Chapter 225 Doomsday Rescue (25)

"The players of these destruction camps are very cunning, and even encouraged a group of NPCs to do things for them."

With his chin propped on both hands, An Xu narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Now foreign countries are also infected. It seems that the players of the destruction camp set up a big game of chess in the early stage."

Cheng Xun also looked gloomy, staring at the news on the computer.

This meeting convened all the players in the base. Seeing that the faces of these few were not very good, the rest of them did not dare to show their anger.

"My side and Ms. An still lack helpers, but we need professionals."

Liu Heqing pushed his glasses and said to Cheng Xun.

Cheng Xun gave him a reassuring look:

"It's okay. In a few days, the government will be unable to hold on and ask the business side for help."

An Xu arranged for the players:
"Soon the base will start accepting refugees. When the time comes, players with higher values ​​in the three items will lead the team. Mr. Cheng and Ms. Bai will arrange for you here. And those players with lower values ​​in the three items will recruit players online. Worried, let go and look for it.

Oh, and don't say whether the recruitment is to destroy the camp or save the camp, just say that the player comes to the base.

Then the two persons in charge I appointed were in charge of reviewing the refugees, mainly to see if there were any wounds or symptoms of infection on their bodies, and if there were any, they would be locked up immediately. "

"Good Miss An."

The rest of the players nodded.

"Players, please go to the rescue base in the capital to report."

An Xu posted this message on Weibo.

Now the base needs players.

Once the news was sent out, many NPCs were stunned.

Ask everywhere what a player is.

"The capital rescue base? What is this place?"

"What kind of place is this? Where is it? Is the condition to enter is to become a so-called player? The blogger made it clear!"

"So the blogger is saving the base in the capital?"

For a moment, the players from the capital rescue camp who saw the news immediately packed their bags and left.

Although it didn't say which camp it was, the name of the base contained salvation.

They are not stupid!
And it was posted by the popular science post guy, that's a player!
And the players from the rescue camp in other places were still glad that they were not in the capital, but now they are all regretful.

The one who posted the popular science post was actually a player!They are still players from the camp they saved!
That's the boss!
At this time, players in the rescue camp regard the capital rescue base as their base camp, and they all flock to it.

The rescue of the base was very lively all of a sudden.

And Anxu's phone call also received inquiries from government departments.

It seems that they tried their best to find her information.

"Hello, hello."

"Hello, is this Miss An?"

"Well, it's me, what's the matter?"

"We would like to ask about saving the base..."

An Xu gave Cheng Xun his mobile phone and asked him to talk to these old fritters.

Conditions were finally reached to send the refugees to Al Qaeda.

But the base is not subject to government interference and manages itself.

The government has no choice but to agree.

During this period of time, the supply of supplies is really insufficient, and the infected cannot be cured, and no doctors and nurses in the hospital are willing to go to work anymore.

Infected people have even wandered the streets in some places, and all the people in the city center have fled to the suburbs.

Cheng Xun also came to a research team to assist An Xu and Liu Heqing in their research.

Knowing that the conditions were fulfilled, An Xu immediately posted on Weibo.

"The rescue base in Beijing has begun to accept refugees. The address is in District xx. When you see the 20-meter-high wall, it is the rescue base."

 Thanks for the monthly pass of snow2022!Thank you Xingjuan for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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