"That, it's a C-level prop,"

"Just C-level?? The power is not inferior to A-level at all."


At that time, she passed out directly, and she didn't know what to do after using the props.

"It is absolutely impossible to tie with a level [-] player after using the C-level props, and all the bones in your body are broken after you use up the props. I used the props to help you block Liu Heqing's inspection."

In other words, if it wasn't for the regeneration of flesh and blood.

Maybe die? ? ?
The dungeon is different this time, the wounded person is still there when he comes out.

Then this prop is deceitful!
"So, I almost died?"

"Strictly speaking, if there is no regeneration of flesh and blood, you would have died long ago."


OK no difference.

it's the same.

Nothing can cover up the fact that this prop is deceiving people.

"Be more cautious when using props next time."

"Good master."

After speaking, An Xu hung up the phone.

Really tired.

He collapsed on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

By the way, your props can be upgraded!
Clicking on the interface of Love Gu, An Xu spent a hundred points to upgrade it to c-level.

[Love Gu, c-level, upgradeable props!It costs 200 item points. C-level love Gu can control players or npcs of the same level, with an 80.00% success rate!Control high-level players, with a 20.00% success rate.Cooling time, 30 days. 】

Huo, with 80.00% success rate.

Double the effect!

It can also control advanced players, although the success rate is very low.

And the word bewitched has also become manipulation.

Is this prop finally going to be used? !

Seeing that there are two more props on the panel, even one is A-level!An Xu clicked on it.

[Silver Moon Bow, regardless of the enemy's level, can break through any defense.The use time is 1 minute.Note: When the player level is approved by Silver Moon Bow, it can be owned permanently. 】


What do you mean, this bow still chooses its master, and it can only be used for 1 minute.

Forget it, A-level props.

She endured.

[Anti-toxin capsule, removes any toxins of c-level or below. 】

This is so useful! ! !
There are many props. An Xu sold the compressed biscuits and the rubber prop.

She was starving, and compressed biscuits were useless.

The rubber feel doesn't work either.

A total of thirty points were harvested.

The balance is just enough to be able to upgrade a level.

Click to upgrade, Shuiyue Jinghua.

A middle appeared behind Shuiyue Jinghua.

It seems to mean becoming an intermediate.

[Shuiyue Jinghua, elementary and intermediate level.Can control any reflective object, copy the reflective object, and last for 5 minutes.If it is reflected by liquid, the time is doubled. 】

Well, it's getting longer.

But also very good!When fighting with Kriti, it is super powerful! !
Wait, she seems to have found a bug.

If you copy the Silver Moon Bow by yourself, the main body will disappear after 1 minute.

Wouldn't the clone still have 9 minutes? !

Hahahahaha! !

This ability is really fragrant.

By the way, my school seems to be on holiday?
I'm about to usher in my first vacation in another world.

[Master]: "I'm going on vacation soon, and it happens that the dungeon interval is two months. Shall we go on a trip!!!"

[The cutest little apprentice]: "I agree, I agree!!"

【Master】: "Okay, take a look at where you want to go, I will make a strategy."

Smiling, An Xu fell asleep.

Squint squint.

On the second day, I brushed the tourist attractions around the school.

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