Chapter 279
The fifth princess bit her lips, and suddenly sneered and said, "What you said is clear and logical. Don't you have any selfish intentions?"

"Everyone has selfishness. Of course I am no exception." Gu Fuyun said calmly, "Princess Ningguo and I are sworn sisters, so naturally I wish her well. I also wish the princess well. If you both lose in the fight, What good is it to me?"

The fifth princess snorted softly and said, "You're the one who talks nonsense, let's go."

Pull the clouds to see the sky, the rain is over and the sky is sunny.

Not long afterward, Zhu Wei also came to the Fifth Princess' Shoukang Palace.

At this time, the fifth princess threw the pot, glanced at her, and snorted coldly: "Why, are you afraid that I will eat your Gu Wu?"

Gu Fuyun laughed and said, "I'm so popular, and the flowers bloom, how can the fifth princess be willing to eat me?" Then she greeted Zhu Wei: "Sister came at the right time, just now the fifth princess was teaching me how to throw a pot, hehe , under the teaching of the fifth princess, I have mastered the skill of throwing pots."

The fifth princess said contemptuously: "You still have the face to say, I'm too embarrassed to talk about you with such a result."

Gu Fuyun's face was embarrassing, and he smiled awkwardly: "Compared to last time, it's still a little bit of progress."

The fifth princess rolled her eyes.

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "Are you so bad? Come on, let me see how bad your level is."

Gu Fuyun picked up the arrow, aimed it at the mouth of the pot, and threw it.

The posture is quite good, but it's a pity that he missed.

The fifth princess said angrily: "Teaching cows and horses can be taught, but I can't teach you."

Gu Fuyun said embarrassingly: "Come again."

Still missed.

"It's unreasonable, come again."

Finally hit.

Gu Fuyun said happily: "I got it, I got it. Isn't it very powerful?"

The fifth princess pushed her away with a look of disgust: "It's amazing, it's really amazing." Her eyes almost rolled out of the sky.

Zhu Wei said: "As far as my sister is at this level, hey, let's work harder."

Pick up the arrow and show her a demonstration: "Throwing the pot requires not only skill, but also luck. Sometimes even if you hit the target, you may jump out of the pot. Therefore, if you want to make an accurate shot, you can only rely on accumulated practice. One is to pay attention to the arc of the throwing pot, which is the key to whether the shot can be hit, and there should be no slight deviation; the other is concentration, the hand must be steady, and it is easier to hit the shot only if the concentration is sufficient. The third is long-term practice. "

The same arrow, in Zhu Wei's hands, seems to have spirituality, and can be thrown into it casually.

Gu Fuyun also imitated her movements, but still couldn't get it right.Zhu Wei personally taught her the essentials of the movements. She should raise her head, keep her eyes on the spout of the pot, keep her hands steady, and her wrists should be flexible and strong. In fact, in addition to talent, throwing pots also requires long-term practice.

Gu Fuyun threw several times, but failed to get it right, and said discouragedly: "It seems that I have no talent for throwing pots."

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "I think so too. Forget it, you really don't have talent, so you don't have to force it."

Gu Fuyun said: "From now on, my sister will have companionship in the palace, and the fifth princess is also good at throwing, so we can learn from each other from now on."

Zhu Wei looked at the fifth princess and smiled slightly: "Really?"

The fifth princess is not a fool, she just saw that Zhu Wei entered the pot easily, obviously she was not far behind, but she would not give up easily, so she snorted and said, "Do you want to compare?"

Although the five princesses were good at throwing pots, Zhu Wei's opponent lost quite badly.

Seeing the ugly face of the fifth princess, Gu Fuyun hurriedly said: "Sister, I would like to give you a piece of advice. From now on, you will compete with the fifth princess in throwing pots, but don't compete with her in painting. The fifth princess is very good at drawing."

Zhu Wei said: "Okay, listen to you."

The fifth princess, who lost face because of the loss, got a good face after hearing this, and pulled Gu Fuyun in a gesture: "Okay, you two are working together to bully me."

Gu Fuyun quickly hid behind Zhu Wei: "Sister, save me."

Zhu Wei made a gesture to stop her, and the fifth princess said angrily, "We are real sisters, you have to help me anyway."

Zhu Wei raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Hey, is the sun coming out from the west?"

The fifth princess twitched her lips: "I am a dignified princess, I still have this kind of heart."

Gu Wu's words are quite reasonable. As long as she is a dignified princess, as long as she shows kindness to the princess who is living among the people, for Zhu Wei, it will undoubtedly be salvation and win over.Her father would also praise her for being sensible, and outsiders would only say that she was open-minded.

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "It would be great if you are willing to recognize me as a sister. From now on, I will protect you."

The fifth princess laughed angrily: "I am the first princess. There is a queen mother in the harem and a mother clan outside. Why do you need to protect me?"

Zhu Wei smiled and said: "From then on, I will rely on my sister to take care of me." Imitating the tone and hands of the Jianghu people, they clasped their fists and bowed.

The fifth princess said reservedly: "It's easy to say."

"And me," Gu Fuyun squeezed forward with a smile, "there are many nobles in the palace, and there are many rules. I am afraid that I will accidentally bump into some nobleman, and ask the two princesses to cover me."

Zhu Wei smiled and said: "You have also seen that even I have to be covered by my fifth sister, please beg her to go and let her cover you."

The feeling of being needed by others is still very good, the fifth princess is quite ironic, pretending to be reserved and authentic: "Okay, you two, I will cover you from now on."

"Thank you princess."

"Thank you sister."

Gu Fuyun and Zhu Wei bowed respectfully.

The fifth princess asked the two of them again how they met in the first place and why they had to marry Jinlan.

Zhu Wei chuckled, and said: "You know, my parents are all bandits. Although I was recruited by my father and made an earl, no one made friends with us. Including me, I have been in the capital for half a year, half a friend I didn't hand it in, but I offended many people." Looking at Gu Fuyun, he laughed, "At the Great Buddha Temple, everyone shunned me, only this fool, who didn't know my identity, actually Talked to me. Later, even though he knew my identity, he cared about my face and couldn't bear to reject me, so he was half-coaxed and half-deceived by me to become sisters."

"Is it true?" The fifth princess looked at Gu Fuyun in disbelief.

Gu Fuyun opened his mouth and said, "Being sworn sisters with my elder sister is really a way to push the ducks out of the market, but later my elder sister calmly saved me and cleaned up the little Liu family for me, allowing me to earn the first pot of gold in my life. I was able to win Su Liu's cockfight, thanks to my sister's great help. My sister is so sincere, even a stone has to be warmed."

"What's the matter with the cockfighting? Hurry up and tell me." The fifth princess is still reminiscing about it. The mere old hen actually won against Su Liu's experienced professional cockfighting cock.Now that there is an inside story, it is natural to find out.

Gu Fuyun was quite gifted in storytelling, and he talked about the cockfight with Su Liu in a melodious manner, with golden sentences coming out frequently, and Zhu Wei added a few sentences from time to time, the fifth princess was hooked, and laughed so hard.

The atmosphere is so harmonious, but some people who don't know each other come here.

The chief eunuch of Shoukang Palace came in and reported: "Princess, Eunuch Fu is here."

Fuquan was the eunuch next to the emperor.

Looking at the two princesses sitting at the table, Fuquan was stunned. There was no fight like the emperor imagined, nor was there any picture of Gu Wu being bullied by the fifth princess as the Duke of the Protector thought.On the contrary, the joy and harmony made people ask questions.

(End of this chapter)

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