After taking the photo, Bai Lulu went to the toilet on the way.

After going back to have dinner, everyone rested.

They all went back to the room and took a nap, and when everyone woke up to have dinner, they found out.

Bailulu was gone.

This big man just disappeared.

Cheng Xun was the most anxious, looking everywhere, and even used props.

Although An Xu knew that nothing would happen if Bai Lulu was the heroine, he was still looking everywhere.


It's Bailulu's voice!
Looking back, the smile froze on his face.

Why did Bai Lulu hold a boy's hand?
It's over, if Cheng Xun saw this, he would have to kill this man.

"What are you doing, why are you holding this man?"

Stepping forward to pull Bai Lulu over, An Xu looked at the man.

Wearing Miao clothing, dark skin.

It looks very simple, it should be a soil seedling.

"His name is Adong, continue, I think I have met my true love! I want to marry him."



As smart as An Xu, he immediately sensed something strange,

With a stiff face, he dragged her back to the hotel.

And the soil seedling didn't move, just looked at the two with a smile.

"Continue, why are you pulling me away, I want to be with A Dong."

Bai Lulu wanted to break free from An Xu's hand, but the next moment she was hugged by another person.

It's Cheng Xun,
"Lulu, where did you go? I'm so worried about you."

Cheng Xun nervously looked at Bai Lulu, and was relieved to see that she was fine.

"Don't hug me, A Dong will be angry when he sees it."


Now it was Cheng Xun's turn to be stunned, it sounds like a man's name.

Anshu swallowed,
This is a crematorium, I feel that Cheng Xun's face has become terrifying.

Quietly pulled Cheng Xun over and said:

"I suspect that this village is very strange, Lulu said. Don't worry, wait until I notify the rest of the people to come back."

After listening to An Xu's explanation, Cheng Xun temporarily suppressed the pain in his heart.

At this time, his girlfriend was spitting out another man's name, which made him feel like his head was full of grass.

When the others came back, they were stunned when they saw Bai Lulu calling A Dong all the time.

What's happening here?
Is Cheng Xunlu a tourist wife gone?

"Don't you think this symptom is very similar to Chen Chuliang who was bewitched by love?"

Liu Heqing stroked his chin and looked at Cheng Xun.

Cheng Xun also eased from his emotions.

Indeed like.

"The key is, how did Lulu get bewitched?"

This is what An Xu didn't want to understand.

Everyone spends most of the day together.

"She ran to the toilet by herself while the picture was being taken."

Lu Yu suddenly remembered and told An Xu.

Oh yes.

Could it be that he met someone during this time?And then trick her?

I have also met soil seedlings...

Wait, that bracelet.

An Xu went up and opened Bai Lulu's sleeve, and sure enough, he saw a silver bracelet.

Pulling it off, I saw that she hadn't returned to normal.

"I also met a soil seedling who gave me a bracelet today, but I didn't wear it and put it in the box."

But I want to complain in my heart.

Why is this Bai Lulu not defensive at all!
"Lulu, I'm Brother Cheng."

Cheng Xun stepped forward to try to wake up Bai Lulu.

Liu Heqing went to hold An Xu's bracelet and look at it.

Eventually a tiny worm was found curled up in a silver bead.

The worm was red all over, and it was about to get into Liu Heqing's palm, An Xu said at this moment:

The bug suddenly stiffened and belched.

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