Chapter 215 Doomsday Rescue (15)

Ok?Has a doctor been bitten?

An Xu's face was pale, but his heart was serious.

The flow of people in the hospital is also very dense, and the stewardess did not know how many people she touched all the way to the hospital.

I'm afraid that the first outbreak is here.

Without further ado, An Xu quietly exited the hospital and asked the little nurse to take a few days off to rest before leaving.

As for whether the nurse will listen or not, I don't know.

I made a phone call to ask where Cheng Xun lived, and continued to stroll around.

Just thinking about the task gave An Xu a headache.

Salvation is really difficult, not to mention that the players cannot organize most of the people.

There are very few players who are big bosses like Cheng Xun, and most of them are ordinary people.

Then tell the government that the world is about to end?

Quickly take protective measures?

Unless crazy.

If you let the government know that a bunch of alien-like species suddenly came, let them do things.

I'm afraid I don't care about anything, so I'll find a way to kill the player first.

So for now, Cheng Xun can only quickly build a base and stockpile supplies.

However, solving the problem can not only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Virus antibodies are still needed to fundamentally save the world.

Although An Xu has studied genetic research with Professor Sheng for a period of time, he is only sixty or seventy sure.

or even less.

On the contrary, destroying the camp is much simpler.

So far, no players from the destruction camp have caused trouble. An Xu guessed that there is a limit.

Restrict them from directly attacking npcs.

Otherwise, it is impossible that there is no movement now.

Let's see if the players in the back can catch a player from the destruction camp and ask.

There was really nothing else to do, so An Xu bought two packs of snacks and went to the villa.

Cheng Xun lived in a large villa.

After counting the money in her hand, she spent all of it on online shopping.

I bought some for eating and drinking.

Since there is no way to stop it before the end, prepare supplies quickly!

"Tomorrow I will go to the professor of the Beijing Research Institute."

An Xu said to the other two while eating.


Bai Lulu is a little bit out of sorts, she and Cheng Xun have been busy with land affairs just now.

"The virus was developed by these people. I will talk to that professor tomorrow."

"Well, do you need someone to bring?"

An Xu was about to say no, but changed his words again.

"Bring! I want ten!"

On the second day, An Xu was wearing sunglasses, and ten black-clothed bodyguards stood behind him, heading for the institute in a mighty manner.

The security guards outside the institute looked dumbfounded.

This is not a martial arts gym, so why do they still have kicking gyms?

"Is the professor there?"

An Xu took off his sunglasses and asked the security guard.

It turned out to be Miss An.

"The professor is here today, I..."


An Xu waved his hand, beckoning several people to go in.

The security guards couldn't stop them.

After entering, An Xu saw the professor who had just washed his hands and was about to go to the laboratory.

"An Zhengxiang? Aren't you in your province?"

The professor looked surprised.

"Professor, this way please."

An Xu beckoned, and a bodyguard next to him dragged the professor into a room.

"Professor, we need to talk."

"What are you talking about, An Zhengxiang, I have already told you that we need to lay off staff, but I didn't lay off you, but transferred you away, which is very kind! What are you bringing these people here for now, to seek justice? ?”

"I already know what you are studying."

Regardless of the professor's rant, An Xu shut him up with one word.

The professor choked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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