Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 285 Mr. Yahui Rectified Gu 5's Name

Chapter 285 Mr. Yahui Rectified Gu Wu's Name

Gu Xiuyun reprimanded lightly: "Fifth sister, how can you talk to my aunt like this, my aunt is an elder."

The woman who laughed just now turned her head and said to Gu Fuyun: "Fifth Miss, you can eat it anyway, no matter if you eat it at your mother's house or your in-law's house, no one will say a word about you." He glanced at Mrs. Peng.Then he said with a smile to the people next to him, "Where did this elder come from? The little girl actually cares about how much she eats. Fortunately, she didn't eat her family's food."

Mrs. Peng: "..."

When Gu Xiuyun saw the real face of the speaker, his face turned red.

This is Mrs. Yahui, the wife of the Guozijian Jijiu. She is well-known in the capital, and she also runs the Yazhen Women's School, which is highly respected by the rich and powerful.And Yazhen Women's School doesn't just have money and power to enter, Mrs. Fang will not accept anyone with bad moral character or bad family tradition.And the noble girls who learned from Yazhen girls must be the targets of the entire upper circle of the imperial capital.

Gu Xiuyun was also educated by Yazhen girls. She was personally assessed by Mrs. Fang and given the evaluation of "dignified, precious, and first-class morality", which made her famous in the upper circles.

Gu Xiuyun hurriedly said to Mrs. Fang: "It turned out to be sir, please forgive my poor eyesight, I couldn't see you."

Mrs. Fang smiled faintly: "Second Grandma Zhao is too polite."

Mrs. Gu said with a smile to Gu Fuyun: "This is the founder of the first-class Yazhen Women's School in the capital, known as Mr. Yahui. She is also the wife of the Imperial College for offering wine. Master Fang is the ice man of you and Chu Shizi , Mr. Yahui is still your elder sister's master, go, hurry up and make a toast to Mr. Yahui."

Mrs. Gu is old and Maitreya. When introducing this person, she did not first introduce Mrs. Guozijian Jijiu, but first pointed out this person's reputation and the founder of Yazhen Women's School, and the identity of the founder of Women's School is more important than The wife of the Guozijian Jijiu is only high but not low.

As for Mrs. Gu's introduction, Mr. Yahui really smiled.

Gu Fuyun hurriedly stood up, picked up the wine glass, and smiled at Mrs. Qinghui: "I have heard about Mr. Yahui's name for a long time, and I am really lucky to be able to see your real deity today. I will ask you to give me more advice in the future, and I will respect you first." A glass, I wish you good health and success in everything."

Mr. Yahui looked at Gu Fuyun. The girl had clear features and eyes, and she stood tall, with a smile in her eyes. There were two pear dimples the size of rice grains on her lips. With such a sweet smile, she felt that thousands of pear trees were blooming, which made people feel overwhelmed. My heart is sweetened.

Mr. Yahui picked up the wine glass and said: "I also wish the fifth girl all the best and all wishes come true." Then he drank it down.

The woman at the same table as Mr. Yahui smiled and said, "It's not easy for this little girl to be favored by Mrs. Fang. Is this little girl your proud student?"

This person definitely has bad intentions in what he said, everyone in the world knows that Gu Fuyun is ignorant, even if he gradually gained the reputation of being "good at painting", compared to those talented women who are famous far and near, he is still compared to those talented women who are famous far and wide, and he still deserves it. Such a sentence clearly meant to dismiss Gu Fuyun, and satirized Mrs. Fang's suspicion of watching people order food.

Gu Fuyun, a girl with little talent and reputation, was married to a high-ranking family and was appointed as the head of the county by the emperor.Mr. Yahui's friendliness, in the eyes of the Qingliu School, means flattery and flattery, which really damages the reputation of scholars who are rich and cannot be lewd, and mighty and unyielding.

Before Mr. Yahui could speak, Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "I've always been illiterate, and I'm usually mischievous. Look at my grandmother, her hair is graying, how can I be qualified to be Mr.'s disciple? But my elder sister is the master's favorite disciple, so I have borrowed my elder sister's light."

Gu Fuyun's words were extremely beautiful, and in a self-deprecating way, not only praised Gu Xiuyun, but also praised Mr. Yahui's kindness to her, which was nothing more than love for her.

Mr. Yahui's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a smile: "Oh, the little girl has a serious tone. Old madam, your granddaughter is really worried about your gray hair?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Mrs. Gu said solemnly: "That's right, among my granddaughters, this girl is the naughtiest. It's lucky that I didn't become your student, otherwise my husband's black hair would be lost."

Everyone laughed again.

Only Gu Fuyun turned his mouth high, shook his head at the old lady's arm, and complained: "Grandmother, at least you should save some face for your granddaughter."

Mrs. Gu said with a straight face: "Your face has long been on the ground, and you can't even pick it up." Then she said to Mr. Yahui, "Although this girl doesn't have much ink in her belly, she has a pair of skillful hands. I usually like to study cooking, look at my fat body, it was all raised by this girl." I squeezed the fat on my stomach.

Although girls from rich and noble families can also learn cooking skills, they are only going through the motions, and few of them actually cook. Looking at the old lady's attitude, Gu Fuyun's cooking skills should not be bad.

Everyone flattered the old lady for her good fortune and praised Gu Fuyun for her filial piety.

Mr. Yahui said: "There are many noble girls who can write poems and poems, but there are not many who are proficient in cooking. Reading more books can make women understand things, and they can understand poems and poems. It is also to increase elegance. Like cooking, it is all about cooking. The performance of adding luster to life. There is no need to have high eyebrows and low eyes. The fifth girl is a superb cook, and I don’t know if I have this kind of food?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Yes, yes, but sir, don't expect too much. You also know that I am the granddaughter of my grandmother. No matter how bad it is, you have to pay me three cents, otherwise she will feel embarrassed. Where to put it?"

Everyone laughed again, and said to Mrs. Gu: "Your granddaughter is really interesting, and your gorgeous hair is worth it."

Madam Gu also smiled and said, "It's worth it, of course it's worth it."

Mr. Yahui said to Mrs. Gu: "When will the fifth girl meet Ji?" He also said that Gu Fuyun and Ji would come to attend in person.

Mr. Yahui is definitely well-known in the Qingliu literature and art circle in the imperial capital, the kind of super big V.A girl who is publicly praised by this person represents both good character and learning.Gu Fuyun can get the praise and praise of Mr. Yahui without relying on talent and learning, which is also extremely beneficial to Gu Fuyun's reputation, which is equivalent to stamping on Fugui another literary and artistic poetry book that represents the recognition of the Qing school.

In the eyes of the noble sect, being married to a noble family and possessing the title of county lord is definitely a winner in life, but if you want to be recognized by the Qing sect, you must have the ability to show it.

Mr. Yahui said to the women around him: "Although the fifth girl does not have any masterpieces handed down from generation to generation, I was deeply impressed by a sentence that the fifth girl once said in the Wang family. "There are three thousand things in the world, and there are three of my love, dignity, reserve and self-respect." All of them are extraordinary and refined, with profound artistic conception. Although the five girls have never learned poetry skills, their thoughts and actions are not only new to the eyes and ears of the world, but also have awe-inspiring spirit. .”

Mr. Yahui's voice was soft and slow, but he uttered every word. All the female family members nearby looked over and savored this passage carefully. They couldn't help but looked surprised, and they all looked at Gu Fuyun with shock.

(End of this chapter)

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