu Wei, who only has the status of a princess, the fifth princess has the status of the first princess, with the support of the queen and mother clan.

Today's emperor is not a fool, he respects the rules of concubines and concubines. Although the queen in the middle palace is not favored, she holds the seal of the phoenix and controls the harem.The fifth princess is the queen's only daughter, so she is naturally a favorite.

Gu Fuyun, who had just been made county magistrate by the emperor, was even more respectful.

The fifth princess just walked ahead, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Gu Fuyun following step by step, snorted coldly, left Fengyi Palace, passed the lotus pond, and stopped.

The endless lotus pond, shrouded in moonlight, was silent and drooping. The endless lotus leaves looked like monsters with huge claws. Gu Fuyun was really nervous.

"The lotus is in full bloom, Gu Wu, go and pick a lotus for me." The fifth princess suddenly ordered Gu Fuyun.

Gu Fuyun was so nervous that his calves were cramping. This is the imperial palace, his main dojo, and the identities of the two parties are too different. If the other party is really ruthless and wants to kill him, after the incident, he will be punished at worst, and he is fine. The years of my life are gone in vain.

Seeing that Gu Fuyun didn't move for a long time, the fifth princess sneered: "Why, did I climb Xiao Wei's high branch, and this princess ordered you not to move?"

Taking a deep breath, Gu Fuyun had no choice but to say: "Princess, I have something to tell you. I don't know if the princess is willing to listen."

The fifth princess stared at her and hummed: "Say it!"

"Can the princess get rid of the people around her?"

The fifth princess raised her eyebrows, stared at Gu Fuyun for a long while, let the palace people disperse, and said: "Now we can talk."

Gu Fuyun looked around, taking advantage of the hazy moonlight and the firelight under the trees, the huge lotus pond was quite wide in the middle, and it was almost impossible to see the end.Behind them are pavilions, rockery, and trees for viewing. The eunuchs and palace people are scattered separately, so as not to be eavesdropped by others.

So Gu Fuyun brushed the hair beside his ears, and said slowly:
Gu Fuyun said again: "Princess also knows that my biggest hobby is reading storybooks and folk unofficial history. I read a story before. There is a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River. The head of the house has a daughter who is loved by thousands of people." Later, the elder of the eldest house took back the outer house, although the mother was gone, the outer son was very talented. After being taken home by the elder, he quickly gained the love and affection of the elders. Acknowledged. The wife of the eldest house and the first daughter of the eldest house are resentful, and regard this concubine as a thorn in the flesh, and the mother and daughter often make trouble for this concubine. But the methods of the mother and daughter are not too clever Every time they stumbled, they would be found out. Gradually, the mother and daughter were finally rejected by the elder. The elder not only took back the wife's housekeeping rights, but also grounded the eldest lady. And the elder master became more and more Protecting the outsider, the mother and daughter hated the outsider even more. They thought that if it wasn't for the appearance of the outsider, their mother and daughter would not have been treated like this."

While speaking, he looked at the face of the fifth princess.The latter looked calm, but his face had become a little dignified.

The fifth princess glanced at her and snorted coldly: "What's wrong with the mother and daughter of the eldest house? How lowly is the identity of the outer house? Shouldn't the mother and daughter of the eldest house hate this outer house?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "There is nothing wrong with the mother and daughter of the chief house. But what they did, they caused the dislike and disgust of the master of the house. The master of the house is not wrong either. It's his flesh and blood, and he's been living outside, suffering so much, intellectually, he has to favor some. This is human nature, isn't it?"

Fifth Princess: "..."

"The princess is very honored to listen to my intentional words patiently. Since the princess thinks so highly of me, I will also express my own opinion." Gu Fuyun said, "It is also possible for the princess to hate Princess Ningguo. I also understand the princess's mood at this time. Because whoever encounters such a thing will be as angry as the princess."

"But, princess, why don't you change your mind?" Gu Fuyun said, "The reason why the emperor dotes on Princess Ningguo is because she feels sorry for the hardships she has suffered outside these years, so he takes extra care of her. At this time, whoever bullies Princess Ningguo , Can the emperor not be angry with Long Yan? If the princess can take the initiative to extend her sister's hand, I believe that Princess Ningguo will definitely not refuse, and the emperor will be very pleased, thinking that the princess is worthy of being the first princess, it is grand."

The fifth princess did not speak.

Knowing that she had listened, Gu Fuyun continued: "Isn't the fate of the county lord Jinghe and Princess Wuyang not enough to attract the princess' attention?"

"The honor and wealth of all our courtiers are given by the emperor. To put it bluntly, it includes you, the princess."

The fifth princess seemed unconvinced, and sneered: "You mean, let me please her?"

"It's not flattering either. Wouldn't it please the emperor more to treat this sister who is living among the people with a friendly attitude than to raise eyebrows coldly?" Gu Fuyun asked back.

The fifth princess bit her lip and was silent for a long time before saying, "What you said also makes sense. It's just that my dignified princess wants to curry favor with such a shabby household. Where do you want my princess's dignity to go?"

Gu Fuyun said with a smile: "Princess Wu, let me tell you. Although I was born in the uncle's house, my father is not the head of the family and cannot inherit the family business, and my mother's family background is only ordinary. In front of the sisters of the head of the house, I am born short One. My eldest sister is not only the daughter of the Earl's Mansion, but also has extraordinary literary talents. She is a well-known talented woman in the imperial capital. Compared with this eldest sister, I can't compare to anything. I was jealous before, in fact, I was jealous It's really uncomfortable, but my mother told me that it is also a kind of excellence to admit that others are excellent."

"The fifth princess has never met my mother. Although my mother is unknown in the imperial capital, and she can't even get along with Mrs. Gaoming. But she is the most transparent person. My mother once said that weak people are used to ridicule and negation; people with a strong heart are never stingy with praise and encouragement."

"Three realms are narrow with dust in my eyes, wide as a bed with nothing in my heart." Looking at the sporadic shining stars in the sky, Gu Fuyun said leisurely, "Although I don't have much ink in my stomach, I also know that fools step on each other and wise men lift each other up." .A narrow-minded person, three of us will surely hurt my eyes, and a broad-minded person, among the three of us, there must be my teacher."

"The princess has her own famous teacher to teach, I believe these principles are clear. Why do you need such a half-toned reminder from the minister?" Gu Fuyun half-jokingly said, "I think the princess just can't let go of the airs of the first princess for a while. But the words Then again, if the princess takes the initiative to show kindness to Princess Ningguo, it will undoubtedly be a kind of redemption and win-win for the unaccompanied Princess Ningguo in the palace. In the heart of the emperor, it is also a kind of atmosphere. In the eyes of outsiders, it is also It can only be said that the princess has a broad mind and is worthy of being the first princess. I don't think anyone will say that the fifth princess has surrendered her status?"

 Fools step on each other, and wise men lift each other up.For a narrow-minded person, when three people walk together, someone will hurt my eyes; for a broad-minded person, there must be my teacher among the three.This passage is taken from a self-media article two years ago, the author I forgot.I thought it was very well written, so I copied it in my notebook.Now I am fortunate to use it for reference in the article.Share with you!

(End of this chapter)

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