"Your ability is really useful."

Liu Heqing looked at An Xu approvingly.

"You can only bully and bully little bugs."

After An Xu finished speaking, he looked at the delirious Bai Lulu.

What's the matter, Gu worms are her blind spots in knowledge.

"Continue, can you also kill the Gu worms in Lulu's body?"

Cheng Xun looked at An Xu pleadingly.

"I, I don't know where the Gu worm is now, I can't use the spirit speech technique."

"I have the Gu Hammer."

Liu Heqing spoke at this moment.

An Xu looked at him in surprise,
This man is so lucky!The first dungeon opened this item.

"But there are restrictions, and she needs to cooperate with me. Now this situation..."

Cheng Xun's originally ignited hope was extinguished again.

"I have props to manipulate her."

An Xu suddenly thought of the props he had just upgraded.

After saying this, the two looked at each other and nodded.
The two of them have an unknown tacit understanding.

Taking out love gu, this is the first time An Xu has seen what love gu looks like.

The whole body is dark red, and there are small wings.


The love gu flew to Bai Lulu's ear, and then got in.

It's pretty scary looking.

"I won't dare to mess with you anymore, Master."

Lu Yu swallowed, watching this scene.

Five seconds later, Bai Lulu became quiet and stopped calling for A Dong.

His eyes stared blankly ahead.

"How can I cooperate with you?"

An Xu could feel that he could control Bai Lulu with his consciousness.

And her gaze can be received by herself.

"Let her recite silently in her heart and leave my body, shouldn't it be okay?"

Liu Heqing asked with some concern.

An Shubi made an OK gesture.

Fortunately, she can control the mind.

After finishing, Liu Heqing waved the imperial Gu hammer, and found the location of the Gu insect through Bai Lulu's inner voice.

Has climbed to the brain.

Controlling the Gu worm all the way back to the wrist, it got out.

At this time, the worms were several times bigger than before, and An Xu immediately used the spell of speech.


Love Gu was also taken back by her.

Unexpectedly, it was the first time for Bai Lulu to use the props of such a vicious female supporting role.

Really vicious female supporting role! !
Bai Lulu slowly opened her eyes, and immediately hugged Cheng Xun and cried.

"Brother Cheng, I'm sorry, I don't want to do that."

"It's okay, Lulu, as long as you're okay."

Cheng Xun hurriedly comforted the weeping Bai Lulu.

It seems that Bai Lulu is very clear about what she is doing, but she can't control her body.

"This village seems to be looking for something strange."

Master Xu looked at everyone.

If it wasn't for An Xu not wearing that bracelet, the two girls might be in trouble.

Can't stand it.


Cheng Xun clenched his fist angrily.

Almost my sister and girlfriend ran away with Tu Miao.

An Xu also took the opportunity to teach Bai Lulu a lesson:

"Aren't you stupid? You're such an adult, and you still pick up other people's things. Didn't your mother teach you not to take things from strangers?!"

"I was wrong. I thought he was a hospitable Miao family, so I put it on."

Bailulu's eyes were red and she kept wiping away tears.

Silly and sweet.

An Xu nodded her head, hating iron for not being steel.

"I checked it here, and it really is not just this time."

Cheng Xun handed the phone to An Xu.

The rest of the people leaned over to watch.

Some media have indeed said these things, some female tourists come to travel, they will fall in love with the simple and honest Miao guys, and then marry and live here.

It was even passed on as a good story.

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