No matter how much he suffers this time, and how much his heart suffers, the Gu Fuyun in front of the world is still magnificent.

Entering the twelfth lunar month, the palace gave eight-treasure porridge, and on New Year's Day, Gu Fuyun had a big belly and was unable to enter the palace to celebrate, so he asked the palace for leave, but the empress and the crown princess each received their rewards.

Twenty-three-year-old Chu Rui is already a high-ranking third-rank official with real power in his hands.I don't know how many old seniors who are still struggling with qualifications are envied.

An official's promotion has always required a banquet to celebrate.

The Palace of the Protector of the Country was not exempt, although it was not organized in a big way, but many people came.In addition to the old relatives of the Chu family, there were also Chu Rui's old subordinates in the past, as well as the current subordinates and colleagues, all sitting at hundreds of tables.

This kind of banquet, which is full of guests and crowded with crowns, is quite a test of the ability of the hostess.But countless guests discovered that Gu Shi, who was pregnant, managed to successfully hold the banquet with ease.

The guests all cast admiring gazes and flattered and praised Gu Fuyun in various ways.

The two sisters, Gu Xiuyun and Gu Xiaoyun, who were planning to come to help, looked at the girl who was forbidden by her husband's house and had to fulfill her mission. While admiring her, she also had to obey.

Because Gu Fuyun is pregnant, she is no longer a housekeeper. She has the Duke's Mansion where the elderly are ready to take care of her. She only needs to make decisions and someone else will carry them out.Even if a guest had an accident on his own territory, and the servants did not dare to be professional and reported it, without Gu Fuyun opening his mouth, the aunts and sisters-in-law in the Chu family's clan ran more frequently than one another.No matter how difficult things are, they can be handled perfectly.

The middle-aged woman in front of her, who called herself Mrs. Yong, was the mother-in-law of Princess Yujun. Not only was she busy, she was also called to deal with the famous scene where two official wives were fighting on the spot.

Gu Xiaoyun then asked Gu Fuyun: "...This Mrs. Yong is a warm-hearted person." Every time the Duke's mansion entertains guests, she will be seen there.

Gu Fuyun smiled, and said: "Aunt Yong is recognized as a warmhearted person in the clan. Whenever there are people in the clan, Aunt Yong will ask Aunt Yong to help. With Aunt Yong, I don't feel panicked anymore."

Gu Xiaoyun looked envious: "You are very lucky to have such a friendly aunt."

However, Qiao lowered her voice and whispered in Gu Fuyun's ear: "I heard Shuqing mention it before, but Aunt Yong embarrassed you the first day you entered the house."

Gu Fuyun also whispered: "I broke it with a big stick and sweet dates."

Qiao Shi: "..."

Looking at the daughter who smiled softly, her skin was creamy, her face was white with a slight blush, as tender as a rose flower, so tender that water could be squeezed out.The hair on the temples is pulled high, and it is decorated with a pearl chain. There is a bauhinia flower head with a little emerald green in between the hair on the temples, and the hairpin with pearls and phoenix hairpins hanging from its head is fresh and elegant.Gentleness and softness.

As for the legendary Gu family, the young wife of the protector of the country, in the Chu family, she is vigorous and powerful, and her power is growing day by day, and the servants are all fearful like a tiger.The sister-in-laws are also as cute as cats in front of him.

Every time she heard these rumors, Mrs. Qiao was skeptical. She stayed in the Duke Protector's Mansion for half a day, and never saw her daughter lose her temper or put on a straight face.

But now, at this moment, when her daughter whispered "big sticks and sweet dates" in her ear, Qiao was dumbfounded and thought to herself: It really is groundless.

Aunt Yong left quickly and came back quickly, but after a cup of tea, she hurried over and told Gu Fuyun what had happened.

"...It turned out to be a general named Wei Xingzhi. He drank too much. On the way to go to the back garden to go to the bathroom, he saw a beautiful woman dancing in the back garden. He thought it was an actress supported by the Duke's mansion, so he went up and molested him. Wei When the wife saw it, she beat the actor without saying a word. Wei Xingzhi naturally felt distressed when he saw the beautiful woman being beaten, so he slapped Mrs. Wei. Mrs. Wei wanted to die."

Rich and noble families in the capital all have a hobby of raising actors and actresses, and the Duke's Mansion is no exception. The Chu family also has more than a dozen actors, singers, singers and actors, both male and female. Show skills and entertain guests.

The status of actors is low, comparable to slaves, they are not free, they are involved in business, and they have been lowly in business for generations, which is really tragic.If you want to get rid of the humble career and cross the class, you can only serve the rich and powerful. If you can be promoted as an aunt and give birth to a son and a half daughter, you will have support for the rest of your life.In addition, only with the grace of the master and permission to leave the nationality, can there be a chance to struggle upward.Otherwise, you can only spend your whole life in a lowly business, without seeing the future or feeling freedom.

It is also these actors who know their fate is ill-fated, so they naturally try their best to attract the attention of the rich and powerful, so as to win the one-in-a-million chance to improve.

No, this dancer girl named Yun Yin took off work and danced in the back garden to see if she could catch a rich husband-in-law.It was a pity that there was a big worm in the family, so he was slapped twice on the spot, and his clothes were also torn.When Aunt Yong went to rescue her, she was already naked and extremely terrified.

But Mrs. Wei is still relentless, thinking that the Duke's Mansion is lax in discipline and conniving at the actors to seduce the guests, so they should be killed immediately, or sold into a brothel, as an example to others.

Aunt Yong persuaded Mrs. Wei with all kinds of words, and ordered someone to tie up Yunyan and send it to the firewood room for custody. Then she persuaded Mrs. Wei to leave.Then he came to tell Gu Fuyun about it.How to deal with cloud smoke.

In fact, Gu Fuyun still had full sympathy for these actors, but sympathy was sympathy, and Yun Yan was lightly spared without being overwhelmed by the Virgin's heart.

If Yunyan's behavior is successful, he can follow Wei Xingzhi to enjoy a few years of good life, but if he fails, he will only be beaten to death.Because no host will tolerate privately seducing guests with tricks.

Gu Fuyun thought about it, and said to Aunt Yong: "It's been hard work, Aunt Yong, you should sit down first, drink some tea, and moisten your throat. Yunyan, it's just a trivial matter, it's not worth mentioning, there's no need to tire yourself out .” Gu Fuyun personally handed the tea to Aunt Yong.

Aunt Yong took it and drank most of it happily, before she said: "Daughter-in-law, don't underestimate this cheap hoof. You say she has no skills, but she can seduce men's souls and stir up troubles. You Let's say she has the ability, but she is from a lowly family and a lowly child. To be angry with this kind of person is to lower her status. But once this kind of person does something bad, it will be a disastrous disaster. In my opinion, you can kill her directly , once and for all."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "Aunt Yong is a person who has traveled more than I have ever eaten. Aunt Yong's suggestion must be reasonable. However, no matter how humble Yunyan is, she still has one life. That's it. Beating him to death, I really can't do it, so I have to accumulate some virtue for the child in my belly, right?"

Aunt Yong said: "You are kind-hearted."

Gu Fuyun smiled and said: "I don't have a good heart, but I just don't want to commit more crimes. Yun Yan tried to seduce a guest and was slapped, which is considered punishment. There is no need to kill her anymore. It's just like this People, but it is not suitable to stay in the Duke's Mansion anymore, in my opinion, it is better to send them out."

Aunt Yong said: "It's okay to throw it out, out of sight and out of mind." Then she said with pity on her face, "Dalang's wife is so kind. This is impossible. As the head of the house, you have to show your prestige. Kill Fengqi fiercely, otherwise there will be a next time."

Gu Fuyun said: "With Aunt Yong around, these people won't be able to pull off tricks, don't be afraid."

Qiao: "..." Looking at her daughter who opened her eyes and told lies, Qiao suddenly became worried. Does her son-in-law know that her daughter is so inconsistent?


Chu Rui's promotion is naturally a good thing for the clansmen, in-laws, and disciples who are attached to the Duke Protector's Mansion.

For Gu Fuyun, it was of course a happy event.

But when Nanny Qi led four charming girls to kneel in front of Gu Fuyun, begging for mercy, Gu Fuyun was in a bad mood.

The Huashan family glanced at the face of the mistress, while carefully modifying the wording: "...Rouge and Zixiao were rewarded by Concubine Lin, saying that they congratulated the son on his promotion, and specially gave two maids to serve the Duke and the prince. lady."

Gu Fuyun: "..."

Qi Momo swallowed her saliva, and carefully explained to the other two girls, "Yuqiong and Yu'e were sent by General Wei Chengzhi, the commander of the Beijing Army."

Wei Chengzhi, the eldest brother of Wei Xingzhi, the commander of the [-] Beijing Army, a senior general of the second rank, Chu Rui is on top.

Qi Momo said quickly again: "There are other colleagues who also sent beauties, but they were all rejected by the elder son, and only these four girls were left behind. Madam, in fact, our elder son is relatively... more restrained." It's..."

Gu Fuyun understood what Nanny Qi meant, for a powerful figure like Chu Rui who had real power in his hands, there were not many beautiful girls around him to serve him, so it would make people laugh if he said it.And it is normal for officials to give gifts of beauties.Chu Rui rejected all the rewards, but the face of the prince's side concubine and Shangfeng had to be given.So I can only accept it.

Chu Rui didn't show up, and only asked people to hand over the beauty to Gu Fuyun. In fact, it was not the scum that the readers thought, but a kind of respect for his first wife.

Moreover, the beauties sent by others are to relieve the mistress's worries and problems. After a woman is pregnant, she cannot serve a man. Concubine Lin and Wei Chengzhi are to relieve Gu Fuyun's worries.As the first wife, I have to thank others.

Gu Fuyun quickly turned around in his mind, put away his exposed displeasure, and said indifferently: "Okay, pack up the guest house and let them stay here, don't be negligent."

Qi Momo was stunned, and quickly asked: "The guest courtyard is quite far from the main courtyard, should Madam arrange them in the east wing?"

Wanyue Hall has a layout of five entrances, Gu Fuyun lives in the third entrance, five main rooms in three bright and two dark rooms, two side rooms outside, eight rooms in the east and west rooms, four maids live in the west room, and the east room in the east room. It is reserved for future concubines to live in.It was only twenty steps away from the main house.The man is in a good mood and wants to sleep with his aunt, so it doesn't mean he has to walk a long way, right?That would be too disappointing.Therefore, the general concubine's room is arranged in the same yard as the mistress.

Gu Fuyun could accept that men have concubines, but he couldn't accept that these women lived under the same roof as him, so he gave Qi Momo a cold look, and said expressionlessly, "Why don't you come and be your wife."

Nanny Qi immediately fell silent.

As soon as the four girls heard that they were going to be arranged in the guest room, one of them quit. The girl named Yanzhi, who was wearing a pink palace dress embroidered with bauhinia flowers, said in a soft voice: "Ma'am, the servant girl is specially given to Chu by Concubine Lin." From now on, he will be the son of the prince Chu, and he will be the ghost of the prince Chu when he dies. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to live in the guest room?"

Qingjuan sternly said: "Presumptuous, madam is the mistress, how does the mistress arrange you? There are reasons for the mistress. You are a lowly concubine, how dare you question it? Where do you have the guts? That's how Concubine Lin trained you? Are you talking back to Madam?"

Rouge quickly bowed her head and kowtowed, saying that she dared not.But she emphasized again and again: "Concubine Lin specially told her maidservant to enter the Duke's Mansion, so she must serve Chu Shizi well and relieve Madam's worries. Now Madam arranges the maidservant to live in the guest room, how can she serve Chu Shizi? Maidservant How to share the worries with the young lady? Please show the young lady."

Qingjuan was furious, and yelled: "You poor maidservant, shame on you!"

Gu Fuyun stopped the furious Qingjuan, and said to Miss Rouge: "There are many opportunities to serve the prince, not all of them have to be in bed to share my worries. Since you want to share my worries so much, how can I stop you? Caixia, Go and get the clothes that Shizi needs to change, and take her to the washing place."

Caixia's eyes lit up, and her voice was loud and clear: "Yes, ma'am."

Yan Zhi was dumbfounded, and hurriedly said to Gu Fuyun: "Ma'am, the servant girl is specially sent by Concubine Lin to serve the prince's pillow mat, not to wash the servant girl."

Gu Fuyun smiled at the crowd and said: "It seems that Miss Yanzhi has a lot of ambition. She doesn't do anything except serve the pillows and mats. She is indeed trained by Concubine Lin."

Everyone covered their lips and chuckled.

Gu Fuyun lightly said: "Okay, since you've already said that, I won't stop you. Please serve the man's pillow mat. Caixia, Yunxiao, let Rouge girl serve the prince tonight."

"...Yes." Caixia Yunxiao has served Chu Rui for many years, and knows the nature of men, so she would never touch them, and knowing that she looks embarrassed, even if she had any thoughts, she met the young lady and the young lady brought her After the dowry maid came, all the big ideas were gone.

Now a woman who is overconfident comes to snatch their errand, although she is not happy about it, she is more or less thinking of watching it as a joke.Decided to give the pair a blow tonight.

Seeing that the goal was easily achieved, Rouge was not without complacency.I feel that Concubine Lin thinks too highly of Mrs. Gu, no matter how unhappy this Mrs. Gu is, she dares not be unvirtuous.

The other three honestly let the mistress arrange to go to the guest room. Rouge felt that these people were really useless. With Concubine Lin behind them, what is there to be afraid of?

There was an evening wind blowing from the unclosed window, blowing the corner of Gu Fuyun's clothes.

Gu Fuyun straightened the beautifully embroidered shirt sleeves. It was a pattern woven with gold thread, and there were small bows on it. Each bow was inlaid with thin pearls and emeralds. Brilliant.

Such luxurious clothes had never been worn in the boudoir.After marrying Chu Rui, she changed clothes at will, and some even wore them once, then shelved them or gave them away.

The Young Madam of the Protector's Mansion is a real pile of gold and jade.

But God is fair, if you enjoy this luxury, you have to pay something.

For example, the man on the bed.

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