Chapter 216 Doomsday Rescue (16)

He was worried that An Zhengxiang might overhear their conversation, so he transferred her away.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Knowing An Xu's reason for coming, the professor felt a little guilty.

"Tell you to stop research, do you know that you are harming all mankind?"

An Xu frowned, opened the news on the phone, and showed the professor.

"What are you talking about? Let's not say that you eavesdropped on state secrets, you tell us to stop researching now, where does such great power come from?!"

The professor took a look and didn't care at all.

What about their research?

Seeing that the professor didn't understand the news, An Xu rolled his eyes.

Opened the photo of the dead body in the pond to show him.

"Do you understand? You can't even handle these products well, and they have already polluted nearby creatures! You probably don't know yet, do you? These dead bodies will produce a virus, which will be contagious!"

The professor was visibly stunned.

And this thing?
After a while, he pursed his lips and said:

"Research cannot be stopped, we have reached the core stage, we..."

An Xu waved to him impatiently and went out the door.

After waving at several security guards, he headed straight into the research room.


The door was kicked open, and several researchers who were doing experiments inside looked at this gang of black people in bewilderment.

"I smashed them all, and piled up the ones with writing on them and took them away."

An Xu put on his sunglasses and ordered.

"Yes! Miss An."

"you dare!!"

The professor who came belatedly just heard that An Xu had finished speaking, and his face was red with anger.

"Since soft ones are not enough, I'll make them hard."

With a smile, An Xu said to the professor very draggingly.

If the society hadn't been completely in chaos, she would have kidnapped all these people.

The bodyguards smashed the bottles and cans in the research room, while the other one or two collected the information.

"What are you doing, what are you doing!"

The professor and other researchers all came to stop them, this is their hard work these days! !

But because of the confidential research, the less people know, the better.

There isn't even a supportive person in the research institute.

They could only watch An Xu leave with the information.

"Professor, we..."

"Report, report quickly!"

The professor's angry eyes were red, and he seemed to be ten years older.

When An Xu left, he threw a bottle of spray on the ground, and the milky white mist scattered.

After getting in the car, I immediately looked at the thick materials. I didn't care about the order at all, and I could read as much as I could.

The bodyguards were sitting not far away, looking at her in bewilderment.

Can this be remembered?
After about an hour, An Xu finally finished watching.

This research is really cruel. I don't know how many animals were used for research.

Without exception, they all mutated into monsters and died.

"After a while, it's all burned."

An Xu said to the closest bodyguard sitting.

The bodyguard immediately agreed.

But I muttered in my heart.

Didn't they go this trip today to grab these things?Why is it going to burn right now?

After returning to the villa, Cheng Xun stopped An Xu:
"We organized a small group of players."

"So fast? How did you organize it?"

"Weibo, we have been organizing it for a long time."


Did you post the post on the emotional microblog?

Cheng Xun didn't notice An Xu's expression, and continued:
"I also recruited an old acquaintance, who is also in the capital."

Can Cheng Xun and Bai Lulu be old acquaintances?
 Sui Sui Nian, why are there so few recommended votes recently?


(End of this chapter)

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