Rebirth 90: I rely on farming to cultivate a master scholar

Chapter 405 Chunyuan Agricultural Research Center

Chapter 405 Chunyuan Agricultural Research Center
Sunday, February 1995, 4.

Cao Chunyuan returned to Qinglong City with 7 leaders of the scientific research team. Along with Cao Chunyuan, there was actually Han Bing, the leader of the scientific research team and the president of the Huaxia Agricultural Society, which Cao Chunyuan never expected!
In Cao Chunyuan's Chrysler car, Han Bing sat in the passenger seat, and Cao Chunyuan and Cen Shuhong sat in the back seat.

Han Bing, a bigwig in the field of agricultural research, naturally had his own car, but he gave up the car to Yan Zijia who didn't have a car, and he had the cheek to get into Cao Chunyuan's car.

The other party is a senior in the agricultural scientific research field and is about to join her own scientific research group. Naturally, Cao Chunyuan can't drive the other party out of the car, so she can only let Han Bing get in the car.

Coincidentally, Cao Chunyuan also wanted to inquire about how Han Bing and Xue Zhengchuan discussed it, how they assigned her so many bosses, and even Han Bing personally stepped in.

"President Han, how did you discuss it with Leader Xue, and why did you come here?
You are a senior in our agricultural scientific research field. If you go to my small scientific research center in this generation, you will not poke my spine if you let outsiders know about it? "

Han Bing waved his hand with a smile. He voluntarily joined Cao Chunyuan's scientific research project team.Moreover, this opportunity was won by him from others.

Everyone in the scientific research team was thinking about Cao Chunyuan's new project. In order to get this opportunity, he almost fell out with two seniors in the scientific research field.

Cao Chunyuan said this because she still doesn't know her appeal in China's agricultural scientific research circle. If Cao Chunyuan raises her arms now and says that she wants to carry out a new agricultural scientific research project, I don't know how many big shots in the agricultural scientific research circle are willing to join her for free research group.

Cao Chunyuan is just too young and has no intention of continuing to develop on the road of agricultural scientific research, otherwise she would have the strength to inherit the mantle of Academician Pei.

"Hehe, the strength of our agricultural scientific research circle speaks for itself, and any seniority is used to fool newcomers.

I am simply optimistic about your new scientific research project. In addition, Leader Xue is very concerned about your hybrid corn/wheat project, let me help you keep an eye on it.

At my age, half of the loess is buried, and I count on your new project to add luster to my life. "

Han Bing didn't hide anything, and told Cao Chunyuan bluntly that he was optimistic about Cao Chunyuan and thought that Cao Chunyuan's new project would make new breakthroughs, so he joined the Cao Chunyuan project team.

For Han Bing's straightforwardness, Cao Chunyuan admired it very much. Human beings are a complex of desires, and it is very normal to have desires.But it also takes a lot of courage to dare to speak out one's own desires without any cover.

Especially for a person like Han Bing who is in a high position and has achieved countless achievements, it is very rare to say such things.

Fortunately, his vision is very accurate. Cao Chunyuan has completed all three experiments of high-yield corn/wheat, cold-resistant corn/wheat, and drought-resistant corn/wheat, and the experimental results are very gratifying.

The thing to do now is to cross the experimental products of these 3 groups of experiments with other high-quality corn/wheat to breed more high-yield corn/wheat.

Cao Chunyuan's newcomers were not good at this kind of hybrid breeding experiment, so they could only be handed over to experienced seniors like Han Bing to lead the team.

There is space for Lingquan to know the truth, and her hybrid breeding experiment is bound to be a success.

Therefore, Han Bing made the right bet this time. He can use this project to leave a strong mark in his scientific research life.

"President Han, you are joking, when you were conducting agricultural research, my father was still a child.

After the launch of our new project, we also hope that you will support and assist our hybridization experiment to proceed smoothly. "

Han Bing raised his eyebrows slightly, and thought that Cao Chunyuan's success was not accidental. The words she just said were beyond the reach of ordinary scientific researchers.

Ordinary agricultural scientific research workers will regard the project as their own property, and the success of the project is their own achievement, and it has nothing to do with other people.

The high-quality seeds of hybrid corn/wheat were provided by Cao Chunyuan, and the experiment was carried out in Cao Chunyuan's laboratory. It can be said that Han Bing came here to pick up the credit.

But Cao Chunyuan is still very face-saving, and painted Han Bing's face with powder. This kind of witty words cannot be fooled by an old fox like Han Bing.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled like an old fox who just finished stealing a chicken.

"Xiao Cao, I found that you are not only good at scientific research, but also good at your mouth.

No wonder Academician Pei always praised you before, saying that it’s a pity that you didn’t take the road of agricultural research. If you take this road, the position of team leader of the Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department will be yours in the future. "

Cao Chunyuan shook her head with a smile, as the saying goes, a good word will keep you warm in winter, but bad words hurt you in June.

There is no conflict of interest between her and Han Bing. The combination of the two is to better complete the hybridization experiment. Naturally, she wants to make the relationship between the two parties more harmonious, so as to facilitate the experiment.

In addition, Han Bing's identity and status are indeed worthy of her compliments.

If it was ordinary fresh graduates from Yan University, Cao Chunyuan would directly knock them unconscious with money, pour some poisonous chicken soup on them by the way, draw a few big cakes, and the job would be over.

Language is an art that varies from person to person!

"President Han, you are a senior, so I won't be polite to you. I will trouble you to take care of the Agricultural Research Center. By the way, you can also serve as the director of the Agricultural Research Center.

Please worry about other scientific research projects, please take care of them by the way. "

"Haha, you little girl is really smart, you are planning to use me as a laborer!"

"Those who can do more work, you are a senior!"

"Haha, okay, then I will take this burden off my shoulders!"

"Excuse me!"

At 11:40 noon, Cao Chunyuan and a team of motorcades came to the Chunyuan Agricultural Research Center located in Qinglong Development Zone.

At present, the scientific research center has been completed for one month, but this is her first visit to her own agricultural scientific research center.

This project was personally responsible for the First Municipal Construction Bureau of Qinglong City, and it was a project that Song Min'an focused on.

In addition, Cao Chunyuan is willing to spend money, and the scientific research equipment is personally issued by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This scientific research center located in a fourth-tier city is no worse than Yanjing's large scientific research center in terms of investment and scientific research equipment.

When Han Bing and others saw the large-scale scientific research center in front of them, they couldn't help feeling that Cao Chunyuan had a lot of money. A scientific research center of this scale can conduct scientific research experiments at will without worrying about the experimental site.

"Mr. Cao, your experimental center probably has hundreds of acres, right?"

Cao Chunyuan nodded with a smile and said, "A total of 200 acres, including experimental areas, accommodation areas, dining areas, leisure areas, etc.

Everyone first makes do with it, if there is not enough space, I will buy all the sides, and then we will expand. "


Hearing Cao Chunyuan's rhetoric, everyone gasped. This is the charm of wealth.If you have money, you have confidence. Such a large scientific research center is still too small, and it is too exaggerated to buy the edge!

"Haha, no need, let's go and have a look first! Oh, by the way, I heard that the other two experimental groups are also in there, and our experiments are in the same direction. Will there be conflicts?"

(End of this chapter)

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