Chapter 214 Doomsday Rescue (14)

"It seems that the speed of action has to be accelerated."

Cheng Xun looked solemn.

Zombies are starting to appear.

If it wasn't for Chengcao to continue to tell him, it might take him a few days to react.

"What about Bailulu, what is your identity here?"

An Xu asked Bai Lulu.

Bai Lulu pointed at Cheng Xun, and said in a daze:
"I'm his sister."


Unable to hold back, An Xu laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Cheng Xun spoke with some displeasure.

"No, no, I just thought of something very happy."

Although the tone was apologetic, the smile on his face never stopped.

Suddenly became an orthopedic department, asking about Chengxun's psychological shadow area.

No wonder the two met each other as soon as they entered the game, it's no wonder they didn't meet.

In a sense, this is also a special magnetic field for the male and female protagonists to attract each other.

After giving the order, Cheng Xun asked his men to go to the hotel to bring An Xu's luggage.

He took Bai Lulu and An Xu home first.

"You guys go first, I'll come back later."

An Xu said to the two people who were already in the car.

"Why are you going, continue."

Bai Lulu asked her worriedly.

"Just go shopping, I haven't been to the capital yet."

He responded casually, and slipped away immediately after closing the car door.

She was going to the hospital to see the stewardess, not daring to let these two followers know.

If you know it, you must follow yourself.

An Xu said that she still prefers to act alone.

I took a taxi and clicked on the news again.

It seems that he was sent to the No.1 civilian hospital.

When they arrived, An Xu bought a bouquet of flowers, stopped a nurse at the hospital, and gave the name of the flight attendant.

Li Lanlan.

When she was handing herself a drink, An Xu saw her work card.

"Ah, you want to see this patient."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the little nurse's look of displeasure, An Xu asked the question knowingly.

"She looks like a rabies attack, but it doesn't look like it. Several doctors in our hospital are still discussing this condition."

"Ah, but she is my very good friend, I just want to see if she is okay."

Seeing An Xu being so sincere, the little nurse sighed and said:

"I can show you outside, but you can't go in. The hospital has regulations."

"Okay, thank you~"

Thanking the little nurse, An Xu took an apple to her.

Walking to the corridor of Ward 3, roars echoed.

"This is…?"

"Hey, this is your friend, she looks very mentally abnormal now."

After being taken to the ward by the little nurse, An Xu saw Li Lanlan who was tied up.

At this moment, she already looked terribly frightened, with bulging veins on her forehead and limbs.His face was pale, and he was about to approach gray-green indistinctly.

Opening his mouth and roaring continuously, the saliva in his mouth kept flowing out.

The eyeballs are bulging and bloodshot.

Standing outside were her parents. The two elderly people were teary-eyed at each other, staring worriedly into the ward.

"Hi auntie, I'm Li Lanlan's friend, come and see her."

He stepped forward and greeted the two of them.

Li Lanlan's mother had no intention of socializing, so she nodded to An Xu.

The two doctors in the ward were anxiously discussing countermeasures, and An Xu could hear their two weak voices discussing:

"What to do, the tranquilizer is no longer effective."

"It was still useful yesterday, why can't it be used today."

"Forget it, I'll go and deal with the wound bitten by her first."

"Well, you go, it's best to get a rabies vaccine."

(End of this chapter)

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