"It's still the same, Miss An."

An Xu was not too surprised, he took the research records and looked at them.

The researcher next to her looked at her.

At first, their research team was very disdainful when they heard that they had to cooperate with two people to do research.

Because they are all unknown people, and their names have never been heard of in the scientific research circle.

As a result, after getting along with each other for the past few days, An Xu and Liu He Qing had conquered them.

These two are amazing!Sometimes the depth of the discussion makes them, a group of professional researchers, dumbfounded.

Especially An Xu, who has a photographic memory and is a walking encyclopedia.

Let them admire the five-body cast.

It also made them all think, why haven't they heard of such a powerful figure before?
A month later, there were basically no living people in the urban area, only zombies roaming the streets in twos and threes.

The living people all ran to the base, and the management of the base became more and more complete.

The management is basically players, and has also recruited a lot of npc employees.

Cheng Xun and Bai Lulu are dizzy and dizzy from busy work every day, while An Xuze and Liu Heqing keep researching antibodies.

Those who had vowed not to enter the base also handed in materials into the base in desperation.

There's no way, it's too dangerous outside now.

Players are assigned residential houses, and most npcs need to pay supplies if they want to live in them.

If there is not enough supplies, we will live in tents, which will be distributed by the base.

The shantytowns are patrolled by guards from morning to night, led by a player.

In the beginning, there were some people who made trouble and grabbed food, but after being locked in the basement and starving for two days, they were honest.

No one has set a precedent for making a major mistake and throwing the base directly.

No one dared.

Other provinces have also begun to establish bases, but they are not as comprehensive as the capital base.

After all, preparations began before the crisis.

The capital city government also established a base. At the beginning, many people went to the government, but found out after going there.

It's not as good as saving the base!
Players from other places drove to the capital as soon as the capital was unsealed.

Airplanes and high-speed trains have been stopped, and you can only drive by yourself.

At this time, the virus evolved successfully.

People infected with the new zombie virus will have 20.00% of human beings evolve abilities.

Therefore, a meeting was held to save the base, this time the meeting was for the people of the whole base:
"Recently, people with supernatural powers have begun to appear everywhere. I know that many people are eager to try this, but first of all, I would like to warn that the success rate of virus mutation is only 20%, and the success rate of the old, weak, sick and disabled is almost equal to zero.

If we find that someone is infected on their own in the base, we will drive them out of the base regardless of the reason.

If you want to be a hero, then go outside the base and let the zombies give you a claw, not inside the base.

And if the infection is caused by going out on a mission, stay and observe.

In addition, the base now has a channel for supernatural beings, and there are new benefits and treaties for supernatural beings.

Also, it is not that becoming a supernatural person can be immune to the zombie virus, the virus will continue to evolve, and subsequent re-infection will still lose it. "

After speaking briefly, the video of saving the base was also posted on Weibo.

Although there have been a lot of official popular science accounts during this period, they are not as authoritative as the Beijing Rescue Base in the hearts of the masses.

Some people also recognized that An Xu was the one who captured the zombies in the supermarket before.

She even picked out the owner of the authoritative popular science account directly!
And she looks like a high-level base!

It can be said that in this age when everyone is in danger, everyone needs a little spiritual relief.

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