Just listening to it feels invisible pressure.

Seeing that these people still refused to budge, An Xu reluctantly took a dagger and slashed his hand.

The wound healed instantly.


Bai Lulu covered her mouth in surprise.

"My ability, so don't worry, I can't die."

Seeing this, Liu Heqing and Bai Lulu reluctantly agreed.

It's just that Cheng Xun still disapproved:

"It's okay if this is a level three player, but this is a level four player! We have never faced such a strong opponent! If something happens to you, how can I explain to my parents, and..."

And you are my sister, how can I let you stand in front of me? !
Before Cheng Xun finished speaking, he slammed the door angrily and left.

Bai Lulu patted An Xu and chased him out.

"Your brother is also worried about you."

Liu Heqing also patted An Xu on the shoulder.

"I know."

An Xu rubbed his eyes helplessly.

In the end, it was decided to let An Xu lure him out, and during this time, Cheng Xun and Bai Lulu kept secretly organizing stronger players.

"I can feel him coming."

The keenness of the five senses made An Xu realize that there was an unprecedented coercion in the capital.

After hearing what An Xu said that the player was coming, Cheng Xun's hands trembled.

"Just tomorrow."

Anshu continued.

Now that you're here, let's fight.

As the saying goes, life and death have fate, and wealth depends on the sky.

She was never afraid of death.

The first generation of antibodies has been developed, and it is only a matter of time before the final antibody samples are developed.

"Continue, you must be careful."

Bai Lulu's eyes were reddish.

"With me here, I will save you in one breath."

Liu Heqing was half joking.

Cheng Xun remained silent.

The next day, An Xu set off with a small team.

Cheng Xun and the others followed quietly with the players.

An Xu took a car by herself, she didn't want to harm others.

Then the car drove all the way, but there was no response.

The players who followed all the way also found it strange.

An Xu is not in a hurry, he will come.

The fourth-level player must have known there was an ambush, but this was his best chance.

After the antibody was developed, he didn't have much time left.

Just as the car was about to hit the road, An Xu's alarm bell beeped!
"Xu Xu, he's here!"

Pippi shouted nervously in his head, his heart was about to lift.

An Xu turned over and jumped out of the car, turned his head and saw that the car was already on fire.

"Be alert, be alert!"

The captain of the team gave orders, but An Xu ran away at this moment.

"Professor An!"

The captain called her anxiously.

"This stinking girl."

Cheng Xun clenched his fists and directed the players to follow.

When An Xu was running, he felt that the coercion was on top of his head.

There is a sound of objects breaking through the air,

An Xu hurriedly turned over to hide, but was still struck on the back.

All of a sudden, the whole back was burning with pain.

After standing still, he looked at the half-empty person.

It's that level four player.

"It's okay, you can avoid me with two tricks."

There was a hideous scar on the left side of the fourth-level player's face, which spread to his neck.

"Anyway, he's still a level four player, so there's no need to play dirty."

An Xu felt the wound on his back was healing, and mocked him with a pale face.

"If you are stubborn at this time, then I will compare with you."

The player withdrew his whip and swung his fist at An Xu.

An Xu hurried to block, at this time Cheng Xun also arrived.

Just as he was about to support everyone, the fourth-level player smiled contemptuously and threw out something.

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