Chapter 404 Farewell
Under the night, Zhang Yunxi followed behind Cao Chunyuan, carrying several boxes of precious supplements such as ginseng and deer antler in high-quality packages.

For Cao Chunyuan, the actual effect of these expensive supplements may not be as good as the vegetables and fruits watered by her space spirit spring.

But this is the friendship of Zhang Yunxi's parents. She can't refuse it, so she can only accept it. Later, she will use the space spirit spring to cultivate a batch of precious vegetables and fruits as a gift in return.

Cao Chunyuan glanced back, seeing that Liu Shaorong and Zhang Weizheng were not following her, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She finally understood how Zhang Yunxi felt when he went to her house. The other party's parents were too enthusiastic, which was not a good thing, and it was too troublesome to deal with.

But this kind of happiness trouble can't be said. Once this kind of thing is said, it will seem that she is very hypocritical.

Cao Chunyuan lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Uncle and Auntie are too enthusiastic. When I come over next time, don't let them do this, otherwise I will be embarrassed."


Zhang Yunxi nodded. He also felt that his parents had gone too far, especially Liu Shaorong, who treated Cao Chunyuan better than his own son.

It's as if Cao Chunyuan is a daughter whom I haven't seen for a long time, it's too outrageous.

"In the future, I will find an opportunity to talk to them, and just treat them normally. Too much enthusiasm always seems wrong.

By the way, are you sure when you will go home? "

Cao Chunyuan shook her head and said, "There are a lot of things on the company's side, and it may take a few days, but my project in the south is about to start, so I can't stay in Yanjing for too long."

Hearing this, Zhang Yunxi frowned. The relationship between him and Cao Chunyuan has been confirmed, and he has met both parents, but the current situation is that he and Cao Chunyuan are busy with their own careers.

He has to be busy with the Walkman company, and Cao Chunyuan has more things to do. This time Cao Chunyuan is going to the south, and I don't know how long he will be busy.

If we say goodbye today, the next reunion may be several months later.

This made Zhang Yunxi, who had just tasted love, very uncomfortable. He didn't want to be separated from Cao Chunyuan, but he knew that he and Cao Chunyuan must be separated.

This very bad mood has been bothering him. With a dark face, he silently followed behind Cao Chunyuan without saying a word.

Seeing that Zhang Yunxi didn't respond for a long time, Cao Chunyuan turned her head and glanced at Zhang Yunxi. Zhang Yunxi lowered his head and kept a straight face, like a big grudge who lost money.

Cao Chunyuan tried her best to control herself so as not to let herself laugh out loud.

She found out that Zhang Yunxi had some emotions in the first place, and Zhang Yunxi also knew the parting this time, and it would be a long time before the next meeting, so he was dissatisfied with this situation.

At the same time, he also knows that both of them are in the rising stage of their careers, and now is not the time to get tired of being together every day.

Therefore, he could only keep this matter in his heart, sullen all by himself.

Suddenly, Cao Chunyuan discovered that Zhang Yunxi, who had lost his aloof and domineering president Fan, was so cute!

"Although I will go to the south for a long time, I will find a chance to come back to see you, and you can also go to the south to find me.

After I finish my work in the south, I will take a break and stop making big moves, and I should stay in Yanjing most of the time. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yunxi's eyes lit up.

Cao Chunyuan's current age is still very young. If she follows her previous style of acting, she may work hard for another 10-20 years.

But what Cao Chunyuan said just now broke Zhang Yunxi's perception of Cao Chunyuan. She is not going to continue to expand her business, and is going to be a boss behind the scenes with peace of mind.

This is somewhat inconsistent with Cao Chunyuan's previous behavior. Could it be that Cao Chunyuan is a person who gave up her career for love?
"You can be busy with your career, we can take some time to get together, there is no need to give up your career."

Cao Chunyuan smiled and shook her head. She is not a silly woman who gave up her career for love. Her set goal has been achieved, and the next thing is to expand the company.

Those things don't need to be done by her boss, and she is not a person who is particularly keen on hard work.

The reason why she gave everyone the image of a strong woman is because her background is too weak, and she has come a little bit from scratch.

That's why it gives people the illusion that she is very hardworking, diligent, and a career-oriented woman.

In fact, her biggest ideal is to be a behind-the-scenes boss who doesn't have to do anything. It is her dream to lie at home and count money every day.

Zhang Yunxi was overthinking, he hadn't reached the point where Cao Chunyuan could give up her career for him.

"I have been too busy for the past two years. I have been busy with my career. I really want to take a break."

Looking at Cao Chunyuan's serious face, Zhang Yunxi hesitated to speak.

In all fairness, Cao Chunyuan's career development is better than his, and even many ideas of Gemei Walkman were provided by Cao Chunyuan.

Cao Chunyuan didn't rely on the help of his family, but he did better in his career than Zhang Yunxi, the heir of the Zhang family. He didn't even know what to say.

In the end, Zhang Yunxi took a step forward and pulled Cao Chunyuan into his arms forcefully.

"In terms of material things, you don't lack anything, and you can buy everything I can give you.

All I can give you is a warm embrace and a strong backing. No matter when and where, I will stand by your side and protect you from the wind and rain.

When you are tired, I am your shelter from the wind and rain. I hope we can keep going. "

Cao Chunyuan, who was held in Zhang Yunxi's arms, had a small heart thumping, and she found that Zhang Yunxi in front of her was becoming more and more unreal.

In the past, Zhang Yunxi was cold and aloof, but the guy in front of him looked like a sunny boy.

The point is, this guy doesn't know where to learn a few rustic love words, although it sounds silly, but women just like to listen to these fooling words!
No matter how shrewd a woman is, she is still willing to listen to such irrelevant words from a man.


Cao Chunyuan nodded lightly and didn't say much.

Both she and Zhang Yunxi are smart people, and they both know the importance of their careers to them. It will be very easy for two smart people to get along.Everyone will tacitly take time out to create opportunities to meet.

Talking about how often we meet now and when we will meet next time is a child's behavior.

Adults are all in control. When thinking about each other, even if the other party is far away in a city, they will quickly finish the work at hand, rush to his side, and cuddle each other!
Ten thousand sentences about when I will come to you is worse than saying I am here!

"Okay, it's too late, you go back quickly, I will notify you before I leave."

Zhang Yunxi reluctantly let go of Cao Chunyuan, and before Cao Chunyuan could react, he leaned over and gave her a farewell kiss.

After an unknown amount of time, Cao Chunyuan pushed Zhang Yunxi away panting. She tidied up her clothes in a panic, and blamed, "Aren't you afraid that others will see you at your door?"

Zhang Yunxi greedily licked the corner of his lower lip and said, "It's okay, no outsiders will see it."

Cao Chunyuan's eyes fluttered, and she gave Zhang Yunxi a charming look.

"Damn it, I'm leaving!"

(End of this chapter)

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