"I'm really excited. Some players reacted so quickly to build a base, and finally developed an antibody!"

All the way down, the players are all sighing.

Those who have not entered the game are very confused.
What the hell?

what are you guys saying?
Especially level four players.

If you guessed right, there are only two level [-] players in this dungeon.

"Are there many players in this instance?"

Wen Zhengsong browsed the forum with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I don't know either."

Wen Qingqing didn't enter this dungeon, but more than half of the third-level players in their organization did.

Casualties were probably one or two.

It can be said to be very low.

"This is the first time this has happened."

Wen Zhengsong rubbed his chin, what do you want to do in this game?

But this dungeon income is very considerable, many people's basic income is more than [-] points.

There is even a dedicated section for the copy of Doomsday Rescue, and I hope there will be another copy of this type next time.

"The boss who can develop the virus antibody is probably a leader in the scientific research field! After all, those professors in the NPC world have not researched it."

"It's no different from God."

Here, An Xu, whom they have blown into a god, is looking at the panel happily.

A lot of points, a lot of points hehe.

"Name: Cheng Yu continued [third-level player]

Age: 18
stamina:? ? ?

Intelligence value: 80
Strength: 100
Currently available points: 171 (30 points for main missions, 100 points for side missions)
Props: [Disposable protective shield] (passive prop, level d) [love gu] (level d, upgradeable) [question machine] (not enough authority, temporarily unavailable) [time watch] (active prop, level c) [ Magic Sand Dagger] (special item, not owned by survival game management) [judgment baton] (active item, level c) [spiritual sleeping pill] (active item, level d) [spell of jealousy] (active item, level d) [rubber potion] ] (active item, level d) [vicious toad] (active item, level d) [compressed biscuit] (active item, level c) [silver moon bow] (active item, level a) [anti-poison capsule] (active item , grade c)
Ability: Water Moon Mirror Flower, Flesh Regeneration (Passive)

Time to open the next copy: 60 days

Players are not allowed to use props and abilities to mutilate, insult, and kill non-players and players in the real world, otherwise they will be obliterated. "

Wow! ! !
A full 130 points! ! !

I hurriedly sent a message to ask other people, and found that I was the highest.

The main quests are all 30 points, and the rewards for side quests vary.

But Liu Heqing and himself are both researchers of antibodies, why is his lower than yours?
An Xu speculated that it might be because of the popular science posts he made earlier.

Sure enough, good people get rewarded!Ha ha!

[The cutest little apprentice]: "@士公@士师We are well developed!!! A lot of points!!!"

[Master]: "I didn't expect that the third-level dungeon could have such a high income."

[Master]: "A full 130 points, who else!!!"

[The cutest little apprentice]: "Damn, this is too much. The rich woman hugs her thigh!"

【Master】: "Your strength can be greatly improved."

An Xu stared at the screen and smiled, and Master Xu called in the next second.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"What happened to the props you used to transform in the copy?"

No matter how Master Xu thought about it, he felt that the prop was a bit weird.

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