It's just that the first-generation antibody was produced inexplicably and the news leaked out.

Cheng Xun took advantage of this to arrest several spies, and even one was the management of the destruction camp.

With just a little threat, the player spit it out.

But in case he was half-true or false, Cheng Xun posted a truth talisman on him.

Andy was also there.

"Tell me, how many people are in your camp?"

Cheng Xun held a gun to his head and asked expressionlessly.

"About two to three hundred people, distributed all over the world."

Only two or three hundred people?
There are four to five hundred players in the rescue base, not including other places.

"Please let me go, I can't do anything about it. I didn't want to do that at all when a hand slipped to the point of destruction."

This player started to cry as he talked, because no one doubted his words because of the truth talisman.

"Then you don't have to do things for the people in the destruction camp. After all, if you don't tell me, who will know?"

Bai Lulu frowned and said to him, even if this is the case, it's not the reason for him to harm others, is it?

"I, I really can't help it. The boss of the destruction camp is a fourth-level player. If you don't listen to him, you will die without a place to die!"

Level [-] player? !
There are still level [-] players in this level [-] dungeon?
Everyone was shocked.

"How much do you know about him, how much you know and how much you can say."

An Xu stepped forward to ask him a little anxiously, if it is really a level [-] player, it will be tricky.

You must know that Master Xu is only a fourth-level player!
"He will communicate with us through mobile phones. Anyone who doesn't listen to him will be found and killed by him."

After the player finished speaking, he seemed to be thinking about something and shivering.

Seeing that there was really nothing to ask, An Xu and the others didn't force him anymore.

After a long silence, An Xu spoke:

"The information about the antibody has leaked out, and he will definitely try to get rid of me."

Although Liu Heqing is also one of the researchers, Anxu's popularity is very high.

So it is she who is most likely to attract attention.

"You don't want to leave the base casually recently."

Cheng Xun is also worried that An Xu will be arrested.

Bai Lulu also nodded in agreement.

"No, I have to be the bait."

An Xu looked at them with firm eyes.

It's not that she wants to fight against them, but she guessed the cruelty of this fourth-level player.

If he doesn't show up all the time, he will go down and hunt down the players himself.

Before, he let his subordinates hunt and kill players because he had the arrogance of a high-level player.

But now, it is very likely that in order to let An Xu show up, he will deliberately disgust them and hunt and kill the players in the base.

Until An Xu showed up.

In this case, don't cause unnecessary casualties.

"I know what you're thinking, but this is too dangerous."

Liu Heqing pushed his glasses and looked at An Xu disapprovingly.

Cheng Xun's reaction was even more intense:
"No, I won't allow it."

"Yes, continue, we clearly know that he will come after you, so don't go!"

Bai Lulu held An Xu's arm, her eyes full of worry.

If something happened to her, I would really go crazy! !
"Of course I won't blindly die, it's just that I want to be the bait."

It is estimated that this fourth-level player thought it was a sure-win situation, so he was too lazy to launch an offensive against them.

It turned out that the players who saved the camp directly researched the antibody.

Now he is in a hurry, if he continues to be too lazy to care.

The task is afraid that it will fail.

"But it's too dangerous."

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