Okay, now they're all kicked out.

So along the way, one car was laughing and laughing, while the other was silent.

Liu Heqing stared out the window the whole time.

"Aren't you going to introduce the scenery to us?"

Master Xu looked at Liu Heqing and asked.

Cheng Xun also said professionally with a smile:
"Let's introduce."

Don't think they can't see it.

This brat is interested in An Xu.

The eyeballs are going to grow on other people's bodies.

One is An Xu's elder brother, and the other is An Xu's master.

The two said that I disagree with this marriage!
Because they are all related to An Xu, Liu Heqing is unavoidably a little nervous.

But he said that the introduction of the scenery was not a lie, so he really said it all the way seriously.

My mouth was dry when I got out of the car.

"Drink a bottle of water."

Master Xu smiled and handed him the water.

stinky boy.

The others got out of the car and were stunned when they saw the majestic Miao Village.

"It's spectacular."

Lu Yu couldn't wait to take some pictures with the camera.

"Really, I saw a photo of Miaofu on my phone."

An Xu looked at the girls wearing Miao clothes around him, and he was eager to try.

"Want to wear Miao clothes? Follow me."

Liu Heqing took the two ladies to the place where Miao clothes were rented.

In order to better integrate into the Miao Village and have fun together, except for the two girls, everyone else put on Miao clothes,

"So lovely."

An Xu stared at the silver jewelry and couldn't help fiddle with it.

"Yes, yes."

Bai Lulu also liked it very much.

Miao clothes cost 20 yuan an hour, and the clothes several people wear are brand new.

Lu Yu directly bought them all.

"I don't like wearing what other people wear."

Very flamboyantly expresses the bearing of your son.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lu is generous."

An Xu smiled and looked at the clothes on his body, the more he looked at them, the more he liked them.

Go to the booked hotel, it is a bamboo house.

It is very ethnic minority style, with many horns and silver ornaments hanging on it.

While everyone was packing up, An Xu went outside to get some air.

It feels a little stuffy in the bamboo house.

Standing outside the door, a Miao man suddenly came up and said something to An Xu, and gave her a string of silver bracelets.

But An Xu didn't understand what he was saying, so he let out an ah in confusion.

But saw the little brother ran away directly.

"Hey, your bracelet."

This bracelet is really pretty, An Xu kept it and prepared to return it to him next time he saw it.

"Who did you call just now?"

Liu Heqing also came out, but he wanted to find An Xu.

"Just now a man suddenly said something to me, I didn't understand it."

"That should be a soil seedling."

"Soil seedlings?"

What do you mean?
"It is the Miao people who were born and raised in the Miao village. This Miao village has two areas. One is the Miao family's own village, which tourists cannot enter. The other is a separate area for tourism.

Tumiao generally do not speak Chinese, so they all speak Hmong. "

Liu Heqing was indeed well-informed and solved An Xu's doubts.

"Can't speak Chinese? You can't stay in Miao Village forever."

"Tumiao has a rule that you can't leave the Miao Village for the rest of your life. The most you can do is wander around the tourist area."

"That's it."

An Xu nodded clearly.

"Master! Let's go, I'll take pictures for you and Sister Lulu!"

"Come on, come on!"

As soon as he talked about taking pictures, An Xu became interested.

After waving to Liu Heqing, he ran to find those two.

That young man was directly left behind.

And that bracelet was put in a box by her.

Probably that little brother didn't expect An Xu not to wear such a beautiful bracelet.

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