Medical skills help me win the arrogant husband

Chapter 299 Going the way of others

Chapter 299 Going the way of others

"You think the Holy One values ​​our family so you can sit back and relax? You ignorant idiot. Look at how many people you have offended today? It's all about your own heart and left-handedness. Look at the good daughter you brought up. Look at you Niece. Fortunately, Da Lang didn't let you take her with you."

Thinking of Da Lang, Marquis Wu An felt a little relieved. Although Da Lang had nothing outstanding, he was upright, well-behaved, assertive, and not easy to be swayed by women. Being a conservative patriarch is more than enough.

Marquis Wu'an couldn't bear his wife's behavior.

A family like theirs has to give their first wife enough respect, so that the family can go on in the long run, spoiling concubines and destroying wives can only lead to self-destruction.

Although his wife has become more conscientious in recent years, Marquis Wu An still gave his first wife some face.

However, Mrs. Chen has given birth to two sons and one daughter. The eldest son has been conferred the crown prince, and he thinks that he is firmly seated on the throne of Mrs. Su. With the flattery of outsiders, her bones are underestimated. Look at what stupid things she has done.

But Marquis Wu'an's accusation made Mrs. Su thunderous.

"Master Hou, you and I have been husband and wife for many years. Over the years, I have given birth to children for you, served my parents-in-law, and served as a housekeeper. I have worked hard without credit. Now, this is how Master Hou treats me?"

The honor of a woman in the inner chamber is all given by the man. If a man accuses him so mercilessly, how will Mrs. Su gain a foothold in the inner chamber in the future?
Wu Anhou said coldly: "Mr. Chen, based on your dedication to the Su family, this Marquis has given you the face and dignity as Mrs. Hou. But how did you repay it? The smooth sailing these years has made you completely forget learned the lessons of the past.”

Madam Su trembled, and began to regret what she did today.She didn't know why, but she was so provoked by Gu Fuyun's seemingly respectful but implicitly provocative behavior.Especially when Miss Yin got mixed up with Gu Wu, it was even more glaring.Only then did he recklessly release his poisonous tongue, who would have been trampled to death by the Zhu family.

Marquis Wu'an took a sigh of relief, and said: "Mr. Chen, I will show you a bit of dignity for the sake of giving birth to my children. Go to the Buddhist hall and copy the Buddhist scriptures yourself. When will you let go of the hostility in your heart?" , when will you come out again? As for you," Marquis Wu An relaxed his tone, looking at his daughter whose half face was swollen, "I will hire you a gentleman, and let him teach you well. Don't follow you, idiot mother, to do anything wrong again."

Just as she was about to leave, someone grabbed her robe suddenly. It turned out to be Chen Yan.

Chen Yan knelt in front of Marquis Wu'an and cried, "Uncle, the Buddhist hall is cold, and my aunt is too old to bear it. I beg my uncle to forgive me, and please forgive my aunt this time."

Marquis Wu An stared at Chen Yanlihua's rainy face, with an undisguised murderous look flashing across his face, he said indifferently: "I missed you, since I love your aunt so much, let's go to the Buddhist hall to serve your aunt together, It can be regarded as fulfilling your filial piety."


At three o'clock in the unitary hour, it's time to leave the palace.

Teaming up with Zhu Wei, Gu Fuyun picked up a lot of bargains and won a lot of prizes. He had five or six pieces of jade pendants, all of which were very valuable.

Princess Scorching Sun and other noble daughters of the clan also left together with their elders.

Yin Moli was also called away by Mrs. Yin.

Gu Fuyun was almost the last one to leave, because she was left behind by Zhu Wei to whisper.

"I have already notified Mrs. Gu, let them go back first, and I will send someone to take you out of the palace later." Zhu Wei said, holding Gu Fuyun's hand.

Gu Fuyun gave her a blank look, what sent someone to send me out of the palace must be colluding with Chu Rui again.

Zhu Wei smiled and pushed Gu Fuyun, and said: "I really have you, I told you to take care of Miss Yin more, you really spared no effort."

Gu Fuyun said: "I really like Sister Yin. Don't you think she has a lot of personality?" At the beginning, Gu Fuyun did praise Yin Moli with a purpose, but since seeing Yin Moli hate Mrs. Su's mother, The woman's ruthless aura and fearless awe-inspiring aura definitely made Gu Fuyun very popular.

Zhu Wei said again: "Mrs. Su's mother and daughter have lost face today, so be careful not to trouble you."

Gu Fuyun nodded, not afraid of being stolen by thieves, but afraid of being missed by thieves.

It seems that you have to be more careful when you go out in the future.

However, today I finally "speak freely" to Mrs. Su, it's really a pleasure, and the previous depression is swept away.

Zhu Wei smiled and pinched her nose again: "You are also a bad guy. Then Chen Yan was tricked by you."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "This kind of little white flower who likes to pretend to be weak and innocent is the most hated. But what I fear most in my life is this kind of little white flower. I thought for a long time before I came up with the idea, what? , will it work?"

Zhu Wei looked puzzled: "Little white flower?"

"It's the kind of people who have done bad things, but still have to pretend to be weak and innocent. I'm weak and I'm justified, and I'm poor and I'm justified, and they cry at every turn. I named them Xiaobaihua."

Zhu Wei smiled and said: "The description is really thorough. But your trick is just a middle strategy."

"Sister, do you have a better strategy?" Gu Fuyun's eyes lit up, "Please enlighten me."

Zhu Wei tapped her forehead lightly: "What a fool, didn't you say that before? Follow other people's path and let others have no way to go. You can learn her tricks too."


Zhu Wei said: "Since she always thinks that I am weak and I am justified, then you are weaker than her. She always says that her life is miserable, and you are even more miserable than her. If she avoids the important and takes the light, you can do it too. Black and white are reversed, who No? It’s just that you have been educated properly and don’t bother to do it. As long as you follow her way, she will have nowhere to go.”

As if pulling out the clouds and seeing the sun, Gu Fuyun's heart was bursting with joy.Suddenly, he looked forward to the next time he had a hand-to-hand fight with Chen Yan, he must perform well.

Zhu Wei looked at the sky and said: "It's getting late, I won't keep you either, go out of the palace, the person I sent is already waiting for you outside the palace gate."

After speaking, he blinked.

Gu Fuyun "cut", don't think she didn't know what she was up to.


Entering June, families with conditions have begun to go to Zhuangzi outside Beijing to escape the summer heat.

The Gu family didn't have these conditions, but they had already purchased ice early to cool off.

In addition, it was the day when Gu Youyun got married, and the Gu family was busy for half a month.

Gu Fuyun, Gu Qingyun, and Gu Shuyun, who are not yet married, are also busy working beside Mrs. Zhou. While learning about housekeeping, they are also preparing for being the sole head of the family in the future.

Gu Fuyun knew the truth of the master being weak and being bullied by the slave, so he learned it very seriously.

On the day Gu Youyun got married, Gu Xiaoyun also came back from her husband's house.

Gu Fuyun really wanted to hear about her fight with Mrs. Yun, and when he had some free time, he couldn't wait to ask about Gu Xiaoyun.

After getting married, Gu Xiaoyun's appearance became more and more beautiful, and her eyebrows stretched. Obviously, she was doing well in her husband's house. Seeing the girl's sloppy face, she couldn't help laughing, and said: "This old lady is the head of the silver gun and wax rod. Whether it's useless or not, I cleaned her up in one go."

"Sister is mighty, tell me quickly!" Gu Fuyun quickly shook her head and her arm.

(End of this chapter)

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