Chapter 224 Doomsday Rescue (24)

Not caring about the news on the Internet, An Xu looked at the microscope and took notes.

I was thinking about that comment.

Why do we have no symptoms of infection here?There are no people from the capital, why are they still infected?

An Xu clicked into the comment and read the ip address of the first person, and the city is far away from the capital.

Even if it's because of the spread of wild animals, it can't fly that far, can it?

I had doubts in my heart, until after reading the news the next day, An Xu finally reacted.

A player from the destruction faction who has never shown up.

"Virus infections are starting to break out everywhere! Including foreign countries!"

"Did the virus infect so quickly?"

Bai Lulu asked worriedly, their material work is not over yet.

"It's a player from the destruction camp."

An Xu sat on the chair and lightly tapped the table.

"Destroy the camp?"

Liu Heqing pushed his glasses.

None of the people in this camp made any splashes, and he almost forgot about them.

"Let the players of our faction go to the Internet to find news, and they will definitely find clues."

An Xu made a decision immediately.

It must be a trick played by the players of the destruction camp.

At present, there are more than 70 players who have arrived at the base. After receiving the news, they immediately searched for information online.

An Xu is also looking for it.

Cheng Xun also stared at the computer, and after a while he said to everyone:
"There is news, a video sent by a player."

Send it to the group, and everyone clicks to open it.

It was a man in black, who was throwing small animal carcasses into the garbage dump.

The accompanying video is:
"This man is so vicious, he actually tortured and killed many small animals!"

"It's a player."

Liu Heqing said immediately.

Anshu nodded.

She felt it too.

This bag of animal carcasses weighs at least two hundred catties, and it's not impossible for players to do it.

"Then what should we do?"

Bai Lulu looked at the video angrily.

The players of these destruction camps are too hateful!Torture small animals and poison them maliciously!

"I posted it online."

An Xu saved the video and forwarded it to Weibo with the text:

"Attention, please pay attention everywhere, there is a group of unknown organizations maliciously spreading viruses."

Her Weibo fans have almost reached [-] million. As an officially certified popular science account, the popularity should not be too high.

As soon as the video was released, it was immediately exploded.

"I rely on me, and there are still people maliciously spreading viruses???"

"Help, this is too cruel, and there are too many small animals in that bag."

"That's right, I took a closer look and there are still protected animals!"

"It's no wonder there have been virus outbreaks all over the place lately."

"Although it is very inappropriate to post now, can someone help? There are not enough supplies at home!"

The official accounts of various places also noticed the news, especially in the place in the video, Anhui Province suddenly became restless, and immediately sent armed teams to the place where the animal corpses were.

It ended up being located in an abandoned dump.

When the bag of dead animals was opened, the stench almost made the people present vomit.

Moreover, the animals looked strangely shaped, and they looked like infected animals.

Immediately issue a wanted warrant to catch the man in black.

Various places have also begun to investigate and monitor, and have discovered several poisoning incidents.

The action of catching "drugs" suddenly became mighty.

Quite a few players were arrested.

"These people are crazy, and they are still spreading the virus!"

"It is said that there are quite a few minors, I am afraid it is a cult."

On the base side, players like Anxu are also discussing.

(End of this chapter)

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