All of a sudden, Anxu's popularity was frighteningly high, and the people regarded her as a goddess.

Her credibility is very high.

And the players of the destruction camp are still poisoning everywhere. After all, the npcs are ordinary humans, and they can't trap these players in prison.

Because of malicious poisoning, the number of zombies remains high.

If it weren't for Anxu, they would do a good job of science popularization and build a base first, and drive the government to copy homework.

I'm afraid that 80.00% of human beings will turn into zombies.

"Tell me, why don't these destroying players just use props to kill npcs?"

Liu Heqing said to An Xu who was recording,
An Xu looked up at him, his eyes seemed to say...

How could you ask such a silly question!

Seeing that An Xu's eyes were wrong, Liu Heqing smiled and added:

"I know that these npcs should have restrictions on players, but I don't understand that turning npcs into zombies doesn't violate the restrictions?"

"What you said, I guess it's because destroying the player didn't directly harm the npc, but indirectly, so it doesn't count."

An Xu cast a sloppy eye.

She knew the reason, but she couldn't tell Liu Heqing directly.

The Survival Game organization is fighting among themselves, but they all have the same purpose.

Don't want to oversaturate the number of souls.

If the players of the destruction faction kill the npc directly, then more souls will rush in, and after staying for a long time, a domain will be born.

This runs counter to the goals of both parties.

And An Xu guessed that a human being who becomes a zombie is equivalent to losing his soul.

There is no pressure on the organization.

It's so pitiful, those who become zombies have even been wiped out of their chances of reincarnation.

No wonder there is internal strife. According to the thinking of most people in this organization, it is estimated that they are biased towards global zombification.

But there will definitely be some people who feel that this is too cruel.

The two parties must have had conflicts for a long time, and the dungeon discussion process broke out this time.

Viruses have also begun to break out in foreign countries, and the situation is far less optimistic than Huaxia.

Most of them advocate freedom, happiness and unrestraint.

The infected people were not locked up, and the speed of infection can be said to be frighteningly fast.

It wasn't until almost 40.00% of the people were infected that they began to notice the seriousness of the matter!
If management is not enforced, it will become a kingdom of zombies!
Although An Xu spends his time in the research room every day, he occasionally goes out to do other things.

You have to give yourself a vacation!
The construction of the base is very complete, and it is a small society.

People kept saying hello to her along the way, An Xu sighed with emotion.

I've never been so popular before.

He obviously grew up on this planet, but he was never liked since he was a child.

Not to be seen by parents, not by teachers, not by classmates.

Everyone loves it now.

It's also the passage of time.

Wandering outside the door, I just walked to the newly opened clinic.

Nurses and doctors who used to be nurses and doctors lined up in a long line, preparing to interview for work.

There are many jobs in the base, including those responsible for base sanitation, security, publicity, and canteens.

But the salary of this clinic can be said to be the best except for the management staff!
As long as you are hired, you will be allocated a single room!

Everyone in line noticed An Xu in a white coat, and many of them shouted hello to Professor An.

An Xu didn't bother to correct the title.

At first they called her Sister An, but later the researchers called her Professor An, even Cheng Xun and Bai Lulu called her that.

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