Chapter 307
"The fifth princess is honorable, let me do this rough work for you. Just wait and eat."

The fifth princess raised her eyelids and ignored her.What you eat with roasted meat is to do it yourself, and let people do everything for you, so what fun can you get from eating?

Everyone roasted and ate, and they were almost done eating, and they were ready to go back to their own yards.

But Zhu Wei said to Gu Fuyun: "Roast some more, I'll bring some back to Jasmine."

Only then did Gu Fuyun realize that Yin Moli hadn't come, so he asked, "Where's Sister Moli? Where did she go?"

"She said she was a little uncomfortable, and I asked her to rest."

Gu Fuyun hurriedly said: "I have to go and see her later."

Zhu Wei hurriedly said: "No need, I'm just a little tired. She should have rested now, so I'll bring her some grilled meat."

Gu Fuyun looked at Zhu Wei suspiciously.

Zhu Wei knew she couldn't hide it from her, so she whispered a few words calmly.

"Jasmine is our future sister-in-law."

Gu Fuyun: "..." He sped up the action of roasting the meat, grilled all the leftovers, filled two big plates, and handed a plate to Xing'er who was beside Zhu Wei.

"Sister Jasmine didn't come, take this back for her to taste."

"What about this plate?" Zhu Wei pointed to another plate of barbecue.

Gu Fuyun said without changing his face: "I want to take it back for supper."

The faces of the noble ladies nearby were full of indescribable expressions, and they wanted to say something, but they were worried that Gu Fuyun was liked by the two princesses, so they could only suppress this thought, and all laughed and said that Gu Fuyun really had a good appetite.

But Qingjuan picked up the plate and whispered to Qinghong: "Young girl is really kind to Qingsi, these must be reserved for Qingsi to eat."

Everyone was deeply impressed by the maid beside Gu Fuyun. The maid named Qinghong was extremely beautiful and could read and write.The maid named Qingsi is tall and thick, has great strength, is also simple, and can eat.

Seeing Qingjuan carrying such a large plate of roasted meat, it should be eaten by that maid named Qingsi.

So a noble lady laughed and joked, "I never thought you would treat my maid so well."

Gu Fuyun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't correct it. He smiled and said, "Anyway, if you can't finish eating, it's a waste. It's better to make it cheaper for us."

Lin Xue pursed her lips, feeling that Gu Wu was really shameless and shameless.

The barbecue that Gu Fuyun brought back was divided into three parts, one part was wrapped in oiled paper, and Qingsi gave it to Chu Rui.Let Qingjuan send one to Yin Moli's yard.The rest is reserved for Qingsi.

"Go and come back quickly, these are reserved for you." Gu Fuyun pointed to the barbecue wrapped in greased paper on the table.

Qingsi's saliva was about to drool, and she quickly went out with the oiled paper bag in hand.

After a while, Qingsi's fat body appeared in the room again.

"Girl, it's a good luck. This servant is lucky. Not long after he ran out, he saw the son of Chu who was patrolling. The servant gave the oil paper bag to the son and came back quickly."

It is conceivable that Qingsi should have handed the oiled paper bag directly to Chu Rui, and returned quickly, leaving only a bewildered Chu Rui messed up in the wind.

Gu Fuyun smiled slightly, and pointed to the oiled paper bag on the table: "Eat quickly."

Unexpectedly, the girl left so much roasted meat for herself, and Qingsi was so moved. While eating the meat, she said indistinctly: "The girl is so kind to me. When I came back just now, I heard someone say I kicked her from behind without saying anything bad about the girl."

Gu Fuyun was stunned, and it took him a while to react, and hurriedly said, "What did you say?"

Qingsi said: "It's a pair of master and servant who spoke ill of the girl behind their backs. I couldn't get angry, so I kicked them from behind to the bottom of the dirt ridge, and fell into the mud. Don't worry, girl, I ran fast and didn't let them find out. .” A look of begging for praise.

Gu Fuyun asked again: "Who is that pair of master and servant?"

"I didn't see it clearly, but I heard the sound, it was Lin Xue." Qingsi was more sensitive to the sound.

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Good kick. Then what did Lin Xue say bad things about me?"

Qingsi said angrily: "It is said that the girl is really useless except for her good-looking face, and I don't know why Chu Shizi is blind. She also said that the girl's ability to be both right and wrong is beyond the reach of a horse. I was so angry that I One by one, they kicked them to the bottom of the ridge." He gestured to the height of the ridge, "It's about two feet high, and the grass is half a person's depth below, so it wouldn't hurt them if they fell."

Gu Fuyun wasn't worried about these things, he was just worried about being seen by others.

Qingsi patted her chest and promised: "Don't worry, I dared to kick because no one was around."

Qing Juan, who was in charge of delivering barbecue to Yin Moli, also came back with an indescribable expression on her face.

"Girl, girl, one bad news, two good news."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said, "Let's tell the bad news first."

"The bad news is that the maid next to Miss Yin was beaten by Miss Su's maid. The reason was that she couldn't walk long enough and bumped into Miss Su. When the servant girl was sending the roasted meat, Miss Su was ordering someone to palm the maid's mouth. Woolen cloth."

"And then?" Gu Fuyun hurriedly asked.

"Then there is good news." Qingjuan said with a smile, "Miss Yin rushed over, holding a kitchen knife in her hand, and ran towards Miss Su without saying a word. That aggressive appearance scared Miss Su You have to run away."

When Qingjuan said this, she raised her chest and raised her head, "Miss Su stepped on her skirt when she ran away, and she fell like a shit. If Miss Yin caught her, she would have chopped her with a kitchen knife. If she hadn't been caught by her maid Stopped it. The kitchen knife really hit Miss Su San on the head. But Miss Su San's hair was cut off a lot. Although Miss Yin was blocked by the maid, she couldn't chop Su San, but she used her feet to kill Su San. Kicked Miss Su San a few times."

Qingjuan pointed to her own face: "It's all kicked in the face, haha!" She looked gloating.

Gu Fuyun snapped: "Sister Jasmine is too fierce." It just suits my taste.

Su San brought four maids and two wives this time.On the other hand, Yin Moli only brought two maids, so she was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.People like Su San who are obviously looking for trouble, reasoning is only a bad idea, so they simply throw away their hands, do it boldly, and directly use the kitchen knife.

They are all rich and noble daughters, even if they yell to be beaten and killed, they are also handled by the people around them, and they themselves always maintain the demeanor of a noble woman.And Yin Moli was the first to slash someone with a kitchen knife, and Su San couldn't be blamed for being frightened on the spot.Those who are ruthless are afraid of being violent, and those who are violent are afraid of dying. It depends on who is willing to spare.

Obviously, Yin Moli was the one who was willing to let go.

"What happened next?" Gu Fuyun hurriedly asked.

Qingjuan hurriedly said: "Although Miss Yin was stopped by the servant girl and Miss Su San escaped, but she was kicked in the face, and she was humiliated. She was about to cry and find the two princesses to make decisions on the spot. The young lady said, I was afraid that you would not go to the princess. She also ordered the maids who had already come this way to invite the two princesses to judge justice. "

Qingjuan imitated Miss Yin's tone, and said with a frosty face on her pretty face: "My maid has always been the one who knows the rules the most. She is a dignified daughter, but she even vented her anger on someone else's maid. Where did you come from? If you don't look for the princess, I will Also go find Princess Theory."

"The two princesses will come over soon." Qingjuan continued, "Miss Su accused Miss Yin's maid of not being able to walk and bumping into her. Why should she teach her a lesson? It's only right and proper?"

"Miss Yin's maid argued that Miss Su was accompanied by her mother-in-law, and there were two maids leading the way in front of Miss Su. No matter how short-sighted she was, it was impossible for her to pass the maid and bump into Miss Su."

"Miss Su said, I said you hit me, and I still wronged you? You dare to quibble, you really are a wicked servant, and I don't know how the Yin family disciplines their servants."

"Miss Yin said, even if my maid bumped into you, it would be a big deal to kowtow, just apologize. But when you came, you would yell and kill her, and even bit her tongue. Why do I think you are A guilty conscience, hitting you is false, killing people to silence is true. Then Miss Yin said to the two princesses, last time I was on the way to Shangxiang, the reason why I was taken away by gangsters, it turned out that the murderer behind the scenes was in Wu'anhou Mansion .And my maid happened to know about it."

"Miss Yin said, it's strange to say that my servant girl told me that the murderer was in the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, but then she ran into you, Miss Su, and you wanted to bite her tongue. Don't you just want to kill someone?"

"Miss Su naturally refuses to admit it, and said loudly that you are talking nonsense and nonsense." Qingjuan imitated Su San's exasperation, and pointed at Miss Yin, "Everything must be based on evidence, if you have the ability to show evidence."

Hearing this, there is no need to guess, Su San is already at a disadvantage.Yin Moli's maid bumped into someone, and Su San couldn't produce evidence, because of course the people around her couldn't be witnesses.Yin Moli then accused Su San of just wanting to kill people, and the reason was very good. On the way to incense, she was kidnapped by gangsters, and the Su family came to divorce the engagement.Then, Mrs. Su's mother and daughter attacked her in public, trying to force her to die.Today Su San used an excuse to kill her maid again.One by one, it is appalling and outrageous, and the two princesses are asked to decide for her.

Su San obviously panicked, but unfortunately her defense was weak.Miss Yin, who was in charge of Jiecou, ​​not only refuted her with reason and evidence, but also defeated Su San's questions steadily. In the end, she had to admit that she just didn't like Miss Yin and wanted to find fault with her.Just when she saw her maid walking this way, she wanted to take advantage of it, and wanted to give her a shame by cleaning up her maid.

Miss Yin, who held the moral high ground, took advantage of the victory to pursue her, forcing Su San not only to apologize to her in public, but also to pay the servant girl two hundred taels of silver as a shock fee.

And Su San lost all face, this is not over yet.The fifth princess was also annoyed and reprimanded Su San in public.And Zhu Wei who invited Su San also lost face, and sent Su San away overnight with a cold face.

Gu Fuyun regretted not being able to go to the scene to watch the wonderful scenes, but fortunately, Qingjuan has a talent for storytelling, and she reproduced the wonderful scenes of Miss Yin's hard-nosed Su San.

Gu Fuyun rewarded Qingjuan with half a penny.

Qingjuan took it with a smile, and said, "Miss, there is another piece of good news."

"you say!"

"When I came back, I heard someone say bad things about the girl. I was naturally angry, so I rushed over and scratched that person's maid."

Gu Fuyun was dumbfounded: "Whose maid?"

(End of this chapter)

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