In fact, Gu Fuyun was not reborn, nor was he the original owner himself, so he was not that strong about what Chu Rui did in his previous life.The reason why Lei Ting was furious was mainly to vent his anger on the original owner.

What's more, after becoming Gu Fuyun, this man also gave her a lot of sins, new hatred added old hatred, and he repaid them together.

That night, Gu Fuyun dreamed about the original owner again.

"Thank you."

Gu Fuyun said: "I am not all for you."

"No matter what, I still want to thank you. Only you can make this man submissive.",

Gu Fuyun said: "Didn't you say you want to be reincarnated?"

"Yes, I'm going to vote tonight. Seeing that it's still early, I came to see you. I just saw a good show, thank you."

"No, no, you'd better hurry up and reincarnate, don't miss the hour."

On the second day, she slept until she woke up naturally, and it was freezing and snowy outside, so Gu Fuyun didn't even want to get up.It was not until I heard that the eldest daughter of the mighty Marquis Su Lan was born that I had no choice but to leave the warm bed.

Gu Fuyun was stunned, and asked after a while, "When were you born?"

"Last night, it was around [-]:[-] Yin Shi. I heard that the birth went well. From seizure to birth, it took only three hours."

Gu Fuyun was silent for a while, time passed really fast, that Su Liu, even the eldest daughter was born.

Thinking about the dream last night, he sighed and asked someone to prepare a generous gift and send it to the Marquis of Wuwei.

"Madam, are you sending it in the name of the Duke's Mansion?" Looking at the heavy gift on the gift list, Qing Hong was a little hesitant.

Gu Fuyun said: "Naturally, it must be sent in the name of the Duke's Mansion."

"But just now I met Sister Shuqing, who said that Guanshi Xiaoli has sent a generous gift in the name of the Duke's Mansion." Guanshi Xiaoli is the man of Shuqing, and also the son of Chief Li in the outer courtyard. Li Youyin.

Qinghong's other meaning is that the Duke's Mansion has already sent a gift, and it would be inappropriate for Gu Fuyun to send it again.

Gu Fuyun thought for a while, then said: "Then, in my own name, send it to Mrs. Wei Wuhou Shizi." Mrs. Fang, the wife of Weiwu Hou Shizi, is the daughter of Mr. Fang and Mrs. Yahui.Gu Fuyun has a good relationship with Mrs. Yahui, so it is reasonable to give his granddaughter a generous gift.

Chu Rui entered the house with a large bouquet of wintersweet plums in his arms, and smiled at Gu Fuyun: "Daughter-in-law, the plum blossoms in the garden are blooming. I picked a few. Where do you see them?"

Looking at the flattering man, Gu Fuyun ignored him with a cold face.

Seeing this, the maid in the room quickly took the wax flowers and found a vase to put flowers in.

Chu Rui was not discouraged, and he stepped forward again, salivating and said: "Daughter-in-law, the Western Region plum blossoms transplanted in the yard are blooming, and they are beautiful. How about I accompany you to the backyard to enjoy the plum blossoms?"

Gu Fuyun said with a cold face: "No time. I still have to take care of the affairs of the village." Although there is no housekeeper now, and the affairs of Wanyuetang are also managed by Madam Qi, but she has to dowry the farmland and shop by herself. Take care of it.It's almost the end of the new year, and I have to meet with the shopkeepers of various villages and shopkeepers to check the accounts.

Gu Fuyun said to the maid beside him, "What time is it?"

Chu Rui hurriedly said: "Daughter-in-law, I have already met Wang Fushan Xianghai and others you want to see."

Seeing Gu Fuyun's gaze coming, he hurriedly said: "I have sent someone to the ice cellar for the several carts of New Year's goods that Wang Fushan sent. I know you like beef, so I specially bought a few catties of pork belly, bullock meat, and beef. The belly was sent to the small kitchen, at this time Qing'e must have been making beef soup."

"I have handed over the ledgers sent to the sea to Qian Senqiang from the outer courtyard. Qian Senqiang will review and clear them himself. The results will be available tomorrow at the latest. I also specially rewarded Xiang Hai with a basket of charcoal and a head of mutton. And two bolts of cloth. Wang Fushan was rewarded with fifty taels of silver. Shopkeepers such as Xu Xiaoping and Yang Yuanjun were also rewarded ten taels of money."

Gu Fuyun's eyes were full of suspicion, and Chu Rui quickly explained: "I went to Li Youyin's family, which is your personal dowry Shuqing, and she said that this is how you rewarded me last year. I just follow the gourd painting. "

Gu Fuyun was speechless for a while, for a big man, he did everything a woman did, which can be regarded as sincerity.However, as soon as I saw him, I couldn't help but think of the blame and the crime I had suffered before, and I became more ruthless, and said sarcastically: "It's hard for you, the dignified Duke, who can still take care of general affairs. Come on, this one It's your reward."

He casually picked up the sterling silver belt on the Kang table and threw it over.

This belt was specially made by Gu Fuyun. It was tied around the waist, and it could dispel the poisonous gas and moisture in the stomach. It weighed more than two catties.After wearing it for almost three months, it gradually turned black, so I took it off and cleaned it up before putting it back on.

Chu Rui took the silver belt and smiled wryly in his heart, but he said with a smile on his mouth: "Thank you, daughter-in-law."

The maid came in with a bowl of red dates and bird's nest porridge. Chu Rui quickly put the silver belt aside and took the bowl: "Daughter-in-law, I will serve you for my husband."

Gu Fuyun snatched the bowl, and said coldly: "Go to the side, don't get in my eyes here. It makes me upset when I see it."

Chu Rui made persistent efforts, and pinched her legs again: "Is your wife's legs sore? I'll pinch your legs."

The majestic Duke, such a dog leg, is not only hot on the eyes, but also quite dangerous. The maids in the room didn't have the guts to appreciate such a shameless side of the Duke, so they had to go out quickly and shut the door tightly.

The man's humility, flattery, apology, and frequent rubbing of his shoulders and legs, no matter how much Gu Fuyun was angry, his anger disappeared. He just thought about the crimes he had suffered, and his anger was still hard to get rid of. Let go.

The prince summoned Chu Rui, and added a burden to him, as a senior official of the third rank with real power.

But the prince also gave four beauties, saying it was his grace.

Seeing the Prince's half-smile face, Chu Rui gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, it happens that there are still many bachelors in the Duke's Mansion, and these beauties can relieve some urgent needs."

The prince said: "They are all concubines for you, and they must be your concubine."

Chu Rui immediately said: "Your Highness knows..."

"Know what?"

Chu Rui gritted his teeth: "Your Highness, I am afraid of myself! Your Highness's kindness, I can only accept it. I implore Your Highness to take it back."

The prince said seriously: "It is natural for a man to have three wives and four concubines, but Gu Wu is so unvirtuous? Is this okay? You are a lonely brawn, how can you be controlled by a woman? If you are isolated, let the princess concubine Gu's order for you call the shots."

Chu Rui almost exploded, but he knew that the prince clearly did it on purpose. He stared at the dignified prince for a while, and said loudly: "Thank you, Your Highness, for making the decision for me. I swear to be loyal to Your Highness, and I will spare no effort to do so." !"

Prince: "..."

Chu Rui said again: "I suddenly thought of one thing. The gangsters that the princess met on the way to incense last year were quite suspicious. I think it is necessary..."

The prince suddenly said: "These beauties will be given to you. Whether you want to be a concubine or not is up to you."

Chu Rui made a long bow and said loudly: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness!"


Faced with the third-rank military talisman that Chu Rui Pidiandian handed over, and the copper fish talisman representing the third-rank official, Gu Fuyun was surprised, and he played with the fish talisman and asked, "His Royal Highness is so quick?" Figured out?"

Chu Rui was slightly impressed: "How can you not know the prince's temperament as a human being in two lifetimes? Although he is suspicious, he is not violent. His temper is solitary, but he is also clear about rewards and punishments. I was born again, and I always think about him. Although in the Lin Shuang incident I stumbled, but I faced it frankly and did not step into the trap set by the prince, so I have passed the test."

"The crown prince set a trap?" Gu Fuyun was shocked.

Chu Rui smiled: "Do you think Lin Shuang was really imprisoned in the imperial mausoleum? If I really act, it will be really beyond redemption."

"When Lin Shuang plotted against you, you thought he didn't know? I secretly got rid of Lin Shuang's minions, and I didn't deliberately hide anyone. Lin Shuang was sent to the imperial mausoleum, and was secretly taken away halfway. Lin Shuang himself Xu is smart, relying on his identity as a reborn person and his brain that can calculate everything, he can mess up the situation, and eventually be crushed into dust by power. I am also a reborn person, if I learn from Lin Shuang and pretend to be smart, I will still die It's ugly."

In the end, Chu Rui concluded in one sentence: "If you stumble, you will stumble. It is embarrassing to capsize in the gutter, but no matter how smelly the water in the gutter is, you can just endure it. The difference is that some people insist on struggling desperately, but sink deeper and deeper. "

Gu Fuyun remained silent.Suddenly I thought of Tang He in the Ming Dynasty. Among so many heroes, very few were able to get a good death in the hands of a violent and ungrateful person like Zhu Yuanzhang.

Xiao Qian should not be the mean and ungrateful person like Zhu Yuanzhang, but when he thought about that gentle and handsome young man, when he was still the eldest son of Zhu, he handed over the jade bracelet in a vigorous and understated manner, with a gentle and polite voice; Salute with a smile, and call her "Sister of the Gu family".After becoming the crown prince, she was also the head of Anhe County. The younger sister of the Gu family called her with a gentle and elegant voice.

Later, after marrying Chu Rui, she changed her name to "Mrs. Gu", and her tone was still as soft as the spring breeze.

Who would have thought that this person would set such a trap against Chu Rui.

Is Chu Rui not dedicated enough to him?

For a while, Gu Fuyun lost interest, even became disheartened, and said to Chu Rui: "From now on, we must act in a low-key manner."

Chu Rui nodded, standing in the position of the prince, and testing him is also a pain for the superior.It's understandable, it's understandable, but emotionally, he is still quite incompatible. After this incident, he also fully understood that the titles of monarchs and ministers have been determined, and it is impossible for them to go back to the past.

Power makes people crazy, and it can change people's hearts.

"Princess Concubine, you have to be respectful at all times, and don't overdo it." Chu Rui reminded Gu Fuyun.

Gu Fuyun rolled his eyes at him: "It's up to you to say, from now on, you will be less likely to enter the palace." In front of the crown princess, she is just one of the many married women, and there is nothing unique about her.

Although the official was reinstated and even promoted to a higher level, Chu Rui still couldn't be happy.Thinking about the details of getting along with Zhu Gan, that friend who appeared to be gentle and refined, but in fact had a bad stomach, treacherous but sincere, has disappeared in the hall of power.Instead, the crown prince of a country who became more and more majestic, the emperor's mind became more proficient, and the art of controlling people was brilliant.

Chu Rui sighed, hugged Gu Fuyun, and murmured: "Ah Fu, I only have you now."

At this moment, Gu Fuyun did not struggle, but hugged him with his backhand.At this moment, the man took off all his pretense, without the grandeur of the Duke, without the arrogance bestowed by power, he was just an ordinary man who lost his best friend and could only seek comfort from her.

The women in the house can change their destiny by relying on men.But what about men?He can only move forward with the burden on his shoulders, without hesitation, and with no way out.

The society has given men the label of being strong and unyielding, so that they dare not bow their heads or admit their mistakes.But in this world, how many people can truly control their own destiny?

Many men, for the sake of their families, have to compromise with fate, bow their heads to power, and bow to snobbery.

Thinking about this man is actually not easy, all Gu Fuyun's resentment towards him is gone.

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