Chapter 306 BBQ
Wang Shouwang, who had just returned from his inspection tour in the south of the Yangtze River, spoke calmly and mercilessly: "I was the one who begged the emperor for a seat with this old face. It's just to prevent you from losing all face and embarrassing the family. Don't even think about it." With a little cleverness, you can find a son-in-law who can ride the dragon quickly. The most important thing is to put away your small thoughts and keep your restraint at ease."

Lin Xue bit her lip.Her grandfather didn't leave her any sympathy. Until now, when she thinks of what her grandfather said, she still feels hot and embarrassed.It was at that time that she realized the reality. It turned out that with her background, even if her grandfather was about to enter the cabinet, she would not be able to climb up to those top dignitaries.

Gu Fuyun picked up the three inlaid silver chopsticks, picked up the mutton slices and put them in his mouth. After swallowing, he smiled and said, "Not bad, the saltiness is moderate. It's just that there is too much pepper."

"I love pepper, so I specially asked Xing'er to put more." Zhu Wei smiled, "If you don't like pepper, then ask Xing'er to put less."

"I like to put more pepper and cumin." Gu Fuyun said his preference, and took the initiative to pick up the seasoning bottle on the table.The bottles are exactly the same, and I don't know which one contains peppercorns and which one contains cumin.

Zhu Wei pointed to her, "The blue one is cumin, and the black one is pepper powder."

Jiahe ate a few mouthfuls of meat, then pushed Gu Fuyun: "Didn't you say you want to roast the meat yourself?"

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Why are you in a hurry, first let me sacrifice to the Temple of the Five Viscera." He ate up a plate of roasted meat.

Su San couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a smile: "Miss Gu, I really admire your good appetite. Are you not afraid of gaining weight?"

Zhu Wei glanced at her, and said: "My sister has always had a good appetite, it's a blessing to be able to eat, you won't be envious."

Su San smiled and said: "That's true. I can't do it anymore. When I see such fatty meat, I lose my appetite. I usually only eat lean meat at home, like this half-fat and half-lean pork belly." , I never touch it." Then he half-jokingly said to Gu Fuyun, "Gu Wu, I've eaten up all the meat, you should eat less, the two princesses haven't eaten much yet."

Gu Fuyun then asked the Fifth Princess: "Miss Su San was invited by you?"

The fifth princess shook her head, and smacked Zhu Wei with her chin, "It's not me, it's Big Sister."

Zhu Wei raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Miss Su San was invited by me, what's the matter?"

Gu Fuyun said: "Then what Miss Su San said just now is because she thinks I eat too much, but what does my sister mean?"

Zhu Wei hurriedly said, "Of course not."

Gu Fuyun looked at Su San, and said seriously: "Miss Su San, since you were invited by Princess Ning Guo, your words and deeds naturally represent Princess Ning Guo herself. I thought you were speaking for Princess Ning Guo by what you said just now. Make a sound. What's the matter, these meats are not for us to eat, but can they be used to look good?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Su San became nervous all of a sudden, and hurriedly explained, "I didn't mean that... Gu Wu, even if you have a good appetite, you still have to take care of others. Just such a plate of meat, you can't eat it. Let's eat it up. What else do others eat?"

Gu Fuyun said: "I have to roast meat for everyone in a while. This is technical work, or physical work. The emperor is still hungry. I can work when I am full. Is this a problem?"

The fifth princess and the others hurriedly said: "No problem, eat more if you're hungry, and go roast the meat when you're done eating." They glanced at Su San lightly. They used to think that this person was quite neat and cute, but now it seems that he is clearly stupid.

Zhu Wei also said: "There's more here, is there enough to eat?" She pushed a plate of chicken wings that Xing'er had just brought to the table that was burnt on the outside and yellow on the inside, and pushed it in front of Gu Wu.Then he said to Su San: "Gu Wu will give us barbecue later, of course he must fill his stomach first. Otherwise, what if she secretly eats while roasting later?"

Gu Wu pretended to be angry and said: "My sister loves to ruin my reputation, why should I steal it? I eat it openly."

The head of Jiahe County used a small knife to fork a piece of beef and put it into her mouth: "Eat it quickly, you are the only one who talks nonsense. You have to roast the meat after eating."

Gu Fuyun swallowed the beef, and said: "You can't eat any more, or you won't be able to enjoy the delicious food later." He took a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his lips, asked Qinghong to tie up her sleeves for her, and sat down in the grill In front of the stove.

When he saw the meat slices skewered on thin bamboo sticks on the lacquered silver plate, Gu Fuyun was shocked, and exclaimed happily: "Who made this?"

The maid at the side replied: "The Lord Jiahe asked the servants to make it, saying that it would be more delicious to bake it like this."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "That's right, this kind of bamboo stick will be used for barbecue in the future. Where did you buy this bamboo stick?"

At this time, the Jiahe county magistrate had already walked over, and said with a smile: "I hired a craftsman to cut it out according to your request. It took several days to cut it, and only five hundred roots were cut. How?"

Gu Fuyun hurriedly said: "Not bad, it's really good. This bamboo skewer was cut just enough. It's just that the meat was cut a little too big. It would be even better if it was smaller, cut thinner, and then skewered and roasted. "

While talking, already quickly took a brush to rinse the oil, and then started to grill the meat.

Unlike everyone who used a three-pronged fork to roast the meat over and over again, Gu Fuyun picked up a bamboo skewer and put it on the stove to turn it back and forth, which was really convenient and simple.The county magistrate of Jiahe also became interested, and picked up a few bamboo sticks, imitating Gu Fuyun's movements and grilling the meat over and over again.

The Daqing Dynasty loved barbecue very much, and families with a little bit of conditions would hold barbecue salons, which were called roasting meat in ancient times.Later, after improvement, the grilling technique has also been perfected.Today's barbecue tools include a four-legged oven with built-in silver frost charcoal and an iron grid rack on top. The meat is cut into squares, marinated with ingredients, and then placed on the iron grid for non-stop roasting. , cut into thin slices after roasting, fork with a fork and then dip the sauce to start eating.

Gu Fuyun adopts the modern grilling method. Thinly sliced ​​bamboo sticks are skewered, soaked in a layer of oil, and placed in the stove to keep tumbling, because the meat is thin and cooked quickly.After a while, Gu Fuyun put the grilled meat on a plate, dipped it in the dipping sauce quickly, and handed it to everyone.

Everyone couldn't wait to appreciate it, and praised: "This taste is really good." They couldn't help but ate a few more skewers, and after a while, they finished eating.

The crowd asked Gu Fuyun to continue roasting the meat with unsatisfactory intentions.

But Gu Fuyun alone, no matter how fast his hands and feet are, it is impossible for so many people to eat in time.So he said with a smile: "Eating barbecue is to have the fun of eating while grilling, isn't it?"

Everyone felt that it was reasonable, and they all sat in front of the stove and turned on the grilling mode.

Even Lin Xue, after a moment of hesitation, sat down.Although the oven was exquisite, it was only big enough for two people to sit on. Princess Jiaoyang and Princess Jiahe used one stove, and Zhu Wei and Gu Fuyun used one stove.The fifth princess was alone, so she bravely sat down in front of the fifth princess.

(End of this chapter)

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