Chapter 284 Tricky
A silver-haired old woman sitting next to Mrs. Gu, wearing a brown long beige embroidered with golden pine cranes, a ruby ​​forehead, and a red gold seven-tailed phoenix hairpin inlaid with hundreds of treasures looks rich and graceful.This aunt is the old lady of the Gu family, uncle Gu's direct sister, old lady Gu's eldest sister-in-law, old lady Peng.

Mrs. Peng had already seen Gu Fuyun last night, and it was the first time she saw Gu Xiuyun. She smiled and said, "This is the eldest sister. I haven't seen you for ten years, but she turned out to be so extraordinary." Gu Xiuyun was already dressed as a woman , with the jewels in her body, and the graceful demeanor in her gestures, she knows that the husband she is marrying is either rich or noble.The old lady Peng said regretfully again, "I heard from my younger siblings that the eldest sister married the eldest princess' son?"

Mrs. Gu smiled and said: "Yes. I have been married for three years. It is a pity that you were not in the capital at the time, and you were not able to drink the wedding wine with the elder sister." She explained to Gu Xiuyun, "When you got married, the eldest aunt was not in the capital, and she was not in the capital. I didn't drink your wedding wine, but I sent someone to add makeup to you. The head and face inlaid with a hundred treasures, the emerald seven-pronged hanging pearl, and the eight pieces of the most popular Yunluo makeup brocade are your eldest daughter. The makeup that your aunt gave you."

Gu Xiuyun smiled and said: "I think of it, my aunt and grandma are so generous, my granddaughter hasn't kowtowed to thank you yet."

Compared with Mrs. Peng's calm and self-confidence, Mrs. Yang, another old lady wearing a lotus blue painted branch Baoxiang flower double-breasted gown and a green gold hairpin inserted obliquely into the small side hairpin, looks much quieter.

The two aunts and grandmothers are both old ladies of the Gu family, but their clothes and temperament are very different.The eldest aunt, Mrs. Peng, looks rich and round, graceful and dignified, while the fourth aunt, Mrs. Yang, looks older. She only wears ordinary silk and bead ornaments.

She is also the first daughter of the Earl's Mansion, and Mrs. Peng married the same Peng family of the Earl's Mansion.But Mrs. Yang was unlucky. When it was her turn to get married, her fiancé, who was a close cousin of the Gu family, delayed the marriage because of his filial piety. After waiting for his fiancé to finish his filial piety, he fell in love with a firework girl again, and the marriage ended. Of.But at that time, Mrs. Yang was too old, so she had to find a low-income family to marry.Therefore, Mrs. Yang's marriage is not very satisfactory.The one who married was just an ordinary seventh-rank official, and she followed her husband to take up the post, running around and working hard, very hard.When she was young, she had dystocia, injured her body, and never gave birth again.Thanks to the Gu family's survival, Mrs. Yang was not abandoned by her husband, but these years, life has not been satisfactory.Although he accepted the bastard as his adoptive son, it was only for the sake of face.Anyway, it is more desolate to be without one's own flesh and blood.

Today, Mrs. Yang came to have a wedding wine with Mrs. Yang's daughter-in-law, Qian Shi, and Qian's daughter, Yang Hui.

The mother and daughter of the Qian family, Gu Fuyun, met yesterday, and the first impression she gave her was that she was petty, and the greed in her eyes could hardly be concealed, and Gu Fuyun especially didn't like it.

The two sisters, Gu Xiuyun and Gu Fuyun, were left to eat at Mrs. Gu's table. Mrs. Peng observed the two sisters carefully. Gu Xiuyun was steady and introverted, noble and graceful, and his gestures were as picturesque as elegant and casual.One can tell at a glance that she has received strict upbringing as a noble girl.In comparison, Gu Fuyun seems quite casual. Although his movements are not ugly, but compared to Gu Xiuyun's elegance from the bottom of his bones, it is clear that Gu Fuyun must have not studied etiquette seriously, or hid himself from it. lazy.

But such a girl who didn't earnestly study the education of noble girls is the best married girl from the Gu family.

It has to be said that with the same starting point and the same birth environment, we still have to pay attention to blessing and destiny.

Gu Xiuyun took two mouthfuls of rice, picked up a few chopsticks, wiped his lips with a handkerchief gracefully, then gracefully put down the chopsticks, and said in a soft voice: "Grandmother, and two great aunts, I am full, you slow down Eat slowly."

Mrs. Gu said: "Why do you eat so much? But the food is not to your liking?"

Gu Xiuyun smiled and said: "It's okay, but I'm not hungry yet." In order to maintain a good figure, she always eats less.

In addition, the cooking skills of the Gu family's kitchen were not as good as those of the princess's mansion, so they naturally ate less.

In a blink of an eye, seeing that Gu Fuyun had already added a second bowl of rice, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Fifth Younger Sister has a good appetite."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "I have always had a good appetite." Back then, Yu Jiahui was a natural foodie.Now that she has become Gu Fuyun, she still does not change her food skills. Although her appetite is not large, compared to the sisters around her, her appetite can be regarded as a large amount.

The old lady Peng's tone was a little displeased: "Girl, I'm not afraid of indigestion after eating so much." How can there be a girl who can eat so much, even if she really wants to eat, she should pay attention to her image in front of people.

Mrs. Gu smiled and said: "It's a blessing to be able to eat. When we were young, we didn't dare to eat like this, and we couldn't eat like that. When we get old, we can't eat anything. So we should eat as much as we can while we are young, so as not to hurt ourselves. I'm sorry."

Mrs. Peng said: "Although that is the case, I am not afraid of being laughed at if I eat so much at a young age."

Gu Fuyun looked at the old lady in surprise, would it make people laugh if they ate too much?

What kind of nonsense is this?

Mrs. Yang hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law is right, it is a blessing to be able to eat. Eldest sister, I remember when you were in the boudoir, didn't you also eat?"

"It doesn't matter at your natal home, but when you go to your in-law's home, you'll know what it's like." Mrs. Peng said to Gu Fuyun, "Fifth sister, listen to your aunt and grandma, and eat as you like at your natal home, but when you go to your in-law's home, you If it is so edible, the in-laws will not like it."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Hearing what you said, my aunt, I feel really sad for the cousins ​​and sister-in-law who married into Peng's family. They were also held in their hands at their mother's house, but when they arrived at my aunt's house, my aunt actually It's really... so pitiful that you don't even have enough to eat."

Old Madam Peng stared with anger, put down her chopsticks heavily, and was about to teach her a lesson when Gu Fuyun turned to Old Madam Gu and said, "Grandmother, our family should not be poor, right? Granddaughter should have the right to have enough to eat, right?"

Mrs. Gu glanced at Mrs. Peng, and said: "Eat as long as you can eat. Don't listen to your aunt." Then she smiled at the displeased Mrs. Peng, "My aunt was also a capable person when she was young. What to eat, there were no elders who wouldn’t keep you full. Besides, the fifth girl is still young, and it’s time to grow her body, so she should eat more, so that her body will be strong.”

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "It's still my grandmother who loves me."

Then he said to the old Mrs. Peng who had a disconsolate face: "Auntie, I think that in the future, when asking a few cousins ​​to marry their cousins, you must add a condition. But any girl who marries into the Peng family must not eat too much." It's not that the Peng family can't afford a daughter-in-law, but it can save a lot of money for food, isn't it grandma?"

When the female family member sitting behind Gu Fuyun heard this, she burst out laughing.

 Today it's Boss Huang's turn to come up, and I'm gearing up to assign him the task of outflanking the hand (the kind that can last for three to five days).Unexpectedly, this kid doesn't distinguish between five grains, so he bought chaoshou skins into dumpling skins, and chives into green onions.Today I can only eat dumplings.But the chives are indispensable, so I asked him to buy chives for one yuan, and he gave me whole chives.I blame myself, it seems that I am not a good mother, and I have to continue to arrange more tasks for him.

(End of this chapter)

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